Guys, That looks like a great sprayer but it is still a sprayer. It looks like it is really getting alot of coverage but if spraying water with a tiny bit of pesticide is what you want then I guess this would be great, a fogger sends the pesticide into the air pure and NOT DILLUTED with water. Imagine a smoke filled wall of pure insecticide that will drift for several hundred yards or more and float in the air for an hour or better when the wind conditions are calm, it will cover everything that the air touches. I have used a sprayer just like the one on here mixing my pesticide in water, IT DIDN'T DO ANYTHING BUT PISS THE MIDGE OFF!!! I have been hit extremely hard the last 2 years in a row because of a stagnant pond behind my enclosure, before the fogging I had deer getting ehd daily and sometimes as many as 5 new ones a day and since I have been fogging the pens and most importantly the pond it has STOPPED COMPLETELY. Again I mix Tempo in with my permethrin PBO mix so it stick to all the plants it touches, this pesticide lasts for several days when they land on it and touch it, again it is NOT DILLUTED with water. You get soooo much more coverage out of a couple hundred $$$ worth of the pesticide then you do by mixing permethrin with water, as wayne states, you have to use the PBO mixed in to get the best results, these midges have a waxy covering that can keep the water mixed permethrin from being as effective. I'm gonna try and shoot a video of the fogger in action so everyone will be able to see first hand what we are talking about. AGAIN, GET RID OF THE BUG AND YOU WILL GET RID OF EHD!!! I also vaccinated and gave a booster 2 weeks after the first vaccination and then again as soon as the ehd started and it didn't seem to help at all, maybe it did and I would have had twice as many get it but I will not count on the vaccine to save any deer from now on, I will fog starting early in the summer and hopefully keep it under control from now on. Best of luck to all.
Cody Warne