
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. C

    Buck fawns

    approximately how long does it take to see the start of antler developement after a buck fawn lose his buttons?
  2. 8

    Bottle Rearing Fawns with Goat Milk

    Does anyone have advise about bottle raising 2012 whitetail fawns with goat's milk? I am entertaining the idea, but not sure to go with milk replacers or goat's milk. Have experience bottle rearing hoofstock like reindeer calves, goat kids, nilgai, zebra foals, beef cattle, bison and others...
  3. N

    Two dead fawns in one week. HELP!!!

    I've had two fawns die this past week. Both of them started just a couple of days before with some problems in their limbs, one in all legs and the other one just in the front ones. They could not stand or walk as if they had no strength in their legs. There was no apparent lesion. We thought...
  4. D

    Fawns with the poops

    I have two doe fawns that have the runs not pure water but loose they have been like this for a couple weeks i have tryed everything i can think of looking for more help Thanks Nick
  5. B

    Sores on Fawns, Please Help!

    Hello, I am starting a new thread asking the same question I asked the other day about round open sores I have been finding on my fawns. I am starting this new thread to include some pictures of the wounds I took. Again, I have been finding round open sores on a high percentage of this years...
  6. A

    Coughing fawns

    I would assume pnumonia. They look good, consume a lot of feed and water, but have a chronic cough. Any obvious answers, any good water-soluable antibiotics? I do have some oxytetracycline...odd thing is that I have 16 fawns, 8 in each of two pens. Only one has some coughers and the other...
  7. B

    HELP! fawns and does are sick

    Need help now!started with a fawn 2 weeks ago. diarrhea black jelly with blood.Now its spread to the rest of the fawns and the does too. We've tried corrid and Ls-50. Nothing seems to work.The does have stopped eating .I gave the does baytril last night. Took a Sample to the Vet last week and...
  8. I

    question about buck fawns

    Can buck fawns be placed in the same pen as yearling bucks. Will the yearlings try to hurt the buck fawns
  9. S

    With Mother Fed Fawns - When is the earliest one can safely wein?

    My plan is to down size significantly this year, and I want to get rid of my does that are nursing as soon as I possibly can. I don't want to risk the ultimate health or growth of my fawns, but again, need to get rid of them asap. The majority of my fawns are born between June 1st and June 25th...
  10. P

    doe fawns face. any clues?

    one of my doe fawns developed this on her face in the past few days. any clue as to what it is? im completely lost on this one.
  11. C

    Worming fawns with safeguard

    Going to use safeguard paste to worm our month old fawns. planning on mixing the paste in their bottles. Is this the correct way to worm a fawn? how many CC's do we administer per fawn, of the safeguard paste?
  12. wvdeerman

    weak and lethargic fawns

    I have a problem with some of my mother raised fawns. My bottle fawns are fine, they are energetic and doing great. Some of my mother raised fawns are very weak, stagering around and some cases can't even get up sometimes. Other times they seem to be doing ok and even trot and run around...
  13. HAB Whitetails

    Pied fawns

    We got a couple Pieds this week from our Pied buck that we used for backup to our AI. Thought I'd show a picture. Front one is a buck-Dam is a Silver Hawk/Thunder doe Back is a doe-Dam is a Willy/Tex doe Buck might be for sale, if anyone interested. Hope eveyone had good luck with their AI.
  14. W

    any advice for sick fawns

    In west texas we have been struggling with severe drought and high temperatures. this has made it difficult for our new fawns. We currently have four fawns that are being bottle raised that are not doing well. Fawn #1 female 1 week old pulled at 24hrs smallest triplet-nursed normally first...
  15. W

    any advice for sick fawns

    In west texas we have been struggling with severe drought and high temperatures. this has made it difficult for our new fawns. We currently have four fawns that are being bottle raised that are not doing well. Fawn #1 female 1 week old pulled at 24hrs smallest triplet-nursed normally first...
  16. T

    when do buck fawns start to show buttons?

    i just had 4 buck fawns this year and my first year i had 3 does just wondering when about they start showing there buttons ? thanks
  17. J

    Fawns and feeders?

    This question is in relation to pens with does raising fawns, not bottle feds. My question is about feeder styles and heights. I want to make sure the fawns have access to feed at all times so they can start when they are ready. If using a gravity feeder, say like thunder valley's, will fawns...
  18. T

    New fawns?

    I have been breeding deer for about five years, I have never given fawns any shots of any kind, should I be? I have always let nature take it's course, so far I have been happy with the results. But I know alot of breeders will give their fawns several shots. Just looking for what is best for...
  19. N

    Experiment with fawns. HELP

    We do not bottle feed but have just started an experiment in one of our doe pens and would greatly appreciate any input. My doe pens are about half an acre and we have about 8-10 bred does per pen. We circled an area of about 15' x 45' with a 2 feet fence and we are starting to place all...
  20. D

    Need help bad a doe is killing fawns

    Need help one of my does is killing other doe's fawns.I don't know wich doe it is she is only killing buck fawns.She has killed 3 fawns so far i cannot tell that any one is acting different there are 8 does in this field most with fawns.I have tried to seperate them some but it is hard to do...