I am having to raise a very young fawn. She’s 5 days old. I have done all research that I can find and talked to everyone i know who have raised fawns. I’ve been feeding her a colostrum replacement and have ordered a milk replacement online since all stores surrounding me seemed to be out. The bag of colostrum said she only needed that for the first few days so I’m switching to the milk replacement as soon as it arrives which should be tomorrow. The first couple of days her poop seemed to be fine and solid but now it’s more runny and lighter brown/yellow and has a strong smell. She acts fine, eats great still, doesn’t seem to be bothered by anything but just wondering if this is normal and will subside when I start giving her the replacer? She’s definitely pooping more often when I’m stimulating her but I’m not sure if that’s due to her eating better or related to the poop color/smell. I’ve started giving her about an ounce or two of electrolytes in between her bottles just so she won’t be dehydrated either. I’m not really sure how often they should be pooping. It isn’t a lot when she does do it but she does it about every few hours when I stimulate her and feed her. Any advice on her poop would be greatly appreciated!