Antlers 2011

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mrobicheaux said:
"TABASCO" a Maxbo 727 Yearling

Mike Tobasco is looking awesome, what is his main frame, 7x7?????

Great Job raising him
Thanks Todd, Rick, Darren, Chris and Gheringer for your comments.. All you guys have great deer.

Rick as of now TABASCO is a mainframe 7x8.
Maxbo JES @ 3, he is goona be big. He grew a tremendous amount since I posted the last photos 2 weeks ago and are on page 46.


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Darren, I think Brad heath in WI has some very nice typical sons out of Wildcard with good mass and great beam length. I plan on calling John Ward about that Redline yearling John has there with very early growth you both own.

Sudden Explosion looks like he is stacking main tines for you Jim. He's grown a lot in the last couple of weeks and might be a 6 x 6 soon. You gotta love the temperment on him also. :cool: What was the buck/doe ratio on his fawns this year from him?
Here is an update on one of our shooters that is for sale. Hes about 26" inside.

Matt Anthony



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This is a PJ-Sargeant-High Rollers DAM yearling that we are real excited about. He lost his nubs late and his left side a week after the right. As you can see its a little behind. Im very impressed with the mass that he is making though. He is starting to web on the left side so I think he will end up pretty even. He will be interesting next year! Let me know what you think of him.


Matt Anthony

North Creek Whitetails



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Here are some pictures of a 3yr old breeder that we have. Scored just under 200 last year at 2. Will definatley beat that by quite a bit this year. Going to be very clean 6x6 for sure, with two kickers off the right g-2, and one next to the g4 on the right. He is WIDE. He is a High Roller grandson to our foundation does. Had 10 - 13" G2's and G3's last year, so can't wait for him to add the tines to his frame.


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Here are a few pictures of our 4yr old breeder Seven-Up. He is Max line bred to an Avalanche doe. Was 239 last year at 3, and looks to be adding quite a bit more this year. He is a late grower, but ends up with 10"+ G2's, G3's, and G4's, to go with his mass. Pictures are pretty blurry, as he wasn't cooperating with the camera.


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Here's a few of the yearlings this year.


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Joe C said:
Darren, I think Brad heath in WI has some very nice typical sons out of Wildcard with good mass and great beam length. I plan on calling John Ward about that Redline yearling John has there with very early growth you both own.

Sudden Explosion looks like he is stacking main tines for you Jim. He's grown a lot in the last couple of weeks and might be a 6 x 6 soon. You gotta love the temperment on him also. :cool: What was the buck/doe ratio on his fawns this year from him?

Seems he is throwing a few more buck fawns. However I got about half, but definitely have heard of more buck fawns. Thanks for asking.
Here is a two year old out of Brazos, our bucks are just now starting to show, we have some late growers


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This is a two year old out of Yank..


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These are all two year olds except for picture 382. Those two are yearlings. Everybodies bucks are looking great!!!!


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Good lookin shadow yearlings bruce!!!! Hope to see them in person on our visit!!!

Scott Neeb

Chanllow Farms

The Heart of Pa Dutch Country

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