Starting Fallow deer in Idaho

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Nov 10, 2019
Hey, new to the forum and looking for some advice. My brother and I are trying to fulfill a dream our father had of raising fallow deer, We are both university students, our family has some ground left over from the old family cattle farm. We scrounged you some unused 4 inch mainline pipe and have placed posts marking off at .64 acre area, it has tons of water with a trough and a system to water the pasture. It also has a small calving shed we are going to use as a handling facility. There also is an apple tree in the corner and the pasture grows stays green and thick till the snow falls. We have plenty of access to alfalfa for feeding through the winter. We were planing on starting out with 1 buck and 2-3 does. Just a really small start, the animals would be our only expense, plus a little more wire we need.
Any advice, recommendations, or tips?
Start out right by buying the best Genetics. Seems everyone has a fallow for sale or will sell you something off their ranch. Once you breed week genetics into a herd it’s hard, almost impossible to recover.
Do your homework on Fallows especially the Genetics. It’s better to buy one less fallow and spend money on quality. You can also buy bred does with outstanding Genetics.
Please don’t buy a fallow because of a good deal or cheap. QUALITY produces QUALITY.
Fallows are amazing and good luck!
I started on fallow a year ago. They are super social. The entire breed was domesticated 1000 years ago and it still shows. Do yourself a favor and buy at least one porch or bottle raised doe. They will bring the entire herd to you at feeding time and really make counting, checking, and handling MUCH easier.

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