Is this CWD thing, just being used for the DNR's across the country, to keep their budgets from being cut with the state's financial shortfalls? I've seen epidemics in all livestock spieces over the last 40 years, and the Board of Animal Health, and USDA has cleaned up, stopped the spread, and in some cases eradicated the disease. In Minnesota, at the meeting I attended, the DNR and Minn. Deer Hunters Assn, seemed to be picking on the BAH. My opinion not just as a deer farmer but as a livestock producer, I think that the BAH has done an excellent job over the years. The Rochester Post Bulletin [local paper], had articles from 2 different deer hunters this last week. One article was titled "We're already paying a price for inadequate regulations". This article quoted a deer hunter, he stated that the prions in the soil on the elk farm as "a nuclear waste spill", he also said "It is a widely held belief that the captive cervid is too-loosely regulated by the Minnesota Board of Animal Health" , he also promotes an outright ban on captive herds. The other article was "It's time to close loopholes that brought CWD here". I have never seen such bad reporting in my life. They don't realize it, but are they not giving ammo to the anti-hunting groups and vegans? Nuclear waste spill? Come on.... We as deer farmers know we are not undermanaged by the BAH. There has been over 20 years of research on prions and no one seems to be reviewing it. Dr. Stanley Prusiner [won the Nobel prize] claims "the prion,an innocent protein in all humans and animals which can transform into a deadly particle,causing several fatal brain diseases." He found prion diseases such as CJD and scrapie could be inherted, transmitted or occur spontaneously. He also states, In spite of USDA's categorical denials, it's a scientific fact that one in a million cows naturally develops BSE. With all the scientic proof out there, why do they keep coming back to us deer breeders as the cause of their problems? The DNR knows these facts but continues to let the deer hunting associations take cheap shots at us. If the prions in the soil were as toxic as "nuclear waste", then why do they allow four wheelers in these edemic areas and not require them to be washed off before movements? I see four wheelers on the back of vehicles all the time on I90 going out to the Rockies elk hunting and no one sees that as an issue of moving contaminated soil? Eagled and crow [ravens] are known to move prions in their waste but the DNR continues to feed road kill deer to eagles without testing deer first. The DNR also reported they found 39 feeding operations in the zone where they found the wild CWD deer [baiting is illegal in Minn.] but they call them food plots. They also reported numbers over 83 head per square mile, yet only harvesting 4 to 4 1/2 per square mile. I think the hunting groups and DNRs have their own internal issue they need to fix before they start pointing their finger at us. They need to better manage their deer numbers. Why doesn't NADEFA hire Dr. Prusiner to issue a report to set the facts straight once and for all or else this will go on for years to come.