Red Ridge Whitetails on Whitetail Exchange

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Apr 20, 2009
Williamsport, PA
I had a thread going from a while back showcasing some of the great lots we have for sale occasionally on Whitetail Exchange. I can not seem to locate it.


We are selling Dolly this week. This doe is really what help built Independence Ranch with the birth of Updraft and Downdraft. Dolly also had a huge Hardcore son that I saw at Dream Ranch. He looked every bit of 320-340 and heavy!


Her pedigree is well bred old school Wilderness Whitetails genetics, mostly Pebbles influence. We decided to bring a total out-cross in with 7c's Witch Dr. Not only for his looks but because his sire Voodoo has been a major force in the Texas market with lots of Big pretty sons.


Check out the link here to the auction!,name,180806,auction_id,auction_details#593d83ac67cf


Thanks for putting such an incredible and proven animal in the sale. 
She's a nicely breed doe for sure.  Anyone that likes Flees genetics could breed her to Sudden Explosion and have one of the best pedigreed ones out there. 
 Thanks Todd and Travis. She is truly one of those foundation does a guy can work from. Her fawns bred back to Explosion would be awesome too!

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