Watch' em Grow (Bucks 2010)

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here are a few of our yearling.. they are all a lil blurry still waiting on the remainder of the donations from Sam to upgrade lol..... Only half the yearlings came down for pictures there are several other Rolls Royce yearlings that are looking good that i didnt get.

The First two pictures are womb brothers out of xl and walker

the 3rd is sudden impact/maxbo/solo and greenwoods mother

the 4th is sudden impact/rold gold/loner(womb to 300"+3yr old)/Shock n Awes Mother

the 5th is out of a loner/502/sadie(rold Golds mother) doe.. need dna to get father

6th is a maxbo/lonewood/walker

7th need to check records.. either maxbo or rolls royce

8th is a grand canyon


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X Factor today


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Thanks Heath,

At this time, what do you think is your top 2 or 3 yearlings? I know that could change.

I like those 2 Sudden Impact ones. They are very different but really nice

Thanks for posting. Todd's and my camera checks are in the mail :D

Todd, X-factor is seriously big. Are you going to sell him as a shooter? :p

Hes not mine to sell. I wish he was. He is owned by Russ Bellar, Eddie Ray Borkholder and Mark Borkholder. He is at Russ' farm in Peru Indiana. Russ has been sending me the pictures and I have been posting them for him. I went down a couple of weeks ago and saw him in person, he is bigger in person.
RWalkJr said:
King Kong soon Shan... He just started growing in the last 3 weeks. He is growing real fast now but can he grow a respectable rack after being shot and starting so late? Who knows. I am more interested in building his body back up. I wish he just didn't grow at all this year and added the extra to his body. Any how I'll try and get some pics soon.

Russ, I wish the best for him... was sorry to hear about what happened. Hopefully he gets back his body back up!
I wanted to comment on X Factor. But I am SPEECHLESS. Congratulations, Allen
Finally got some pictures of Seven-Up and Bowtie.

First is Seven-Up, who is a 3 year old. He is always a late grower, but is really putting on the mass. Last year he was a 7x7 frame. This year it looks like his G-2's - G'4's are going to all have a common base. One thing for sure is he is going to be heavy.

Second is Bowtie, who is 4. He is really putting on the mass this year.

Third picture is of one of my favorite shooter bucks. He is a 3 year old that is going to be really nice when he grows out. Looks like he may be a wide 6x6 with some good tree rakers at the base.


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Heath the bucks look really good man. You are putting together some serious pedigrees down there. I will give you a call in a couple of weeks... would like to come by and see the deer then swing by Henry's and see what Kingpin is doing over at his place. That Kingpin yearling you have looks awesome.
Here is Ponderosa, he normally produces some really long tines. He should look pretty good this year.


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