Ted Nugent weighs in on Ryan Sabalow's opinionated deer farming/preserve expose

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Feb 23, 2013
Markleville IN

The Pope & Young Club released it official position statement this week on fair chase and canned hunting, condemning such practices. We asked Ted Nugent of Spirit of the Wild questions pertaining to the move. Here’s what he had to say: Q: Can you speak of the relevance of Pope & Young’s recent condemnation of the captive cervid industry? A: “Though I have many diehard dedicated bowhunting friends who have been active members in the Pope & Young Club since its inception whom I deeply respect, and I also admire the many P&Y members who live the bowhunting lifestyle with all their heart and soul, I’m afraid this is yet another example of some very unsophisticated elitist “leaders” in the organization making a foolish and backward thinking decision. “Clearly the tail wags the dog here. The raising and breeding of cervids is the fastest growing segment of the agriculture industry in North America, driven by good families who are fascinated by and have deep reverence for the deer species that bring so many of us a higher quality of life. To find fault with, much less condemn this industry, is truly bizarre. Sadly, P&Y is the same organization that doesn't acknowledge or respect a legal trophy kill if the hunter uses a lighted nock. This is strange, strange thinking. I read the official P&Y statement on this issue and it can best be described as ignorant and absurd. I have hunted pretty much under every imaginable hunting experience, terrain and conditions the world has to offer, and their blanket statements about “ethics” and “fair chase” in high fence operations are utterly false and presumptuous at best. It greatly saddens me that the good members of P&Y are so poorly represented in this instance. “Fortunately, they have very little if any sway in real world wildlife management decisions or any influence whatsoever on the vast majority of hunting families in America.” Q: With reports showing direct links of disease at deer breeders’ facilities, what steps should be taken to protect our deer herds? A: “This too is an absurd notion, when in fact the confirmed incidents of disease on deer breeding operations isn't but a minute fraction of the numbers found in the wild, particularly in the CWD original hot zone of NW CO & SE WY, the original outbreak a direct result of bureaucrat's irresponsible experimentation with scrapies intentionally injected into mule deer that eventually escaped the ineptly "secured" test area. The fact is that all scientific studies show that the deer breeders are the victims of failed state game agencies mishandling of bovine TB, CWD, EHD and other real world cervid diseases, not the perpetrators. How this can be so dishonestly turned around is yet another manifestation of manipulated politics spitting in the face of science. How can anyone ignore the scourge of EHD that has severely impacted deer herds across the country while falsely pointing the finger at breeders? Somebody better get the truth police involved here.” Q: Do you have any other thoughts on this issue that you would like brought to the forefront? A: “I write a weekly blog at deeranddeerhunting.com based on a gungho, hardcore dedicated 65-year deer hunting life. I communicate with the world's most respected wildlife and deer authorities like Dr. James Kroll, Richard P. Smith, Charles Alsheimer, John Ozaga and other real world hands-on deer masters. I am saddened to see such intentional class warfare further fragmenting our hunting brotherhood. That anyone would presume that high-fence hunting equals put and take or unfair conditions is simply absurd. The easiest deer I've ever killed were free range in IL, MI, MT, CA, TX and elsewhere. With long running accurate records to prove it, the most difficult deer I have ever hunted were in high-fence operations with real world escape habitat. Why someone would think otherwise and viciously condemn other's choices is inexcusable and downright unAmerican. “If P&Y or other organizations wish to exclude from their record books game hunted with lighted nocks, or with a watch taped to a bowlimb, or killed in a high-fence operation, that is surely their prerogative. But to viciously condemn such choices as unethical is just plain wrong. The hundreds of thousands of American families that hunt high fence operations are good, decent, ethical, legal, fair chase hunters. Case closed.” - See more at: http://www.outdoorchannel.com/article.aspx?id=22835&articletype=article&key=nugent-takes-py-to-task&p=wc#sthash.ks28VnAl.dpuf
Good Reply Mike to that Kathy, maybe she can explain why so many more deer die from EHD than from CWD. I think too much sap absorbed into her head while hugging trees.
Pope and Young deviates from it's own position statement!
Apparently the elitist leaders of Pope and Young are trying dictate to their members what qualifies as a good hunting experience.  They need to go back and read their own position statements set up by their founders.  
“The most important measure of hunting success is how you feel about yourself…�
 Whatever his acts, they are dictated by his own conscience, rather than a mob of onlookers.
Pope and Young's Position statement:
Principles of Bowhunting | Ethics | Rules of Fair Chase 
Club's Position Statements | Equipment Definitions
Ethics are a moral code of conduct. They pertain to what is considered right and wrong. Such a collection of principles and values can be both on an individual personal level, and as part of a shared group belief system.
Aldo Leopold wrote, “A peculiar virtue in wildlife ethics is that the hunter ordinarily has no gallery to applaud or disapprove of his conduct. Whatever his acts, they are dictated by his own conscience, rather than a mob of onlookers. It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of this fact.�
In his book, Beyond Fair Chase, Jim Posewitz noted, “The most important measure of hunting success is how you feel about yourself…�
After all, it is not the killing that brings satisfaction; it is the contest of skill and cunning. The true hunter counts his achievement in proportion to the effort involved and the fairness of the sport." Dr. Saxton Pope, 1923
Pope and Young needs to go back to it's roots.  They are following the DNR bandwagon.
Gary Olson
I wonder why Ryan Sabalow didn't interview Ted???He is probably one of the most vocal and famous defenders of hunting ethics and the right to hunt in the World. Ted is very persuasive with his opinions and would have exposed the tree hugging made in California liberal journalist working for a liberal paper. Nugent will be at the NRA's convention in Indy. I wish there was a way we could get him to stick up for us in a way that would be publicized! The original thought posted on this forum is outstanding but we preach to our own choir. Our industry needs to respond publicly to articles like this. The state of Indiana is currently appealing Rodney Bruce's win against them to operate preserves in our state. Right now,especially,we don't need soggy leadership from those who lead our industry. Silence is consent! Our governor may have presidential aspirations. He will not win in the state of Texas if he takes the position a person cannot high fence their private property,purchase privately owned agricultural deer and stock the land with them to hunt. If you don't win the state of Texas you will not likely be president. We should make sure he knows it!
No offense in trying to get Ted involved with our side of the fence, but he really does us more good not being involved!

That way the opposition doesn't say that were paying him to give them our opinion . Somebody must be on our side or they would not have interviewed him . You can't tell me that the person that interviewed him had no idea what his response would be . It's actually a thing of beauty !
Nugent is a red blooded American not a communist. You can count on his opinion to reflect it 100% of the time. You are right Jerri Lee. They had to know what he was going to say.

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