Our President

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Look back four years ago......maybe your working now and I am very happy for you.....but I have news for you....there are a LOT less working today than there were four years ago.....AND we are MORE in debt than EVER! I am SO tired of the blame game on Bush....It's been 4 years just as you stated and WE are not better off as a country than we were then.....So that says it all!
Wow......you have anger issues.....must be a Democrat thing........yeah your great president bailed out Solandra too......oh wait they went Bankrupt......that was a great move no wonder we are soooo far in debt....as I said, good to hear your working ......but there are many more without work NOW than there where when Bush was in Office........And we are even more in debt than we were 4 years ago......Your so called President promised change.......what a joke he changed Nothing....Just made things much worse for a lot of people.......facts are facts DUDE......look at how many people are unemployed.....way more than when Bush or any other President ever before was in office.......let's hear their stories.....guess they don't matter as long as your working.........God help us all if he should get re elected........he certainly does not deserve it!!
Bush and Obama were pitiful. They both spend like drunk soldiers. The real problem I have with Obama is he does not live what he says. Helping the needy starts in your own family. Obama has a brother living in poverty, George Obama, who has asked for help to be trained to get a good job but his brother, our president will not help him. All he wants is power.

The worst problem we have is the congess. We need term limits so bad it hurts. 90% of our politicians are self serving. I vote non incumbent almost always.

I completely understand how you feel if he bailed out your company but if you were part of the coal mine industry, which he is determined to destroy, you may feel a lot different.
ddwhitetails said:
Wow......you have anger issues.....must be a Democrat thing........yeah your great president bailed out Solandra too......oh wait they went Bankrupt......that was a great move no wonder we are soooo far in debt....as I said, good to hear your working ......but there are many more without work NOW than there where when Bush was in Office........And we are even more in debt than we were 4 years ago......Your so called President promised change.......what a joke he changed Nothing....Just made things much worse for a lot of people.......facts are facts DUDE......look at how many people are unemployed.....way more than when Bush or any other President ever before was in office.......let's hear their stories.....guess they don't matter as long as your working.........God help us all if he should get re elected........he certainly does not deserve it!!

i do not have anger dude,he not my president and i never said he was great,i said he saved my job and thouisands more,if he had not done that there would be more out of work.bush was an asshloe just like you.i not a democrat.you seem to think it 1 man running the show but it is many people.you dude you are joke.you think you know it all you know nothing.

the people of this great country will decide in november.

i bet your sorry ass drives a one of those jap cars also.

like i said you so f'in smart you run for office.
tri county your language shows your character........you don't have anger?? Read your post above ...LOL......to be completely honest with you I drive a Ford truck......that would be one of the few companies that refused a bail out from our Government that has helped to put it in the great Debt it is currently in. I never once said it is one man running the show......look back you will see when Bush was in office he had a Democratic congress to deal with his last four years no wonder he couldn't get anything accomplished......oh and just so you know....I don't think Bush did a great job by any means but he was light years ahead of the goof in office now.....there were many more people working in this country when he was in office than there are now!!....at least he believed in his Country......I certainly hope you are right about the people of this great country coming forward and voting this fall and NOT all of the Illegals and losers that are able to work that are currently on welfare.......because if that happens Obama will Lose!! Might want to curb your tongue a little on these posts as there are lots of kids that read these threads my son included!! Trust me your immature comments mean nothing to me anyhow......

You can't make this stuff up. Read the NY Times Oct 13, 2011 to verify ownership.

Do you know the park in NYC that the Wall Street protesters occupied ?

It's Zuccotti Park.

Did you know this park is NOT owned by the city of New York ?

It's owned by Brookfield Properties.

Brookfield Asset Management received an Obama Department of Energy Loan guarantee of over $160 million within 10 days of approving the take over of the Park.

Brookfield is a Canadian company with assets of 70 billion. Google it . . . It's all on their website !WHY is the US Taxpayer guaranteeing a loan to a VERY rich Canadian company ?

Who was just hired by Brookfield Properties as an attorney ?

Vice President Joe Biden's son ! WHOA ! !

Who sits on the board of Brookfield Properties ?

NYC Mayor Bloomberg's live in girlfriend.

Now, guess what company just received some of the last of the Obama Stimulus $$$$$$$ ? ? ? Com'on . . . it's not that tough . . .

Thaaaaaaaaaaaat's right . . . Brookfield Properties.

Isn't life great in America ? ? ?Especially when you are connected to OBAMA/BIDEN ? ? ?

Now, guess what . . . on a completely unrelated note . . . Wisconsin is shaping up to be the swing state in the 2012 presidential elections. Not Florida . . . Not Ohio . . . But Wisconsin

Now, guess who owns the company that will be tabulating all the electronic votes in Wisconsin ? ? ?

Thaaaaaaaaaaaat's right, the biggest contributor to Obama, the puppeteer George Soros. Whaaaaaaaaaaaat a coincidence !

And now for a quick refresher in World History:

Remember what Stalin said . . . "He who votes does not have the power. He who counts the votes has the power"

Does this sound like the Chicago Way ?

You bet !

Is the average American taxpayer going to get screwed ?

You bet !

Is the average American taxpayer ever going to rise up & chop off the head of the serpent that continues to prey on them ?

We certainly can't count on our elected officials to do anything !



I'm curious also .......has there ever been so many security leaks under one administration as there has under this one? If I was a betting man i would bet not! What scares me the most is people whether Republican or Democrat don't see what this Person (Obama) is doing to this Country.......some people are so wrapped up in their political parties they could care less what's happening to this country as long as their party wins........This administration has done nothing for this Country where they deserve another 4 years......I am concerned for my son and the country he may have to live in should Obama win.......
I guess tri county left in a hurry...tried to send him a message but he is gone......I certainly hope we all don't feel the way he does.....there sure wasn't much backing on the subject like there is when a straw of semen is on the line......Sorry folks....but there is a lot more on the line than a straw of semen.......with the up coming election....it is kind of up setting to see the lack of interest in where our Country is headed......just my opinion.....
Tri County must have figured he'd been on here too long, as he'd had 14 posts. I agree, though-this is no place for that sort of language.
Democratic Convention Schedule:

2012 Democratic National Convention Schedule - Charlotte , N.C.

4:00 PM – Opening Flag Burning Ceremony – sponsored by CNN

4:05 PM – Singing of "God Damn America " led by Rev. Jeremiah Wright

4:10 PM – Pledge of Allegiance to Obama.

4:15 PM – Ceremonial 'I hate America ' led by Michelle Obama.

4:30 PM – Tips on “How to keep your man trustworthy & true to you while you travel the world” – Hillary Clinton

4:45 PM –Al Sharpton / Jesse Jackson seminar “How to have a successful career without having a job.”

5:00 PM – “Great Vacations I’ve Taken on the Taxpayer’s Dime Travel Log” - Michelle Obama.

5:30 PM – Eliot Spitzer Speaks on "Family Values" via Satellite

5:45 PM – Tribute to All 57 States – Nancy Pelosi

6:00 PM – Sen. Harry Reid - 90-minute speech expressing the Democrat’s appreciation of the Occupy Wall Street movement, and George Soros for sparing no expense, for all that they have accomplished to unify the country, improve employment and to boost the economy.

8:30 PM – Airing of Grievances by the Clintons

9:00 PM – “Bias in Media – How we can make it work for you” Tutorial – sponsored by CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times

9:15 PM – Tribute Film to Brave Freedom Fighters incarcerated at GITMO – Michael Moore

9:45 PM – Personal Finance Seminar - Charlie Rangle

10:00 PM – Denunciation of Bitter Gun Owners and Bible readers.

10:30 PM – Ceremonial Waving of White Flag for IRAQ , & Afghanistan

11:00 PM – Obama Energy Plan Symposium / Tire Gauge Demonstration / You too can get rich with Green Investment bankruptcies

11:15 PM – Free Gov. Blagovich rally

11:30 PM – Obama Accepts Oscar, Tony and Latin Grammy Awards

11:45 PM – Feeding of the Delegates with 5 Loaves and 2 Fish Obama Presiding

12:00 AM – Official Nomination of Obama by Bill Maher and Chris “He sends a thrill up my leg” Matthews

12:01 AM – Obama Accepts Nomination as Lord and Savior

12:05 AM – Celestial Choirs Sing

3:00 AM – Biden Delivers Acceptance Speech
I watched every minute that I could of the GOP Convention. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm feeling the "hope and change" I didn't feel when that was in fact the Democratic platform four years ago. I thought the GOP really sent the message last night and tonight, and there has been an incredible surge of electricity among those who sit to the right of the bubble in the last couple of weeks. I had little hope of much change six months ago, but now I have a restored confidence that Obama will sink back to Chicago in January! I think that when the debates get started, Obama and Biden (especially the loose-tongued Biden) will go down in flames! Wish Clint Eastwood would have been a little sharper, but a good addition, nonetheless.
Whoooooaaaa Wait we don't want Obama to come back to Illinois!!!!! Defiantly don't want him as president, but send him to Pakistan or Indonesia not back to Illinois. We have enough bad politicians we don't need him back!!!!!

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