Whitetail Exchange Makes Thousands and Thousands for State Associations

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May 15, 2009
Fulton, Michigan
Whitetail Exchange Makes Thousands and Thousands for State Associations


If your state association has not utilized the Whitetail Exchange benefit auctions, you need to.  Whitetail Exchange has helped state associations increase their profits and increase awareness for their benefit auctions across the country.  States like Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota and Ohio are utilizing the Whitetail Exchange benefit auctions already. We are currently working with Kansas on their benefit auction.


I recently heard a quote from a fellow deer farmer at a benefit auction.  He said “Whitetail Exchange has ruined the benefit auctions for people that want to buy cheap straws at benefit auctionsâ€�.  I took this as a huge compliment.  For years, benefit auctions were the place to go to a small auction and get a tremendous deal on a top buck that the owner had donated.  Now, state association benefit auctions for the participating states are no longer a place to find a straw for pennies on the dollar.  They are highly publicized on Whitetail Exchange and open for people all across the United States to bid.


The new generation of benefit auctions on Whitetail Exchange now puts thousands and thousands of addition dollars in state association’s bank accounts.  Isn’t this the real reason for these benefits?  The more people that know about your benefit auction and the more people who have the capability of bidding simply makes more money for your association. 


Interested in getting your state associations benefit auction on Whitetail Exchange and starting to make your association more money?  Give us a call and we can help you out. Whitetail Exchange offers this service to each association one time a year 100% free.  No commissions are retained by Whitetail Exchange. 

This was the first year that MN has utilized whitetail exchange for our benefit auction. The reason we haven't in the previous years is because members wanted to get a deal. I agree with Todd, when he stated above, that it really isn't about getting a deal, it is about doing what's best for your associations. In today's world, every dollar counts! With that said, I know our proceeds were much better this year. Especially on some of the items donated, like animals and farm credit certificates from down south and out east. The exchange gave us the ability to reach out to more local buyers from the area which these came from which in turn made them more valuable. I would recommend that all associations utilize the exchange for there fund raisers! We will every year from here out as long as Todd allows us! Thank You Todd and Whitetail Exchange!! MDFA appreciates it very much!
 Todd, many thanks from the Iowa Whitetail Deer Association, I know WE has without a doubt helped our bottom line. Also thanks to Adam Helgeland who is responsible for posting all the auction lots on WE, and first and foremost thanks to all the donors and the bidders that make these auctions successful...

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