Wayne is right, it would be nice to have a lot of shooters, however if space is limited you can be self sufficient with 5-10 quality bucks a year. I sold 5 bucks last year and that covered all the feed bills plus more. I have a herd of 30-40 deer each spring (before counting the new fawn crop) I usually live breed anywhere from 8-12 does a year to one or two different breeder bucks. A herd this size will cost me at least 8,000 $ a year to feed. That's counting my breeding herd, a couple doe fawns that I hold over, a pen of yearling buck, pen of button bucks, pens of 2 & 3 year old bucks.
A lot of guys highly recommend starting with a few high quality bred does, that a great option. I personally started with three does and a breeder buck. It worked well for me, but it still took me three years until I had deer to sell. Be prepared to wait for at least three years to sell some stocker bucks.
My Best advice to you, if you have the funds available now, take some farm tours, ask lots of questions, then get busy building pens this summer. As soon as you get deer your going to wish you did it years ago, it's a lot of fun, lol.
Good luck, keep the questions rolling. The best way to research is to ask questions. If your in PA or close by your welcome to visit my farm anytime.