
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. clay

    2013 fawns I'm excited about

    Just for fun what would you breed this doe to?
  2. D

    Losing fawns. Need advice ASAP please

    Hi there. I haven't posted in a while, as everything has been going great o the deer farm. But in the past 4 days we have lost 2 fawns that we are bottle feeding. A quick history: we pulled 3 fawns to bottle feed this year at approx 48 hrs after birth...to ensure colostrum. All 3 took to the...
  3. R

    Two week old fawns

    Have doe that her two fawns are both on her and got the nasty smelling milk scours, vet told us it was from the doe having bad milk, I am not sure I agree with this will do samples but wondering if anyone has had this and what did you use to treat it. Fawns were clean but wife walked up to them...
  4. D

    My First Fawns

    I woke up to a nice surprise this morning. My first fawns ever were on the ground. 2 buck fawns and I couldn't be happier. Now I will have one longggg year waiting to see what they will look like. BW Ticket/Maxbo727/Timberjack/Highroller
  5. B

    weighing fawns

    Guys hope you can help here...I am looking for a scale to weigh our fawns. I have tried a few diff. Bathroom scales but had no luck doesn't go low enough. Anyone willing to list what they are using etc. I would appreciate it a million thanks guys
  6. W

    Thoughts on fawns?

    Just wondering everybodies thoughts on multiple fawns born to a doe. I will take a huge single over little tripletts all the time or a good set of twins over tripletts. probably would be different if I did deer raising fulltime....just wondering everybodies opinions?
  7. W

    Ants found new fawns

    Thought I had the ants under control but they found my new born fawns I am plan on treating as if ants had bitten myself however there hind end is raw any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  8. B

    creep feeding fawns

    does anyone creep feed your fawns,and if so what do you do to keep the does out of the feed. thanks brian
  9. IndependenceRanch

    2013 fawns popping out

    About a week ago I had a set of 5 fawns that came premature and lost them all. That sucked, however today we had a single buck fawn born. His mother is Abby who is a doe I had produced and sold as a fawn. Then bought her back this past Jan from Levi Mast in the Top 30 sale. She had a Reggie son...
  10. D

    What is everyone giving there Fawns??

    Hi, I am wondering what the best or what has worked the best for you as far as Fawn Pastes or gels you give the fawns at birth-first few days?? I have heard a lot about these pastes but its all been from the company, not actual deer farmers. Is there a difference beteween these? ive seen...
  11. L

    identifying fawns

    How soon do you tag your fawns ? How do you tell them apart until they are tagged. Thanks, Daren Lewis Lawrence Creek Whitetails
  12. L

    bottle feeding fawns

    Has anyone used goats milk instead of milk replacer? If so what were your results, and did you pastureize or feed raw? Thanks Daren Lewis Lawrence Creek Whitetails
  13. A

    When do doe fawns go into heat & how long?

    When do doe fawns come into heat? The fawns were born in the spring and we live in PA if that helps. We heard they come in again in March but we're not 100% sure on that. And do you have an idea of how long they are in heat.
  14. C

    2 fawns cant get right! HELP!

    Two womb fawns x 3 months that keep the scours one got better almost completely solid stool but now back to loose runn stool. thee other is completely liquid. a month ago before the 2nd fawn got scours again gave tylosin IM 2 times a week apart as well one dose of Zacctrin. This seemed to at...
  15. C

    Doe fawns still breeding

    I watched my Max Factor button buck breed a doe fawn yesterday. My question is how late has others seen there does or doe fawns breed and what are the odds that these doe fawns sticking and carrying full term? I have 6 in with War Factor now. I'm in MN. Thanks ,Charlie!
  16. G

    Bred does or doe fawns in michigan

    I am looking for some decent genitics in Michigan in some bred does and doe fawns. For some reason don't see much in Michigan on here Thank you
  17. W

    Fawn Vaccinations - Newborn Fawns

    What is your Fawn Vaccine protocol.....which drug, how many CC's, and why? One thing I have learned now that I have been in this amazing industry for 2 years now, is that everyone does things a little different, and everyone is willing to share their ideas with each other. Being in Kevin's...
  18. C

    AIing fawns

    i was thinking about vaginal AIing 4 of this years doe fawns around the 24th of the month of DEC has anyone tried this in the past with any success
  19. R

    Does EHD exist in fawns?

    Whats your thoughts??
  20. T

    4 dead fawns

    Has anybody had problems with bobcats killing their fawns? I have found 4 dead fawns all with broken necks all in the same pen within the last 3 weeks. We have been in our pens twice a day for the last 2 weeks checking for signs of ehd given that we bought a breeder buck that was delivered to...