What do you think? Fawn Question

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Jul 1, 2021
New York
Hello Everyone,
I came across this site while looking for maybe some answers about the fawn I had that just died.
I do wildlife rehab and in the Spring I get a lot of fawns that lose their moms to vehicles. I work with the DEC and normally they are the ones that call me to ask me if I'd take the fawn, raise it, sometimes fix it up, and release it come fall.
I have three fawns out in my barn with a large fence run in area.
In my bathroom I had up until a couple of hours ago- two fawns. One fawn seemed to be about three weeks and the other about six weeks. THe one came in wobbly, low grade temp, and had a like bobbing head. I looked it up and white muscle disease kept coming up in my search based on the symptoms I kept typing in. He walked up to people in our town
Meh-ing for hours). He was weak and wobbly so they took him in and called me. I had him for two days. I did get 12 oz of Ultra 24 formula in him at feedings. He peeed and pooped pretty good.
I gave him pencacilian and baytril yesterday when I noticed a heavy breathing come on. I also gave him selenium and an elecotrolyte paste.
He had no visible attack marks. Today he died. In the bathroom with him was a tiny fawn about one week old who was attacked by a dog. He had huge gaping wounds with maggots all over when he was delivered to my door. I had him for a week and a half and he was healing. Yesterday for the first time he drank 8 oz without me force feeding and his temp finially broke. He was peeing and pooping normal. I fed him- and moved him into a large pen in our barn because he wounds are scabbed over and he was doing so well. I ran an errand came back to check on him and he was dead.
He had no symptoms before I left. I was only gone an hour. ANy ideas? I have the three older then him fawns in the same area - would they have tried to kill him because he was littler - Or I was thinking maybe he ran into the fence and broke his neck? When I found him he was layed out straight.
I appreciate any advice. It has been a horrible day- and I want to make sure I don't make the same mistake twice if I had something to do with them dieing. Now I am worried that if the bigger fawn that died transmitted something to the little one who just got it and quickly just died.


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