Your opinion on demand for shooter bucks?

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i don't mean to sound like a devil's advocate, but what are you basing your opinions on for an improving shooter market? We have HUGE financial problems in the entire nation... and we have fewer hunters than in the past. The latest numbers that I saw were in the USA today, 2007, placed at 14M hunters. That is down from 23-43M in 2001 based on a survey from the various fish and game. I know that is comparing numbers from different sources, but still that is a very large decline.

I think that hunters willing to spend more for a private hunt may be flat to up based on the aging of the hunting population, and in general, the older hunters are better off financially. But, I remain concerned about the shooter market.

My other observation is that the shooter market is pretty much a buyers market in Texas right now. I am paying less for shooters that 5 years ago in spite of every single cost for the deer farmer being higher. We are close to being able to support a put and take market, and that would be a first for us.

From a macro perspective, the market is not very healthy. But, most of us are in it because we want to be... Love of the animals, outdoors, hunting etc.... I doubt that will change much. the next 5 years will be very very interesting.

While the number of hunters will be extremely important in the long term market. The short term is still going to be about cash flow. As every single cost associated with raising deer goes up higher and higher (especially feed) the price of shooter bucks goes lower and lower. These are all related directly to the economy and the health of the US dollar. If the dollar continues to fall in value, commodities prices will continue to surge. As commodities increase in price people have less money to spend on entertainment (hunting). Thus a decrease in demand and an increase in overhead costs.

Good luck to us all!
I will stand by my previous comments, I still believe you can make a profit on preserve bucks, however that profit is not nearly as high as in years past, I believe we need to promote this industry and not make it appear like it is a loosing proposition, Browning Whitetails had their best year in 2010 and we are looking at 2011 being even better. I believe there are more hunting preserves than in the past, I believe that most are increasing their number of bookings every year, and their are new preserves being built as some see this as their best return on their investment, most of these preserves will need animals.

Also there are several different ways to market your animals, some of these bring more $ for each animal than others, it is up to us to purchase wisely, raise animals humanely, and market our animals for the best price that we can fairly get.

Now as for the US dollar and our economy, who knows, but in my opinion if it all falters it will not matter where you have invested, everyone will be dealing with the same issues.

I can tell you this with out any reservation or doubt, God Is Coming Again Soon.....
I am not sure what anyone is talking about when they say there is no demand for shooter bucks. Last fall I made quite a few phone calls before I found the number of bucks I wanted for our shooter auction. After the auction my #1 buyer came up to me and said

"Mark, I paid more for bucks at your sale than anywhere else this year. I bought them because I desparately needed bucks and they were here today. I would buy 40 more right now if you had them for me."

My question to anyone that thinks there is no demand for quality bucks is are you taking the first step by letting preserve owners know what you have for sale or consigning your bucks in a trophy auction?

To me sitting at home waiting for preserves to call you and then complaining that the industry is no good is just like builing a grocery store in the middle of a desert, doing absolutely no advertising or markrting of any kind and then blaming the food industry when the store goes broke.

I think if a person manages a farm correctly and markets his bucks aggressively that there is still money to be made raising shooter bucks
My main concern with this topic is simple................IF those of you who have said that the market is BAD...........WHY are you raising deer ? If NOT with the main focus of your operation on producing QAULITY stock for preserve owners ? This "INDUSTRY" is the only one of it's type that...........Truely has an end market! and that's the bottom line. I fully understand "the cost of producing" a product and that is something we ALL have to accept and learn to (as i have said many times) keep our pencils sharp and cut cost of production to keep your farm in the black for as long as possible. That usally means scaleing back on the number of animals most of us can handle. That in turn brings us back to our Q's..............QAULITY over Qaunity. Keep only animals bred to produce early matureing genetics that will score more at an earlier age yet maintaining a "LOOK" the hunter is after.So you can turn them at 2 years of age and not having to keep them the extra year. It will be a lot like how a feed lot does thier cattle operation. It will take a combination of all the small things that will in turn help your farms bottom line. The thing many forget is if you have a "QAULITY" product there will.................ALWAYS be a demand for it by those WHO are not affected by the economic down turn and who "ALWAYS" have some sort of expendable income! And for "RAISING DEER only for the LOVE" of it! I will always have deer... money maker or not! But not at such a large number that they eat better than my family. I look at this Industry a little different than most being self employed for the last 20+ years. so take no offense from this statement unless you feel it's not the truth! You have to be a Deerfarmer or a farmer or a carpenter or in any business or for sure in your marriage for the long haul,good times & bad times! You know like the old saying "When the going gets tuff " The DEERFARMER will be here for the long haul and those in it only for the quick money will be gone and so will those who don't understand what decisions have to be made and when to make them to keep your doors open. At least here in Missouri selling shooter has never been a problem and I hope it's the same for everyone out there and that the market is STRONG and it's more a matter of your VOICE being WEAK!

Best of luck!

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