I think Heath is coming down tomorrow to see the deer, but I'm not sure I can give up the new toy! I'm loving the new Cannon. Just wish I knew how to work it better!
He has been fun to watch grow this year. It amazes me that he can push out that much antler in so little time. To put it in perspective he is a 1200 pound bull that is about 5' 10" at the shoulder.
No he was not bottle fed. Its the Rolex line (tame) and all of Blue Mountain Bucks are extremlly tame. They only bottle feed bucks that are triplets or something is wrong.
X factor has put on some serious inches in the picture you posted. I was just down there and he has really put on the inches since I was there from what I see in the picture.
That is one serious set or antlers that guy is growing. Keep the pictures coming!!
Are there any more sons out X Factors mother or sister that are showing some promise? I am starting to think it will be a good line to watch / follow.