Again, not to beat a dead horse here, but I hope those reading me were reading between the lines a bit, and understood my direction here. Im not accusing anyone of anything, of course. No doubt the problem is what it is. Those white fawns, for example, were a very visible and vulnerable target, no doubt. Here by me even crows can become very effective predators, believe it or not. Ive also personally watched a coyote climb straight up and over a chain link fence. Predators are smart for sure. Thats why we as farmers must learn ways to discourage or minimize our chances at losses like this. Calling them buzzards and saying we can shoot them when they are in fact turkey or black vultures, federally listed birds of prey, will get us trouble though.
I wont cave to those who do not approve of us, but I was just using this as an opportunity to discuss the real facts, and as a friendly warning between friends. I hope I wasnt misinterpreted.