For Sale Pure Rocky Mountain Bighorns for sale

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Apr 4, 2009
Vaughn, MT 59487
There might be a buyer out there that is interested in Rocky Mountain bighorns so thought I'd place some up for sale. These are bottle fed and very friendly. Some of my adult females were from a zoo in TN and some from a Zoo in South Dakota. We are always using different rams for our breeding program so have good genetic diversity in our sheep. Adult rams will weigh about three hundred pounds and ewes will be about 145 pounds. Not many of these for sale. They were born in April and May. Price is 5,000 for either male or female. Here are some pictures taken a few days ago. Thanks for looking. Just PM me if interested.
I've always said we should diversify in the stock we raise so when one type is hard to sell another will make my year. That is why I raise bighorns, mule deer, whitetail, rocky MT goats and hybrid sheep.


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Not much as most are sold. Might have a few yearling bucks and buck fawns later in fall after everyone picks up their orders.
We have sold ten female fawns for 2018 but buck fawns are open for sale at this time. If you wish to buy female mule deer fawns you should do that soon as I will be sold out by the first of the year I'm sure. Most will be pure northern mule deer.
All the mule deer we sold last year in Mo, PA, ILL, OH are doing fine at their new homes. All the does had fawns which are also doing fine even the ones back East so we are happy about that.
On my desert crosses we will be using a buck called Patron for LAP AI. He is a son of Excalibur who was 280 SCI and 38 inch's wide. We will back up with a buck called Kiabab Ranger who is also a son of Excalibur. Both bucks are DNA'd to Excalibur. Here is a picture of Patron, he is the one with a fellow holding his mount.
We hope to get some semen from bucks like this one from one of our outfitters this year so we can use it for an out cross on my does..
We have sent in all our desert/northern does for DNA just a few days ago and when that is done we will DNA this years fawns to those does and the bucks we used which were Excalibur, Patron and Padrino and Kiabab Ranger.
I just remembered we have a yearling 50% hybrid mule deer doe. Because I raise my whitetail and mule deer bottle fawns together they will cross more when bred naturally. Might be someone interested in her. We will LAP AI her with clients semen or use ours if you want. Just PM me on this site if interested. Jack


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Thank you all sheep and mule deer are sold. All 2018 mule deer fawns are sold.
All adult mule deer does are sold. We will have a few 2018 lambs for sale yet. Thank you buyers
We have some new 2018 pure bighorn lambs for sale. They are on the bottle so will be very tame. Here are some pictures of them.


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Beautiful animals. Deer and sheep are my absolute favorite animals. How much will the stone sheep and the pure bighorns go for?
We sell the stone sheep for 3500 and the rocky bighorns for 6,000. We do have hybrids of the same and sell ones that don't look pure for 2,000. The little stone ram has been sold. We will let the buyer have him in fall when he is weaned.
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The sheep look interesting to raise. do you have to have a high fence for them and what type of fence are you using
We are a high fence facility as we raise deer and elk. But I do use pens that are horse panels with 2x4 squares and four feet high. We also use four foot field wire for pens. We have had a few yearlings jump out when pushed but the sheep mostly stay in these pens. Being a very friendly sheep they stay around here at home. We have had one person when he put in a yearling ram into his low fence jump out and flat disappear. As he had other sheep we really don't understand what happened there.
Pure rocky bighorns will require eight foot fences.
I have the cattle fencing up and looking at the sheep what kind of sheep can I raise in this style fence I'm not wanting cattle or anything like that market around me isn't good. I would like to raise the big horn how many do you have per acre
I use six ewes to one ram in a 1 1/2 to 2 acre pen. I take out the ram in August and will put him back on November 15th or so. Reason being I want my lambs born in May when it is greening up. We will fed hay in winter.
hey jack, which of your sheep have a more valued carcass? i ask because it seems like eventually the meat mkt is a last resort on the whitetail deer . thanks, tom
I have no idea what the meat market would bring but know when I have to sell sheep in that market I would be done raising them. The meat market on deer is so low they also are not worth raising unless you own the harvest facility. We are going out of the deer and elk business mostly because when they find CWD in our county we would be out of business. Reason being I sell out of State and if CWD is in your county a lot of States will not allow your deer or elk to be sold in their State. WE WILL BE OUT OF BUSINESS AFTER 19 YEARS IN THE CWD PROGRAM which you would think would give you some creditability you would have no CWD in a closed herd.
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We have sold all the pure bighorns and stone sheep which would be born in April or May. We still have some hybrid bighorn and stone sheep which haven't been spoken for yet.
Hey Jack do you know anyone else that might have any pure big horns left that they wanna sell. Thanks
Not many guys raise pure bighorns. Check with me later as the guy who spoke for mine has not sent a deposit. I will be birthing pure bighorns in April/May

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