The plan

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Wisdom said:
Thank you for reminding me of the meeting. Unfortunately I did not get your message until 5:30PM.

I likely could not have made it any way on such a short notice. I was asked yesterday to conduct the funeral service for a mother and her son. Thursday night is praise and worship practice. Saturday I am speaking at another church on hearing Gods voice. And I only have a few hours in the evenings to get prepared before the weekend.

Would you be willing to let me know more in advance concerning the next meeting.

Thank you for serving


The meetings are posted on the website, but this one was a last minute change.
No Andy, I have now read Virgil's post about 10 times and I still get the same impression. Maybe I am just plain stupid I guess.

But it sure sounded to me like you either donate or your blackballed from having your shooters purchased if your a grower, blackballed from being "listed" in the advertising, the websites, and the brochures if your a preserve.

After all we don't want any "free loading" from any non-union growers and preserve owners. I pretty much see that if you don't donate your preserve won't be "advertised" and I didn't think the plan was to advertise specific preserves. I thought it was supposed to promote high fence hunting in general.

I think Virgil's frustration is coming from what he perceives is a lack of donations and he wants to try and threaten more people into donating. But in fact I think you guys did get a nice list started of tentative donations. I think you have generated enough interest by many who read the forums, and if there was more info shared as to what the actual plan is I think more would be ready to jump in and donate. I also suspect that if everyone saw a movement to team up with one of the established orgs that would also have increased your donation list as well. I and others have suggested including the orgs for several reasons. Not the least of which is it gives the effort more credibility and an increased probability of success.

I wanted to attend the hunting ranch counsel meeting but had my times all screwed up and missed it. But I spoke with someone else to see what was discussed about this plan. I wanted to hear good news about it being implemented. Instead I heard not one word about it was talked about. I'm sorry, but I don't buy the theory they were too busy to interrupt them with this idea. Heck if it was me I would have contacted the chairman of the hunting counsel prior to the NADEFA Conf and asked for a time slot to present my idea to them. The timing of this was all perfect really. You started the discussion on here, you got the ball rolling, you got some donations to show some support from growers around the country, and then the Conf came along to discuss it in an organized fashion. I don't know what more would have been better to ask for.

Take my idea that I have. I have talked with some locally and around the country about it. The feedback I have gotten has given me information to consider and use to tweek my idea and prepare my thoughts for the actual presentation that will take place at our annual meeting in April. I have contacted our state orgs administrative assistant and requested 10 minutes during the board meeting to present my idea. I will be putting together a written outline to give them of what I will be talking about.

In 10 minutes time I will toss my idea out there and if the board wants to discuss it they can. If they want to take the outline home with them and think about what was said and discuss it later they can.

I am disappointed that you didn't do something similar with your idea. And I am disappointed that Virgil feels frustrated to the point of threatening the readers of this forum. And most of all I am disappointed that unless you guys change the way your handling this, the whole idea will fail and this all will have been nothing more than a waste of time.:mad:

I for one am done thinking about this.

The End
I personally think WE all need to swallow a little of our pride (and this points to everyone involved in this discussion) and quit belittling each other. Lets try and discuss this in a way that it is not insulting one another. After all I THINK WE ARE ALL AFER THE SAME THING .....OR ATLEAST I WOULD HOPE SO!! Wisdom as i have stated before I commend you for all that you are trying to do to get this thing rolling and I do feel your heart is in the right place........Virgil I know you heart is in the right place as we have talked about this personally.........Roger, you have some awesome ideas and I truly feel that was one of the reasons this thread was created in the first WE need to start taking these ideas and put them into action without pointing at one another and telling one another what they should do or shouldn't do. WE need to put our heads together on this and GET ALONG if it is going to succeed. All of this bickering is unproductive and a big waste of time. Maybe NADeFA was a great place to stand up and present this idea but who said Wisdom was the one that had to do it...there were a number of us at the conference who could have gone in and presented the idea so WE are all at fault on that one. WE need and organized group to sitdown and put together an action plan and (as Roger suggested) start presenting it to everyone WE can. It is not going to happen on these forums as we all know.....yes this is a good place to throw around ideas but there needs to be a more formal and structured process and the way to start it is by sitting down as a group and putting together the steps needed to get this rolling!! I would be happy to volunteer to sit on the group and meet..... anyone else interested or should WE just keep bickering back and forth in this thread getting nowhere?! WE need this to succeed folks!! Please consider getting involved!!
Men, please reread the first post of this thread. In that post I am asking the people of this industry to add their thoughts and ideas to the rough out line of a so called plan. With the ideas we all bring to the table, we can compile them and as Roger said in so many words now we have something to motivate the people of the industry, NADeFA and our state ass.

Once we have a better out line of a plan we need people to take it to their state ass. Meetings to be discussed, reworked or added to. Perhaps another idea would be for all state ass. to appoint a committee to develop a plan and have their own plan and how to implement it.

Concerning NADeFA. I do not know if the plan would fall into the hands of the hunting ranch counsel. Or weather they would make a new committee.

I will try to contact Dave Griffith for some contact references or phone numbers on who would be the most appropriate person to talk to.

If any one else knows of persons I should contact. Get me a name and number and I will do so.

On another note: The breeders on Deer farmer only represent about 10% of our industry. That being said 90% of the industry has heard little to nothing being discussed here. Lets get the word out and ask for their opinions on ideas how to advertise to get more hunters.

One last thought. Please do not get aggravated. I know in your zeal to see things move faster one gets impatient.

We have only bee discussing the plan for a month and I feel we have made great progress. It tool out foundling fathers 3 to 4 years to discuss, write up, debate and make change to the Constitution Of The United States until it was finally passed. Heck I know we can do it in half the time. We are deer farmers, They were all lawyers

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