Watch' em Grow (Bucks 2010)

Deer Farmer Forum

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Rambo looks awesome. He is definitely one of the most massive bucks I have seen in Texas this year. I think he is going to be a big time producer for you guys. The yearlings out of him and Rambo II are really impressive this year. Can't wait to see him in person. Thanks for posting the pictures.
Here is BL P.J., and Rockstar. Rockstar waited last year until August to really grow, so I'm exspecting him to take off pretty soon.


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Unfortunately we had to knock our Hydro-Ax / 12 Pack yearling down Friday 7-23 to medicate and treat his rack as he has messed up every tip. We sored him Boone and Crockett at 165", 23 points. His bases measured over 6" each. As you can tell he has a lot of growing left to do. His SCI score should be real nice when he finishes. Does anybody know what would cause him to rub every tip? He is the only buck we have doing this. Hopefully he'll stop doing this and finish the way he should.


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Here is a photo of King James @ 3 and a couple of his first yearling, they still have 3 weeks of growing to do here in michigan. Thanks for looking.

Paul - Buck-R-2 whitetails/ Michigan


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Here a updated picture of silvercross a 3 year old silverstorm son.He has the look. Long tines and a great frame just what every preserve is after we are thinking about selling him this year.




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Greg, very nice buck. I am thrilled to have 2 Silverstorm doe fawns this year from AI. One a Hydro Ax doe and one a Jesse/Gambler/Bucky doe. Jeff 573-517-1865

The big pics are thanks to Isaac I sent him a message the other day and asked if he would help me with it and he went and made a video. Thank again Isaac.
WRW_2 said:
... as he has messed up every tip. ... Does anybody know what would cause him to rub every tip? He is the only buck we have doing this. Hopefully he'll stop doing this and finish the way he should.


The only thing I can figure is for some bucks they must just itch really bad when the velvet is growing to the point they start raking their antlers on stuff. I had a buck we called Ringer who did this at age 2, 3 and last year at age 4 also. He did it every year about now. I finally gave up on him and sent him to the hunting ranch. I hope out there he doesn't do it.

Good luck with your bruiser.

Jack said:
Roger, Updraft looks great. So what do you think his body weight is? We need this size of buck to support the very large antlers the industry has created. Body size is going to become very important in the future to help support the antlers.

Thank you to everyone for the compliments on Updraft. We feel very lucky to have him and only hope we can keep him healthy. Darren and Jack you guys are correct about body sizes and their importance in breeding animals in the future.

I would be better off buying a lottery ticket to try and win a million dollars instead of guessing Updraft's weight though. I would have a better chance of winning the lottery. I just never was good at guessing weight or scores. All I know is I wouldn't want to drag him out of a woods with knee deep snow:eek:
Thanks Roger, I hope he stops this, it's killin me!! We saw no sign of maggots which is a good thing. I just hope he finishes the way he should. His tips are still very big, but most of them are scabbed now.

Randy, Miken is looking good, nice dark antlers.

Everyone keep the pics comin, time for them to really start puttin it on.
had to try one more post to make sure I have it down. Here's a 3 year old with a drop


Good Whitetails

Marc Good
I took these last weekend at Edwin Ropp's, looks like he still has some to grow? The second one is his full brother a year younger.


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WRW_2 said:
Thanks Roger, I hope he stops this, it's killin me!! We saw no sign of maggots which is a good thing. I just hope he finishes the way he should. His tips are still very big, but most of them are scabbed now..

I don't know how many others have tried this or what luck they may have had if they did try it. But I had a local dairy farmer tell me that an ole' timer told him that when they would cut horns on the cattle they would use cotton balls pulled apart to fill in the hole where the blood was down inside. Then spray over the top of it with some sort of spray to help keep out flies and keep the cotton in place.

Apparently the cotton stops flies from laying eggs or it stops maggots or something like that. That maggots don't like the cotton he said. I was told this back earlier this year when one of my 2 year olds tore his antlers completely off his head. We darted him and instead of using the pine tar trick we tried the cotton idea. I pulled some cotton balls apart and patted thin layers of cotton down into the bloody areas. Then I sprayed the whole area and the neck and ears with Bluecoat. NOTE: Cover the eyes! I sprayed the whole area like that because of the amount of blood he had all over him. Of course I washed off as much blood as possible and dried him off prior to spraying him down.

To our knowledge he did not get any infection or have issues with maggots, and all though it took a long time to start growing again he is growing some now. (He is out about 3 inches right now)

Darn shame because he was off to an incredible start. I think he would have been the real deal based on how he had started and how he finished the year out last year as a yearling. That and what his pedigree is. PJ on a Flees' Butkus/Magnum/Louie which just happens to be the mother to Max Thrust.

I just thought I would throw that cotton idea out there in case anyone has done it, heard of this, or feels the need to try it.

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