
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. L

    Buck fawns

    Thought I would start a new thread and see what everybody elses buck fawns are looking like. These are Tombstone fawns. I am pretty excited about them. I personally have never had a buck fawn with knots this big in August. It is usually late December before have anything like this. Does any one...
  2. J

    Goat mineral for fawns?

    Is goat mineral for fawns ok? He doesnt like it
  3. C

    Giardia in Fawns?

    My Wife in years back recalled a litter of Labrador puppies that had contracted Giardia & after reading a few post in regards to the symptoms of Giardia in Fawns/Deer have raised some consern myself. This being said, have almost eliminated the possible Coccidia 5 fawns total that had...
  4. A

    How can I ship a frozen fawn(s)?

    Having trouble finding a good, cheap container to ship three deceased fawns that are frozen. Sending from Missouri to Indiana for someone to mount them. Any idas?
  5. J

    Mummified fawns?

    One of my does that I figured didn't catch last fall gave me a surprise this morning. She was acting a little funny last night almost like signs of labor, but had no udder and not "belly" either so I just ignored it. Well this morning I found her standing with afterbirth and two mummified...
  6. D

    Capturing Fawns

    None of our fawns are bottled raised. If we need to medicate them for some reason, we have to herd them into a lean-to. Then my husband grabs them up and I hurry and give the injections. Usually this works. We have a fawn right now with lumpy jaw that I desperately need to medicate but we just...
  7. K

    Why do buck fawn die but not doe fawns

    Each year I loose buck fawns but never doe fawns they are all in the same pen, anyone have commets on this?
  8. MuleyBreederBen

    Help with 5 wk old fawns

    I have to Buck Fawns in the pens that have developed a bad case of the scours. No other fawns have it in any other pen. They alos look a lot smaller than other fawns of the same age. The scours are tar like not green. I'm planning to pull the fawns from the mother and give 1/2cc ivermectin...
  9. J

    Pneumonia in fawns

    Hey guys i'm new to the site and deer farming. This is my first fawning season and so far not having very good luck. Im losing a lot of fawns, vet dug into a couple And said it's pneumonia. Had me start putting tetra bac in the water for 3-4 days and also we sent samples to k-state. So far I'm...
  10. V

    Grain/pellet recommendations for fawns

    Any recommendations for a good grain for fawns? Preferably something I can purchase at. Tractor Supply. I believe she's coming up on 3 weeks old. I have Calf Manna pellets for her but she's not having anything to do with them. I have made water and fresh dirt available to her at all times...
  11. T

    Maxbo Timberghost Fawns

    We just had to buck fawns out of Timberghost over undertaker Man we feel very lucky having twin bucks fawns out of this mix.
  12. R

    hawk or owl eating fawns

    Hello, can someone give me advice how to stop owls or hawks from killing fawns I know we cannot kill them for it is against wv state law, I thought about wire or scarecrow? has anyone else had this problem. If so what can we do. I am setting up a trail cam to try to see whats happening. they...
  13. B

    First fawns

    We had our first 2 fawns born this morning about 8AM. They are so cute!!:) One is up and walking well eating well, the other is smaller and has only moved one time a very short distance, he has not eaten at all or even cried to be fed. He does not blat or try to wiggle out when I picked him...
  14. C

    trouble with fawns

    Anyone ever had fawns passing loose white poop looks like bird poop almost pure white. Lost one fawn from it so far but i've noticed it on others any help would be appreciated. thanks for your time
  15. T

    how long between fawns.

    How long can it take before the second or third fawn appears after the first is born. I have a doe that had a single fawn last year. She was young and we did not know she was pregnant until she fawned. This year she looked quite pregnant and had a fawn at 1:15 today two hours later is seems here...
  16. M

    Having Single Fawns

    We are 3 years into deer farming. We have had 4 of our AI does fawn and they ALL had singles. They are young does but two of them have had 3 sets of twins 3 years running. The other two this was their first year fawning. Is there an explanation to this? two were AI'ed by one vet and the other...
  17. J

    Still born fawns?

    This is only my third fawning season and had a first this morning. My Roben doe AI'd to Texas Tea had quads this morning. Found her laying next to a healthy buck fawn, with two doe fawns still partially in her (both back legs on each still in her up to their knees) that were dead. I then found a...
  18. D

    Doe not caring for fawns

    I have a doe that had her first fawns some time between 12am and 6 am today she doesn't seem to be feeding them bellies not full and when i picked them up to check their sex they bleated and she could care less any ideas i usually leave them on mom for 24 to 48 hrs to get the colostrum but don't...
  19. Whitetail Sanctuary

    First Fawns Down!

    Got caught a little off gaurd :eek:went to te pens this morning and had a doe that had triplets @ 188 days! Thought I had a few more FREE days !!:D
  20. T

    Under weight fawns

    I have several fawns that all look to be under weight, some more then others. Not all my fawns are like this but it is more than just one. I have treated the herd's water with Corrid and I gave them some deworming pellets. I have also taken a couple stool samples to the vet and he has sent them...