In my opinion, this product is the perfect fit for our industry. Through out the years of feeding dry alfalfa, I would estimate that waste ran 60% or better. We spent as much time burning old hay as we did feeding new! Chaffhaye cured that problem. We feed over 150 deer in our breeding pens, and what they dont eat wont fill a five gallon bucket! We are located in SE Kansas, where alfalfa can be bought off the farm for $4.00 a bale. Yes, it's a bit more expensive than baled alfalfa, but considering the waste and labor cleaning up the waste, we are now saving money. We are so sold on this product that we became a dealer. If anyone would like a quote on it by the bag or by the pallet, shoot me an email. The discounts for picking it up by the pallet are considerable.
Kirk Kelso
Rim Rock Ranch
(620) 642-6402