Crushed pumpkin for constipation. There is a species-specific formula that is the best to use for deer, it's called Fox Valley and Dr. Clifford Shipley recommends it on his Fawn checklist which I forwarded to you a few days ago.
If you follow his instructions, you will be in good shape, as was I. Keep the fawn safe from dogs and any other potential healthy/safety hazards.
You should be prepared a head of time to treat in case of bloat (which happens fast) and I would stick to natural products (i.e., pumpkin, goat milk, etc.) to help out when she gets the scours or has problems with her stool. I would switch over immediately from that formula you are giving her, she clearly is having problems with it. Many farmers here use "red cap" or whole milk from the grocery store and mix that with the formula, successfully. In my case, because TSC was close by, I used the Ultra 24 formula and mixed it with water. I never mixed it too strong though. As a treat, I would buy a few quarts of goat's milk from the grocery store each week and give that to her too. If I could do it all over again, I would ONLY feed pasteurized, goat's milk from a certified, and healthy goat that doesn't have any diseases that are known to affects like Johnne's. Dr. Shipley discusses all of this in his guidelines.
Please read it.
Over and out.