Oldest shooter buck?

Deer Farmer Forum

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Aug 22, 2014
Montgomery, AL
I realize most attempt to sell shooter bucks at 2 years old, some at 3. I wonder if anybody has had experience selling a shooter buck at 4 or 5 years old? We have a buck we were considering selling who will be 4 this year but just damaged his antler. If he does not grow out well this year we may have him another year. Does it matter how long they have been in captivity once you release them into a preserve?


Not at all. The look is all that matters. A big thick mature buck is great. I prefer 3 to 4 year old shooters. 2 year olds look and act like 2 year olds regardless of the horn size. Many experienced hunters are not looking for a 2 year old. Rookies in a preserve will shoot anything. They have never seen deer with horns that size.

I had a hunter pass on a 190 inch 2 year old last year because he looked to young. He shot a 176 inch 3 year old standing 20 yards from the 2 year old.
The other bucks in the preserve will change a tame deer attitude in a hurry. If they stay tame the other bucks kill'em. It is best to not introduce deer that are used to humans. There is always the fear that one stays tame and acts tame around hunters in the preserve.

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