Not so good news !!!!!!

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Don't know about PA, but here in Illinois if CWD is found in a given County, any deer farms within that given County are not allowed to move any deer out of that County!
Here in Missouri they told me when CWD was found here that EVEN if my farm was DOUBLE FENCED it WOULD NOT matter! I would still be in the same boat..........I told the State vet that's ********!.............If I had gone above and beyond to keep MY deer separated from the dreaded nose to nose contact the "EXPERTS" are always throwing at us and had taken every precaution that I could to keep MY deer separate from the States herd.........It would all be fore NOT ..........I would be thrown under the bus regardless !

She told me she felt for me and my situation but its just the way it is!
Wow, I am in Blair County, I just got done being quarantined in December. I had a feeling I should have quit back then.....I hate this crap, What a complete joke, Time for round 2 of quarantine for me.
when the vet from the dept of ag was here, I asked him what he thought the chances were they would ever see a case of cwd in captive white tails in Ohio, he said more then likely 99.999% never will but that if 1 was found, you could be sure they(dept of ag and the gov't) would use that farmer as the example/prop for the reason why the disease is being transmitted and would go more then out of thier way to make an example of him.(prosecute,fine,regulate,etc.)

I say its more like the gov't needs to protect me from THIER infected animals they call thier resource. My deer are my resource and I have to test, and monitor mine, they dont test every deer killed from the wild during hunting season, but I am made mandatory to check a pen kept one.............

good luck guys, we are all gonna need it!
Isn't it interesting that they are already setting the stage to blame a deer farm in the press release by mentioning the other places that were tested, even though those deer were tested negative?! I will add this, though: the deer may have been shot somewhere else and taken to a butcher shop in these counties, so we don't know too much about what counties/locations may be affected by this.
Yeah Jeff you are's only going to get worse once the research is done like where exactly the deer were shot...and then how far they were transported and where the remains were discarded.....I'm not looking forward to the next few they say there are a lot of tests from the wild deer that have yet to come mentioned before.......something just doesn't seem right........all these years they have been testing the wild deer for CWD and then now that there has been a deer farm test positive .......all of a sudden they have wild deer test positive..........we are at the mercy of what we are being told......
Just thinking outsoide the box here but maybe this could turn out to be a good thing. Meaning that now Pa will be on the list with every other state that has CWD positive testing and will also show(Like every other state has) That CWD will not do any harm to their wild population.

Look at Wisc and Ill and Iowa They all have made the top 5 in the B&C club the last few years and have taken record numbers of whitetails all after the so called experts said the sky was going to fall. I have heard people (Hunters) laugh at CWD because of what it has not done. The public will get this sooner or later and the Govt,DEC,DNR and any other club will lose all credibility and power when trying to make more laws.

Like this elk move they are going to do. That will be more ammo for our lawyers to use to fight this Govt ran crap. I just hope we can hold on and fight this stuff that long!
Very good point Mike........but we are going to have to take our lumps initially and that's going to stink........but in the long run let's hope you are right.......
In 2001 shortly after CWD was "discovered" in WI the DNR said that because the disease was so "highly contagious" and "always fatal" if drastic measures to eliminate it from the wild the entire population in WI would be eliminated in less than 20 years time. Yet here we are 12 years later and we have record deer populations. They don't know **** about this disease and all they are doing is using it to further their own agendas.
IndependenceRanch said:
In 2001 shortly after CWD was "discovered" in WI the DNR said that because the disease was so "highly contagious" and "always fatal" if drastic measures to eliminate it from the wild the entire population in WI would be eliminated in less than 20 years time. Yet here we are 12 years later and we have record deer populations. They don't know **** about this disease and all they are doing is using it to further their own agendas.

Thats just what i was gettin at and if(when) every state gets it and life does not change and whitetails just keep growing in record numbers and there still are thousands of car deer wrecks along with special DMAP tags they give farmers because of crops getting tore up. They will have nothing to fight with!
I too find it disturbing that CWD is announced (or hidden) because some man or woman in a lab somewhere has all the power to do so. How many "positives" were swept under the table in PA in the last 10 years because it was not yet in the captive herds in PA. Now that it has been discovered in pens, time to start bringing the wild positives out of the woodwork, blame all goes on the shoulders of the deer farmers.

Like mentioned, If we can hang in there for a few years, CWD will be just "old news" to our hunters, they will be tired of hearing about it on the news and in the papers, they will be tired of being forced to take their harvest heads to check stations, and they will start seeing CWD makes no difference on our herds health at all. The hunting public will lose interest and simply won't care anymore. That will help us deer farmers.

I too wish every state would just get it already, lets get it over with so we can all be one happy CWD infested community, lol.
In Missouri our Dept. of Conservation held CWD INFORMATIONAL meetings with the Puplic But Did NOT want ANY of those points that shed a different light on the FACTS and MDC AGENDEA and if you tried to tell the FACTS your were qiucly told that WE were only twisting the FACTS to fit our AGENDA!

Its seems the general public takes what they are told about CWD to heart........When they see SO called experts withe their little charts and graphs and wearing suits and ties putting out free refreshments and handing out pamphlets............We have a difficult time changing many folks minds!

We always seem to be retreating from the topic with the public instead of meeting them and changing their hearts and minds with THE FACTS about OUR deer and OUR Business and how WE as an Industry are being railroaded and regulated out of Business
Brookfielddon... Just say cwd was found in my herd and I was in a infected county, wouldn't a lawsuit against your state be in order? There deer infected my deer!! And if they don't want this to happen they should pay me to double fence! I think they better use 10 ft. Fence also!!!!!!!
Guys, Dispel what the DNR is saying right now.

On the APHIS [USDA] report page 22 paragraph 2 states "the scientific knowledge we have suggests that CWD is not highly infectious"

On page 23 "movement of animals under [part]81.3 already presents a low risk of spreading CWD, even without considering the low risk associated with the pathway of transportation through a state".

USDA has reports out there stating CWD is not highly infectious. USE IT !!!

In Pa. you will have town hall meeting set up by the DNR in the coming weeks. Get prepared. We have been through it. You WILL catch the DNR in out and out lies and half truths. If you confront them in public, caught in a lie, the public will start to discredit them very fast. I have seen it happen.

Good Luck, You have a lot of friends out here that can help you.

Gary Olson
IndependenceRanch said:
In 2001 shortly after CWD was "discovered" in WI the DNR said that because the disease was so "highly contagious" and "always fatal" if drastic measures to eliminate it from the wild the entire population in WI would be eliminated in less than 20 years time. Yet here we are 12 years later and we have record deer populations. They don't know **** about this disease and all they are doing is using it to further their own agendas.

Couldnt agree more with this. They made/still are making bafoons of themselves. I mean seriously, at that time they already knew the average life expectancy in Wi wild herd was 1.5 years. Doesn't leave much time to chronically waste away in my opinion. These morons are my continued motivation to change there system thru the eyes of a deer farmer. I honestly wouldnt be suprised if some of these individuals didn't understand how or what CWD is...
You guys mentioned Wi and our DNR's comments about how CWD would wipe out the deer population in a short period of time yet that same DNR allows and somewhat supports 1250 + wolves to roam, kill and eat our wild deer when they themselves said Wi could handle and support 350 wolves at best ! Now what kind of morron allows 1250 + wolves in a state or area that they themselves said could only handle 350. If Wi was sooooooo conserned about CWD wiping out our deer herd and they'd do just about anything to us to protect those wild deer why are they now allowing 4 times the number of wolves to live off those very same deer they wanted protected at any cost ? BECAUSE they put that cost of testing and testing on us not them , not the public but US !! We are doing all the testing or the vast majority of it yet our state who promised the piblic to protect our deer herd and but the blame on the deer farmers for CWD now feeds those very same deer to 4 times the amount of wolves that very same herd can support ! Makes no sense to me , hell none of this stuff adds up !
Wooden acres said:
You guys mentioned Wi and our DNR's comments about how CWD would wipe out the deer population in a short period of time yet that same DNR allows and somewhat supports 1250 + wolves to roam, kill and eat our wild deer when they themselves said Wi could handle and support 350 wolves at best ! Now what kind of morron allows 1250 + wolves in a state or area that they themselves said could only handle 350. If Wi was sooooooo conserned about CWD wiping out our deer herd and they'd do just about anything to us to protect those wild deer why are they now allowing 4 times the number of wolves to live off those very same deer they wanted protected at any cost ? BECAUSE they put that cost of testing and testing on us not them , not the public but US !! We are doing all the testing or the vast majority of it yet our state who promised the piblic to protect our deer herd and but the blame on the deer farmers for CWD now feeds those very same deer to 4 times the amount of wolves that very same herd can support ! Makes no sense to me , hell none of this stuff adds up !

Well, up until last year Wolves were under the Endangered Species Act in WI. So the DNR really isnt to blame for that, they have been fighting in court with Anti-groups for years trying to de-list the wolf. Wolves arent the issue either, its bears.

Our DNR is a huge issue, like most other states, but back to CWD. Wasnt it last year that a sheriff shot a buck and it took until MARCH to be tested and identified as positive? If it was a deer from a farm though, they would have been up our back door the day after it died. Double standard if ive ever seen one. I wish all deer farmers in PA the best of luck, Ryan Rodenkirch
I dont know it for sure. But I think La. is shut down for a while for importation of whitetail deer. I am dissapointed as many are. But we have to protect our state from the best I got out of it. I understand to a point.
I hear ya Chris but I hate to say it but it's just a matter of time....look at Texas.....they did the best they could to protect themselves (Closed Borders)......didn't work........CWD has no boundaries

.......I don't think it ever has.......someday they will come to realize this.....I just hope we can hold on as an Industry until they figure it out!!!

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