States NOT accepting PA deer

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What states are not accepting pa deer even with full certified herds and no where near the cwd zone?


 PDFA has a board meeting tonight. I know we will get an update on the situation Regarding Ohio's boarders at a minimum. I will try to update shortly there after.
More deer farmers,more preserves, MORE HUNTERS,open borders = more $ for everyone and a stronger industry

Less deer farmers, less preserves, less hunters, closed borders = our opposition wins
I think we need to stop looking at this as " what can I get for xxx buck". Think we need to gear a little more towards " what is such and such preserve gonna get" for a buck that I raised, I medicated when it was sick, I bottle fed it, I aied it, I fed it..... All for such and such preserve to have my buck on their property for, in most cases, less than 48 hrs...

Sorry folks, I kinda took this thread and ran away from the original post. My apologies!!
Just don't understand why we can still bring deer in. All that does is hurt the farm forced to sell his deer in state. All I'm saying is long as we can't go out we don't need anything coming in either. When all gets settled then open her back up.
Most preserves in Pa know this and take advantage of it.

Just don't understand why we can still bring deer in. All that does is hurt the farm forced to sell his deer in state. All I'm saying is long as we can't go out we don't need anything coming in either. When all gets settled then open her back up.

Our borders are closed to bringing in deer but we can sell outside of state.  Ny state will never open the borders again in my opinion. The Dept of Ag would love nothing more than to stop farms or ranches here and the DEC loves it. They have made statements many times.


I believe there is merit in the..Only being on their farm 48 hours statement. Its a fine line but farmers can dictate what ranches pay for their deer but its a very fine line. 50-50 does not work for some and there has been talk from farmers here to go with a 60-40 split in price.  I think in todays world a ranch would be willing to pay more for 120-170 bucks if he can find them and sell more of them. The profit may not come per head but it would with more hunts sold.


The last thing you want to do is !@#$% over your local ranches because without them we are all dead but a smart breeder today may not be the smartest breeder by going for 200 at 2 bucks.  If your state only merits so many 200 inch hunts but has unlimited 120-170 then my money is on selling 20-30 bucks that size and have no problem getting a tad bit more per head!

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