Would you?

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Sep 23, 2009
Utica, PA Venango Co.
      Would you place a single buck fawn (9 months olds) in a pen with two  2-1/2 yr olds bucks ( they are cut)? (pen size is 150 ft x 300 ft.)

I would appreciate any comments. This is something that I am considering doing. I guess I'm asking why I shouldn't do this?


I split my buck fawns up and place them in with my breeders.........................But I don't till my breeders shed.


Best of Luck
This time of year? Yes I would. Two months ago, I would never consider it when the bigger bucks are smelling does in heat in the air. They would have likely harassed and tried to breed that little guy. In my bigger pens I have put bucks of mixed age together with full racks this time of year and other times of the year without issues. I just try not to from October until after Christmas while the older ones are charged up.

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