Torey, Congrats to you guys! Every time I see that pic of Epic, it reminds me how amazing it is that a yearling could push that kind of blood flow. Wow. I can't wait to see what he does next year. Is he getting a bunch of girlfriends this year, or will it be mostly AI producing Epic babies?
There are so many awesome bucks in this thread- congrats to everyone! Keep 'em coming!

For this year we are going mostly LAI with Epic on our top end girls. We don't want to over work him with to many live breedings. We do have a couple very special girls that will be live covered by Epic himself. Doc Greg Gist is sending up a double Orange 2 bred doe that he purchased for 60K as a fawn last year from Cougar Ridge that will be live bred. We also have M23 a Hardcore/Maxbo XL super sister and W138 a Express/Maxbo XL-(Chief Executive's womb) that we are considering for live breeding also. These two does both have their first yearling son this year. See pictures below! They are pretty awesome yearlings! Both on Russ Walk Jr.'s farm.
Prophet - Jumbo/W138(Express/Maxbo XL(chief executive womb))
Inferno - Sudden Express/M23(Hardcore/Maxbo XL super sister)
Some other does that we are on the fence for live breeding with would be R29 (MoneyMaker's mom), Y7 King Roller 431 @3 womb sister), W24 (The One's womb sister), G49 (Epic's mom), P67 Maxbo XL/High Roller-(HR doe has produced 3 breeder bucks), and the list goes on and on. Long story short Epic as a yearling buck will most likely have a great shot at some world class pedigreed dames.