ACA By-Laws

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Nov 13, 2012
Ayr, NE
In an effort to be as open and transparent as possible I am posting the ACA's by-laws in this forum. I want them to be available for everyone in the cervid industry to see and review.

I know there has been some misinformation about the structure of the ACA and whether it would or could replace any of the existing associations. I hope these by-laws clear up any of those misgivings.

There has been considerable work done to create a set of by-laws that will frame the ACA so it a can be as productive of an asset for the cervid industry as possible. Just as with any set of by-laws these are a living document and changes or tweaks might have to be made over time to continue the mission of the ACA.

I hope everone has a chance to review the by-laws and us them to gain a better understanding of how the ACA is structured and the rules that will govern it.

Thanks, Eric Mohlman

Executive Director

North American Elk Breeders Association

[email protected]

[email protected]

402-469-1831 Cell

I will be out of town till Sunday evening 3-24-13 hosting NAEBA's March Mingle in Wausau, Wisconsin if you need to contact me either call me or send me an email on my personal email address above.

I hope that they don't lose their formatting upon pasting.

I received an error message that this message is too long so I will be spliting the by-laws into two separate posts. Sorry for the inconvenience.






Section 1. Name. The name of this non-profit corporation is the American Cervid Alliance.

Section 2. Offices. Principal offices of the corporation are any place that Alliance names as the physical address needed to conduct the business of the corporation and at this time is 4985 West Blue Hill Road, Ayr, NE 68925.



This corporation has been formed to comply with the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, Section 501(c)4.

The purposes for which this corporation has been formed are:

To provide a council of leaders representing state and national farmed cervid

associations across North America.

To review threats and industry issues that can impact the cervid regulatory


To generate funds to financially assist a state or national association dealing with

defending private property rights and defending the Alliance’s position on


To increase the communication between leaders of member associations.

To provide a forum for leaders of member associations to exchange ideas to enhance

the industry.

To encourage statistical analysis, surveys, and recording of history.

To advise and offer consultation to any members’ association when the need arises.

To advance research that would be beneficial to the farmed cervid industry.

The mission statement of the American Cervid Alliance is:

The mission of the American Cervid Alliance is to protect and promote the private property rights of individual members of our participating cervid industry associations. The American Cervid Alliance will explore all avenues through education, negotiations, research, lobbying or legal challenges to preserve the rights of our members to explore private business ventures that include breeding, raising, harvesting, marketing and legal movement of farm raised cervids.



Section 1. Active Members. Member associations of the American Cervid Alliance (ACA) hereafter referred to as the “ACA” shall be those state and national associations that promote farmed cervids and are approved for membership in the ACA by or under authorization of the Leadership Council. Only those associations which have sent a written membership request and are publically and privately supporting the ACA will be approved for active membership. Active member association’s representatives shall be persons who are actively engaged as owners, agents, or managers in the handling, propagation, or care of any species of farmed cervidae. Each member association shall have one vote. The member association must submit in writing to the American Cervid Alliance office via postal mail, electronic mail or fax, the name of their association’s representative before they can be eligible. All member associations must be in good standing and be in compliance with their bylaws to be eligible for ACA membership.

Section 2. Payment of Dues. There are no required dues to become a member association.



Section 1. Powers of the Leadership Council. All the affairs of the ACA shall be under the control of the Leadership Council. The Leadership Council shall have the power from time to time to adopt, alter, and amend By-Laws and rules and regulations.

Section 2. Meetings of the Leadership Council. The Leadership Council shall hold a minimum of one meeting/teleconference each quarter at a time to be determined by the Leadership Council or the Moderator of the ACA. A meeting/teleconference of the Leadership Council for the transaction of business as may properly come before the meeting shall be at such place and on such date as the Leadership Council or the Moderator may from time to time determine, provided such determination shall be made by the Leadership Council.

Section 3. Notice of Meetings to Leadership Council Members. Notice of a meeting shall be deposited in the United States mail or sent by electronic mail addressed to the Leadership Council member at his or her address as it appears on the records of the Association, with the postage thereon paid, not less than ten (10) days nor more than sixty (60) days before the date of the meeting, and when so mailed the notice shall be deemed delivered.

Section 4. Special meetings. Special meetings may be called as needed to discuss emergency matters affecting the cervid industry. Special meetings may be called by the Moderator when necessary that will not have to meet the required notice for a normal meeting, a special meeting will require a twenty-five percent vote of the registered members for a meeting to be called.

Section 5. Quorum. A majority of the voting membership is required to constitute a quorum on any matter that may be required by vote.

Section 6. Member’s Records. The ACA shall keep correct and complete records of account and shall keep minutes of the proceedings of the Leadership Council and all meetings. All books and records of the ACA may be inspected by any member or his agent or attorney for any proper purpose at any reasonable time after reasonable notice.

Section 7. Voting.

A. At every Leadership Council Meeting, each Leadership Council member shall be entitled to one vote in person or by proxy vote cast by their registered representative. In the event the Council member’s registered representative is unable to attend a meeting, the registered representative or Office of the Member Association they represent may submit a proxy transfer to a temporary replacement representative for that meeting. After the adjournment of that specific meeting, the voting proxy will automatically be restored to the original registered representative unless otherwise specified by the Office of the member Association. If the registered representative of a member association is not present for a vote during a Leadership Council meeting that has not complied with the voting proxy transfer requirements, the Leadership Council member will not be able to vote.

B. The Moderator shall announce any transfers of voting proxy due to absence and any changes in representation of Leadership Council member immediately after the attendance roll call.

C. All voting on motions except motions to approve minutes, motions to adopt Treasurer’s report, motions to approve agenda, and motions to adjourn shall be roll call votes.

Section 8. Issues of Consideration. A person engaged in dealing with farmed cervids may submit an idea or issue to be considered in writing to the Moderator to be reviewed by the Leadership Council. The Moderator will use discretion of what suggested items will be considered by Leadership Council in the interest of urgency and importance to the industry.

Section 9. Code of Ethics. This code shall serve as a guide to members of the ACA in conducting their affairs. The code is not intended to cover all possible undesirable activities and in no way shall restrict the right of the Members of the ACA to expel any member whose conduct is, in the opinion of the Leadership Council, prejudicial to the interests of the ACA, as provided in the Articles of Incorporation or these By-Laws.

A. Members are concerned about the welfare of farm raised and wild cervids, and private property rights.

B. Members may disagree with the action of the ACA but shall not engage in activity deemed detrimental to the credibility of the ACA.

C. Any violation of the code by a member may be reported in full detail in writing to the Moderator of the Alliance. If it is the opinion of the Moderator that a violation may have taken place the Leadership Council will schedule a hearing to allow the member in alleged violation an opportunity to respond. If then it is the opinion of the two/thirds majority of the Leadership Council that the member did violate this code, the Leadership Council or their agent will compile all details and make a recommendation to:

I. Send the violating member a letter of reprimand; or

II. Suspend the violating member for a period of time; or

III. Expel the violating member from the Alliance.

The recommendation will be adopted only after a two/thirds majority vote by the Leadership Council.

D. In the event that the member who is alleged to have violated the code is on the Leadership Council, they shall abstain from all meetings, discussions, and votes regarding the alleged violation.

E. In all cases of an alleged violation, all details of the violation, hearing, recommendation of the Leadership Council, and decision of the Leadership Council or a letter of reprimand will be confidential. The only information released by the Leadership Council will be that specified (named) member has been “suspended” or “expelled.”



Section 1. Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will be made up of the Moderator and Secretary/Treasurer. The committee shall to the extent provided, have and exercise the authority of the Leadership Council in the management of the corporation but this authority shall not be construed to extend to the removal of officers of the corporation or the approval of annual budgets, nor to make any changes in By-Laws or to adopt long-range goals for the ACA, nor shall the designation of such committee operate to relieve the Leadership Council of any responsibility imposed upon them. Any action taken by the Executive Committee shall be subject to review and approval of the full Leadership Council. The Moderator and the Secretary/Treasurer will be members of the Leadership Council representing their individual state or national association to be eligible for the positions.

Section 2. Attendance at Meetings. A Leadership Council position is one of trust and confidence placed on an individual by the membership of the ACA and their appointing association. Attendance at Leadership Council meetings is paramount to this trust. A Leadership Council member shall make arrangements to have another representative from his or her association to represent him if he or she should be absent. If a substitute representative is to be used by a member association, it is the responsibility of the standing representative or the Office of their appointing association to notify the Executive Committee by either email or postal mail the identity of the substitute representative. If a member association is not represented by their registered representative or proxy in five consecutive Leadership Council meetings, the Leadership Council may consider the removal of their membership. Removal of membership due to attendance shall be approved by a 2/3 vote of the Leadership Council.

Section 3. Conduct of Meetings. Each meeting of the Leadership Council shall be presided over by the Moderator of the Leadership Council by the Secretary/Treasurer if the Moderator is not present or a person selected to preside, by a vote of the majority of the Leadership Council members present. The Secretary/Treasurer, or in his or her absence any person designated by the Chairman of the meeting shall act as Secretary of the meeting. All meetings shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order unless suspended by the majority vote of Leadership Council members.

Section 4. Conflict of Interest. Leadership Council members or member associations who have a personal or monetary conflict of interest with business before the ACA shall recuse themself to serve as a Leadership Council member or member association while that business is being discussed or voted on by the Leadership Council. The determination of the conflict of interest shall be approved by a 2/3 majority vote of the Leadership Council.

Section 5. Number of Leadership Council Members. The Leadership Council shall be made up of a representative from each state or national member association. In the case of two or more member associations within a state, that state may select a representative from each association within that state or select a representative to serve as the representative for all the member associations within that state with one vote shared between all state associations. Leadership Council members representing a state association are required to have their primary residence within that state to be eligible.

See second post for remainer of by-laws.
Remainer of by-laws



Section 1. Number and Designation of Officers. The Officers of the ACA shall be a Moderator and a Secretary/Treasurer. The Officers specifically named above shall be elected annually by the Leadership Council. No officer shall hold more than one executive office in the same year.

Section 2. Moderator. The Moderator shall be subject to the direction and control of the Leadership Council, is the chief executive officer of the ACA and shall have supervision of the financial and other affairs of the ACA, as well as all powers and duties usually incident to such officer. The Moderator shall preside at all meetings of the Leadership Council, except the election of Officers.

Section 3. Secretary/Treasurer. The Secretary/Treasurer shall have general supervision over care and custody of the funds and securities of the ACA and shall deposit the same or cause the same to be deposited in the name of the ACA in such bank or banks, trust company or trust companies, and in such safe deposit company or companies as the Leadership Council may designate; shall have supervision over all receipt and disbursements of the ACA and also general responsibility for its accounting procedures and practices; shall, whenever required by the Leadership Council or the Moderator, render or cause to be rendered an account or accounts of all his transactions as Secretary/Treasurer and of the financial condition of the ACA.

The Secretary/Treasurer shall also act as Secretary of all meetings of members and of the Executive Committee at which he or she is present, shall have supervision over the giving of notices of the ACA , shall be the custodian of the corporate records of the ACA, shall be empowered to affix a corporate seal to documents where a seal is required, shall exercise the powers and perform the duties usually incident to the office of Secretary/Treasurer, and shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be assigned to the Secretary/Treasurer by the Leadership Council or the Moderator .

Section 4. Fidelity Bond. The Leadership Council shall have the power, duties, and accounting for funds and property, in such form and in such amount and with such surety or sureties as the Leadership Council may deem advisable.

Section 5. Compensation for Agents and Employees. The compensation of all agents and employees of the ACA shall be fixed by the Leadership Council or pursuant to authority of general or special resolutions of the Leadership Council; but no compensation of any kind shall ever be provided for or paid to any Leadership Council member.



Section 1. Resignations. Any Leadership Council member, Officer, or agent of the ACA may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Leadership Council, or to the Moderator, or to the Secretary/Treasurer of the ACA; and, any member association may withdraw from the ACA at any time by giving notice as aforesaid. Any such resignation or withdrawal shall take effect at the time specified therein; or, if the time is not specified, upon receipt thereof, and, unless otherwise specified therein, acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective. All communications regarding resignations or any official business is to be sent to the ACA members from the official offices of the ACA.

Section 2. Removals. Any Leadership Council member , Officer, Employee or Agent, may be removed at any time by the majority vote or written action of the majority vote of a quorum of the Leadership Council upon a finding, reached after the person involved has been fully advised and heard, that the Leadership Council Member, Officer, Employee, or Agent is guilty of a felony or any misrepresentation, deception, or fraud with reference to any matter relating to farm raised cervids or is guilty of conduct detrimental to the welfare of the ACA. Notice shall be given by certified mail.

Section 3. Removal of Member Associations. Any member association which is working counter to the mission of the ACA could be removed from membership by a majority vote of a full quorum of the Leadership Council. Any association which is engaging in activity that is detrimental to the ACA, its mission or its members will not be eligible for membership.



Section 1. Vacancies Among Leadership Council Members. Any vacancy occurring within the ranks of the Leadership Council Members by reason of death, resignation, retirement, disqualification, or removal from office, shall be replaced by that member association who was represented by that Leadership Council member.

Section 2. Among Officers, etc. If the Moderator or Secretary/Treasurer becomes vacant at any time by reason of death, resignation, retirement, disqualification, removal from office, or otherwise, such vacancy or vacancies shall be filled by the vote of the Leadership Council at a meeting at which a quorum is present.



Section 1. Action Without Meeting By The Leadership Council. Any matter which can be decided or acted upon by the Leadership Council at a meeting held in accordance with these By-Laws may be acted upon by submitting the action in the form of a resolution, sent to the Leadership Council and then a written vote thereon by a majority of the entire number of Members constituting the Leadership Council shall be a valid action thereon as though the same had been done at a meeting of the Directors held in accordance with these By-Laws. This vote may be carried out either through postal mail, email or fax.



Section 1. It is the official policy of the American Cervid Alliance that:

No employee shall be subjected to employment decisions based on sex, race, color, national origin, religion, age, or disability.

No employee shall use the ACA’s authority to subject members of the public to decisions based on sex, race, color, national origin, religion, age, or disability.

Unprofessional conduct will not be tolerated and is prohibited.

Sexual harassment will not be tolerated and is prohibited.

Any form of harassment will not be tolerated and is prohibited.

Any violations of the above policy of sexual harassment and/or discrimination by any employee, Leadership Council member, or duly appointed agent will be thoroughly investigated by a special committee made up of five (5) Leadership Council members and a report shall be prepared and submitted, by the committee chairperson, to a full quorum of the Leadership Council for possible disciplinary action and/or dismissal.



Section 1. Rights Retained by the Member Associations. Except for the agreements herein outlined, each member state and national associations are understood to be freestanding and independent associations responsible for their own governance, actions and legal status. The ACA cannot legally commit the other to an enterprise, endeavor or undertaking without the express consent of that association’s Leadership Council member. All matters affecting a particular state will be handled by that state association(s) unless a request is made in writing to the Moderator of the Leadership Council outlining the nature of the request and then presented to the Leadership Council.

Section 2. Rights Retained by the ACA. The ACA is a unified body of associations represented by a Leadership Council. It will act only on matters affecting the industry as a whole and not on individual state matters unless a quorum of the Leadership Council approves, by a majority vote, a written request from a state association.



Section 1. Leadership Council. The term “Leadership Council” as used in these By-Laws shall, until amended by action of the Leadership Council, be construed to mean the body of voting members of the American Cervid Alliance.

Section 2. Leadership Council member. The term “Leadership Council member” as used in these By-Laws shall, until amended by action of the Leadership Council, be construed to mean the representative appointed to be an active member of the Leadership Council.

Section 3. Councilman. The term “councilman” as used in these By-Laws shall, until amended by action of the Leadership Council, be construed to mean the representative appointed to be an active member of the Leadership Council also known as a Leadership Council Member.

Section 4. Alliance. The term “alliance” as used in these By-Laws shall, until amended by action of the Leadership Council, be construed to mean the American Cervid Alliance.

Section 5. The American Cervid Alliance. This is the alliance collectively with the corporate office currently located 4985 West Blue hill Road, Ayr, Nebraska 68925. The acronym “ACA” as used in these articles denotes the American Cervid Alliance, Inc. and is governed by the Leadership Council selected by the member associations.

Section 6. Dissolution. In the event of dissolution of this corporation, or in the event it shall cease to carry out the objectives and purposes herein set forth, all business, property, and assets of the corporation shall go and be distributed to one or more non-profit corporations or public bodies as may be selected by the Leadership Council of this corporation and approved by at least (75) Seventy Five percent of the users or members to be used for, devoted to, the purpose of a community facility project or other purpose to serve the public welfare of the farmed cervid industry. In no event shall any of the assets or property, in the event of dissolution thereof, go or be distributed to member Associations, Leadership Council members, stockholders, or others having financial or managerial interest in the corporation either for the reimbursement of any sum subscribed, donated or contributed by such members or for any purposes, provided that nothing herein shall prohibit the corporation from paying its debts.

Section 7. Change of Definitions. The Leadership Council may add to and otherwise change the foregoing definitions and may include said definitions and changes in and amendments thereto in Rules which shall have the force of By-Laws.

Approved by the Leadership Council on this day ??????????????????

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