Wind Cave CWD Test Results

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Wooden acres said:
Oh come on people , the University Of Wi DNR school in Stevens Point Wi has been doing live tonsilar biopsy's for CWD for years. They were on a TV program called Northland Adventures a few years ago showing how they did live CWD tests using tonsil testing !! They were live trappong these deer , running them into large nettings and using a jaw spreader and taking tonsil biopsy's right on the show ! I have posted this several times in the past ! I'm no brainiack but even I know if we don't enter into a discrimination lawsuit over some of these movement issues and other things allowed by the government and not allowed to us we're domed sooner or later ! How can we NOT see this stuff ? We are being crapped on while cervid movements are going on al the time by the wildlife agencies ! Wi is again looking to buy elk from Kentucky and soon too !

Are you sure you don't mean UW Madison? I'm a current student at Stevens Point and there isnt any CWD research, or deer research for that matter taking place here. Uw Madison is running the state herd study, which stevens point is also collecting research in the form of ectoparasites and blood samples...if someone can show me how to shirnk a PDF i will glady show the research I completed last week.
I would like to add the UW-Stevens Point will begin its first Captive white-tail study next fall. In which a deer farmer is conducting research to benefit other deer farmers.
Ry-O said:
I would like to add the UW-Stevens Point will begin its first Captive white-tail study next fall. In which a deer farmer is conducting research to benefit other deer farmers.

Thank you, What type of research are they conducting?
So far there has been a few ideas thrown around such as studying ectoparasites within hunting preserves or the use of vaccinations. I will be the one conducting the research for my Master's degree, and i want to do something that benefits the rest of you! The hardest part thus far is finding funding, but i have the determination and execution to make it happen. I will gladly listen to any and all ideas, and can list my phone number if anyone would like to talk about it.
G O Whitetails said:
Remember, As per Patty Kline at NADEFA, the wildlife agencies are exempted from these rules and standards.


They don't have to write a check, there is no indemnification. You just have agreed to letting them do all these things to you, it is in your herd plan.

What herd plan? Rhonda i would like to see more states in court. What do you think all the mom and pops in Ny would say if the knew the state was spreading this stuff all over the state and in the flower beds that their kids play in on the rest areas of Ny state highways!
The Standards are going to require you to enter into a herd plan. Right now, we don't have to unless you receive indemnity from USDA.

This is suicide for our industry.

Agreeing to be required to depopulate at your own expense and required to enter into herd plan WITHOUT compensation.
We need to be careful not to make CWD look as though it is bad to humans (as we know it is not) as we fight our good fight......I believe they are not concerned with it either with the notion they are spreading decomposed (untested) deer along the highways in NY State.........but as far as them helping with the spread of the disease by doing so that is what we need to be focusing on as far as spreading our message to the public! They are the ones that are responsible for the spread of the CWD by doing what they are doing at Wind Cave and NY.........these are just cases that we know about.......
ddwhitetails said:
We need to be careful not to make CWD look as though it is bad to humans (as we know it is not) as we fight our good fight......I believe they are not concerned with it either with the notion they are spreading decomposed (untested) deer along the highways in NY State.........but as far as them helping with the spread of the disease by doing so that is what we need to be focusing on as far as spreading our message to the public! They are the ones that are responsible for the spread of the CWD by doing what they are doing at Wind Cave and NY.........these are just cases that we know about.......

If they were to shut me down, Kill my deer, Stop anything with my land because my place is now a Bio problem You can bet i will use the public to my advantage.

They say not to handle any brains or fluids because they dont know for sure if there can be human problems but they go ahead and spread it in playgrounds and flower beds!
Ryan they may not be doing any CWD research at the moment down in Point but I'm pretty sure they were a few years ago as it was featured on Northland Adventures. In their research they also placed gliddder in feed to see how often this glidder would show up in deer droppings and in how many or how often . My nephew was studying there at the time to become a warden and I watched the show myself as well. The nephew has since moved to Minnisota , hummm wonder why ? Anyway if you or someone helping you could ever come up with a vaccine just think of the impact that could have on our industry. What a way to put it too the governing agencies if we could vaccinate and they couldn't !!
Ah yes that may have been something that occured in Schmeeckle Reserve. Point is very fortunate to have a piece of property ajoining campus that we are able to do research on and get in the field experience. Students have been capturing and collaring deer there for some time. Thanks for the great information.

As for your newphew i know exactly why! Our DNR was/is completely out of whack, yet another reason why im pursuing my masters. When CWD is discussed in classes professors always use Wisconsin's deer management as a what NOT to do and the reprocussions of such actions. When i tell people i am a Point student, usually the first thing they say is your not going to be a DNR nut, followed by many expletives, are you?

Many of times i have got into debates with fellow students regarding CWD and captive white-tails and i throughly enjoy providing facts and changing opinions. I've learned through them its not easier to fight fire with fire, but fight fire with water. The same goes for government agencies, and if i can provide factual information to our stance on the issue then what substance will they have to argue.
Ryan, I commend you for your work. Just for your informational knowledge, you should read the program standards, that USDA wants to impose on us, and see what you think.



A reliable antemortem test is needed to understand the ecology of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni). We measured the ability of antemortem biopsy samples from the rectal mucosa to detect the abnormal prion protein associated with CWD (PrPCWD), the relationship between test results from the obex and rectal biopsies at varying stages of CWD progression, and the prevalence of CWD in free-ranging elk from Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA. We sampled and placed radio collars on 136 adult female elk in the winter of 2007–08. Elk with biopsy samples found positive for PrPCWD by immunohistochemistry (IHC) were euthanized and the obex and retropharyngeal lymph nodes were examined with IHC. We resampled, euthanized, and necropsied 20, 25, and 34 of the remaining study elk in each of the three following winters, respectively. Sensitivity of rectal biopsy samples increased in an asymptotic fashion with follicle count and was maximized at 85% (95% credible limits [CL]=60, 98) in the beginning of the study, when a greater proportion of elk were in a detectable stage of prion infection. However, maximum sensitivity was reduced to 72% (CL=46, 94) when we included resampled elk, which included recently infected elk that were initially negative using rectal biopsies and IHC. Test results were similar between rectal biopsies and the obex, but the earliest stages of prion infection were only detected by using retropharyngeal lymph nodes. Minimum CWD prevalence was estimated to be 9.9% (CL=5.7, 15.7) using rectal biopsies, but this rose to 12.9% (CL=8.0, 19.1) when we included four elk that were likely misdiagnosed at initial capture. Our results indicate rectal biopsies can provide a useful research tool for CWD in elk populations, but should be used with caution because they can miss individuals in early stages of infection and underestimate prevalence. Prevalence estimates from this population are the highest reported to date in elk and indicate that under appropriate conditions, CWD may be able to affect the dynamics of high-density elk populations

CWD May be able to affect the dynamics of high-density elk populations. Well duh. I guess starvation,Wolves,Hunters and how many other things may do the same!
Four Seasons Whitetails said:
If they were to shut me down, Kill my deer, Stop anything with my land because my place is now a Bio problem You can bet i will use the public to my advantage.

They say not to handle any brains or fluids because they dont know for sure if there can be human problems but they go ahead and spread it in playgrounds and flower beds!

Mike I didn't say not to use the public to your advantage.......and certianly telling them cwd is something that can transfer to their kids won't get you an advantage from least I certainly can't see how it would....I know you wouldn't get my support.......what we need to do is educate the public on the facts that we know for certian......not uncertainties that have not been proven yet.........God forbid I get CWD on my farm but if it were to happen I would be doing the exact same thing the Brakkes are doing my hats off to them.......just my opinion....
.and certianly telling them cwd is something that can transfer to their kids won't get you an advantage from anyone Quote.

D, You missed my point. Telling the good folks of the state that their leaders are spreading untested deer remains in their kids playgrounds and rest area flower beds would not get ME an advantage but show the people what THEY( The State) is doing. So ya i guess if they shut me down but then the public saw what the state was doing would give them a disadvantage!

But i get the jist of what yur sayin!
Ry-O said:
Many of times i have got into debates with fellow students regarding CWD and captive white-tails and i throughly enjoy providing facts and changing opinions. I've learned through them its not easier to fight fire with fire, but fight fire with water. The same goes for government agencies, and if i can provide factual information to our stance on the issue then what substance will they have to argue.

More power to you mate!

Cheers Sharkey
Ryan I sent you a reply on your personal message board . I think we need to also compair the reactions of CWD here in Wi veres what Colorado has done or lets say quit doing in their efforts against CWD ! Wi has WAY over reacted and spent way to much money and EFFORTS against a disease they still know little to nothing about ! If our wildlife agencies were really worried about high death rates from CWD they wouldn't be moving UNTESTED elk here from other states . They'd not be leaving dead deer on roadsides and they'd not be doing a wolf program ! Wi is looseing hunters or numbers of hunters daily and it's not because of CWD ! Just a few thoughts .
G O Whitetails said:
Ryan, I commend you for your work. Just for your informational knowledge, you should read the program standards, that USDA wants to impose on us, and see what you think.


I've been spending what little free time i have recently piecing thru it. While i respect the idea of disease surveying, it is just ridculous and in more ways than one. In a couple days Ill post some things ive been pondering. One thing that continued to bother me was their use of the word "voluntary," if something is required to move deer interstate then it is no longer voluntary but mandatory. Last time i checked we are farmers, not just expensive pet owners which seems to be their goal. Another fact im curious to explore more was the exemption for testing for herds involved in research, much like they've done. Lets say i do research on average age of captive deer, farmers send me the data (birth+death) and i compile it. Does that then make those herds are exempt? Maybe i misread how it was stated. I will definitly be throwing some thoughts around very shortly.

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