I do not have the facilities nor the number of does that would be needed for a meaningful test. Since you mentioned the results you have had with AIing at various intervals after removal of CIDRS, I will note that I have kept detailed records for the last 3 years on my AI does. One of the variables that I am noting is the time from CIDR removal til the AI is done. I have heard the theory that waiting towards the end of the window to AI will increase the number of bucks whereas AIing at the begining will increase the number of doe fawns. Right now my sample is too small to come to any conclusions. Here is what I can tell you - the year that I ended up with the highest percentage of doe fawns, my does were the fattest they have ever been going into the breeding season AND I had crowded them into a small pen to take advantage of the theory that crowded does have more buck fawns. (that obviously didnt work!) I am not sure what the complete answer is but I tend to believe that it could be possible through various practices to influence a doe herd to give birth to 70%+ buck fawns year after year. We just have to keep plugging away and testing different theories.
I kinda got off topic when I brought up flushing and nutrition and body condition of does. You are right, this does effect conception rates and even number of fawns born per doe. However I am not so quick to dismiss the idea that it cant also effect sex ratios. Mother Nature has things in place to combat various issues such as climate and habitat conditions that we will never fully understand. You could be right in that a buck produces X and Y chromosomes and it is simply random which one fertilizes an egg but I am not going to give up on trying to manipulate my does towards having bucks fawns. Good luck!
I do not have the facilities nor the number of does that would be needed for a meaningful test. Since you mentioned the results you have had with AIing at various intervals after removal of CIDRS, I will note that I have kept detailed records for the last 3 years on my AI does. One of the variables that I am noting is the time from CIDR removal til the AI is done. I have heard the theory that waiting towards the end of the window to AI will increase the number of bucks whereas AIing at the begining will increase the number of doe fawns. Right now my sample is too small to come to any conclusions. Here is what I can tell you - the year that I ended up with the highest percentage of doe fawns, my does were the fattest they have ever been going into the breeding season AND I had crowded them into a small pen to take advantage of the theory that crowded does have more buck fawns. (that obviously didnt work!) I am not sure what the complete answer is but I tend to believe that it could be possible through various practices to influence a doe herd to give birth to 70%+ buck fawns year after year. We just have to keep plugging away and testing different theories.
I kinda got off topic when I brought up flushing and nutrition and body condition of does. You are right, this does effect conception rates and even number of fawns born per doe. However I am not so quick to dismiss the idea that it cant also effect sex ratios. Mother Nature has things in place to combat various issues such as climate and habitat conditions that we will never fully understand. You could be right in that a buck produces X and Y chromosomes and it is simply random which one fertilizes an egg but I am not going to give up on trying to manipulate my does towards having bucks fawns. Good luck!