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I am beginning to believe it is possible a buck in his youth or prime will throw more bucks than doe. I think semen collections from older bucks are going to give more doe fawns.

On a similar but side direction I once had a very well know and accomplished breeder tell me he thought young does produced the biggest bucks. That as she ages her sons won't be as big. And that a young doe will throw a higher number of bucks than does.

I don't know what to think about any of this semen and does in heat issues. What I do know is I have had dozens of world record bucks born on my farm and yet they either died, were damaged or something went wrong that caused them to be smaller than they could have been. And thus none of them was a new world record. How does one explain that?
Wayne , you are absolutely right, many years ago the whitetail did not hold the high expectations that are commonly seen today. But unfortunately, the hype and lure of magical deer that allow you to take a hobby or second income job and turn you into a millionaire has prompted people into mortgaging their time and treasure. Those who have realistic expectations of turning a profit in this agricultural farming business will continue to target the ultimate cash crop-- stocker bucks!!!

I have three girls and another on the way due in about mid July. I ask the doctor what the chances were for me to have a boy if my wife and I tried again. The doctor said " once you get older the male sperm tend to not get the job done". She explained the science to back up what she was telling me. Geez, I'm just forty one! Barely over the hill! But I've always got deer on the brain so as she explained my" no hope for a boy story"and how it was all up to me and my sperm and not anything to do with my wife this was still right on the front of my brain when I got home to do chores and when my oldest breeder buck walked up I said to him out of the corner of my mouth your probably gonna be a doe thrower soon too, you old fart. Lol

On a similar but side direction I once had a very well know and accomplished breeder tell me he thought young does produced the biggest bucks. That as she ages her sons won't be as big. And that a young doe will throw a higher number of bucks than does.

I don't know what to think about any of this semen and does in heat issues. What I do know is I have had dozens of world record bucks born on my farm and yet they either died, were damaged or something went wrong that caused them to be smaller than they could have been. And thus none of them was a new world record. How does one explain that?

Not sure how to explain that one!!!How does one know he has world record bucks if they never show themselves as world record bucks? I believe we all have a few world record bucks on our farms. Now if they just follow the script! lol

Wayne , you are absolutely right, many years ago the whitetail did not hold the high expectations that are commonly seen today. But unfortunately, the hype and lure of magical deer that allow you to take a hobby or second income job and turn you into a millionaire has prompted people into mortgaging their time and treasure. Those who have realistic expectations of turning a profit in this agricultural farming business will continue to target the ultimate cash crop-- stocker bucks!!!


pdaddy, You are correct...................................But the SAD thing is and this is a proven fact.........................The Road thru the Deer Business is a grave yard of folks who never could grasp the fact that there are NO "Magical Deer" The TRUE road any of the REAL Deer Breeders have carved are the ones less traveled and visited only by those willing to accept that FACT! :unsure:
WHAT!!! No Magical Deer!!! I guess I will stop feeding my deer Lucky Charms... Lol your a funny man Wayne!!!
Four Seasons Whitetails927571401590202

Not sure how to explain that one!!!How does one know he has world record bucks if they never show themselves as world record bucks? I believe we all have a few world record bucks on our farms. Now if they just follow the script! lol

That actually was my sarcastically made point. That all bucks born are world records.

That actually was my sarcastically made point. That all bucks born are world records.

Man that sucks...I thought you may be on to something.....
It is my understanding that the male sperm cell degrades much faster than the female sperm. I have read where some have posted they are consistently getting way more doe fawns by their AI program. I think logically it would behoove us if we want to get more bucks by AI to move the time we put the semen in our doe to 60 hours or more after pulling their CDR's and pmsg-ing them. It is my opinion more bucks are born by AI if it is done closer to ovulation. A few more doe may miss if we are late but we will get way more buck fawns.
Bell, I have heard of a few farms doing just that with decent success. I was not sure of the logic, but that makes some sense.
I shoot for 58 to 62 hours when a dose of 200IU Folligon is used per doe with groups of twenty does.    We did very well at those hours on the whitetail with LAP AI and CIDR's.  Our LAP AI guy was eight hours late the first day because of plane problems.  We did our mule deer at 68 hours to 70 hours which was 8 to 10 hours late in my opinion.  The mule deer LAP AI breeding was a bust.

I started to use sponges in the sheep and not CIDR's and saw the sheep were in way better than with CIDR's.   Our sheep conception went up 30% with sponges.   My mule deer had sponges and were going to be my test run on sponges. As they were mounting each other at 50 hours and on I know they worked better than CIDR's.   I plan to LAP AI this year with sponges at 55 to 58 hours.  I don't fault the sponges as the hours used for LAP AI were very late.  I will try the sponges again this year as I really feel they will work much better than CIDR's.  I just think with the sponges I will have to AI a little early this year as I think the sponges are moving up the AI time.  We will tell more when we look inside and check the girls outside.  Any time I have lots of clear fluid in the area I'm sure we are ovulating in my opinion.

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