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- Feb 8, 2011
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If I am a preserve owner, (and I'm not) and buying shooter bucks I still would want ones with the best possible genetics for the money, and yes I do still want to know the pedigree. If I didn't end up shooting that buck that year he darn well better get bigger and bring more money the next year because I'm taking the risk that I may loose him and others and I still have to pay to feed him as well as the interest on my investment on buying him. Anyone who raises any livestock and raises more then a few pet deer knows you will have death loss and it costs $$$. I'm fairly new to deer farming but have raised other livestock for 40 years and outfitted low fence deer hunts for 15 years, I have watched every deer sale and studied different breedings and genetic lines for several years before I ever bought my first deer. It was up to me to figure out what genetics I thought actually produced the best bucks at an earlier age for the least amount of money invested(return on investment). As for the reason these so called "big Guys" raise and buy bigger genetics is pretty simple, bigger deer at a younger age means more demand and profit and if you want to have a successful BUISINESS instead of a hobby farm that's what you have to do to keep up with what people want. Just because you breed to a 500 inch so called "ugly to some, breathtaking to others" deer doesn't mean your going to raise 500 inch deer. Look at Sudden Explosion, one of the prettiest bucks out there this year(to ME) out of one of the most gnarly non-typical's ever, which I also think is an incredible animal. That's the exciting part of raising deer is seeing what different breedings produce. As for the "guys" who think a 500 inch deer is ugly, it obviously isn't that ugly to others who are paying 3-10k for a straw instead of $100. Maybe they would see the beauty in a 300-500 inch deer if it was owned by them and they were getting a good price for it's semen or sell the buck for a bunch of money to a guy like Russ Walk who is willing to take the gamble on marketing it and keeping it alive. Keep breeding 200" onto 200" and guess what your probably going to top out at and then wonder why nobody wants to buy your deer. Raising shooter bucks doesn't mean raising small deer, alot of people who hunt preserves want to shoot big deer and are willing to pay alot of $$ to do it ut it must be a good experience, not just walk out and shoot one. Even breeding for the biggest and the best your still going to end up with some shooters. Promoted breeder deer sell usually higher because they are marketed and that is usually why people invest in that particular animal, they know it will be marketed and promoted in the future meaning the value of that deers offspring should bring more then one that has never been marketed, pretty simple buisiness planning and that is why you see the same genetic lines bring more money being sold by different people. I think higher priced semen on a promoted buck is usually put into someones best proven does and this is also why you see more bigger offspring come out of that bucks breedings as apposed to breeding with a twin brother who has the same ped. but was never pushed. I don't know Russ Walk and have never talked to him but I do have a few deer that go back to his farm because I've seen what they can produce and know he has years of experience. Getting to be one of the so called big guys takes alot of work, time, experience, investment, marketing, promoting and a little luck that just doesn't happen overnight and for that I respect them. To be successful in any buisiness, it takes promotion and marketing and it's usually expensive, the so called big guys invest in it and for that reason people buy there deer. Why would someone buy a deer from a so called small guy if he doesn't market his animals and let other people know what he has. The guys who don't want to invest the money in genetics, marketing will continue raising deer for less money. If thats what you want to do and don't care about selling your deer, keep doing what isn't working for you. In the end it all has to cash flow and if thats not what its about to you and just the love of the deer then don't complain about not making any money at it. Like anything else in this world, your going to get out of it what you put into it. Another thing, if all the preserves are getting rich with no work then all you have to do is go to the bank and borrow a few million dollars and build your own preserve and then you"ll get rich too, sounds simple enough. Antlers 2011 isn't bragging, it's PROMOTING, almost everyone who has a great looking buck or bucks that they have posted said they have gotten calls from people interested in semen. I for one wouldn't want to buy a deer or semen from someone who does nothing but complains about the industry, but I would buy semen from someone who has taken the time and posted pics of there bucks and is excited about there buisiness, just think about it. If I fail or succeed at deer farming it's MY own fault, I can't blame someone else for making money at it and not me. As far as the preserves selling 200" deer for $2,000, What's the names, just curious?? If it's profitable for them to sell hunts for that they'll stay in buisiness, if it's not it will probably go out of buisiness, just like anything else. So far I haven't made a penny on these deer, spent plenty, but it's still the best part of my day when I walk out into that pen. Good luck to all.