Congressman Paul Ryan

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Apr 4, 2009
Edgar, WI

Congressman Paul Ryan, Republican from Wisconsin, is to be Mitt Romney's running mate for the next Vice President of The United States.

What are we to think of this selection?* He's not a graduate of Columbia University.* He's not a graduate of Harvard.* He wasn't selected as the President of the Harvard Law Review.* He didn't get a special free quota scholarship ride to any prestigious university and, instead, had to work his way through Miami University of Ohio.* For God's sake the man drove the Oscar Mayer Wiener Truck one summer and waited tables another!*

One morning when Paul Ryan was sixteen years old he went in to wake his father up and found him dead of a heart attack.* He didn't write two books about that experience.* Instead, he assumed the role of adult at an early age, never having the luxury to pursue youthful drug use and the art of socialist revolution.*

Instead, Paul Ryan and his mother took his grandmother, suffering from Alzheimers, into the household and served as the primary care provider for his grandma.* His grandma wasn't the Vice President of the Bank of Hawaii so she could offer nothing in return, except the element of "need". Afterall, they were a family of deep faith, Catholics to be precise, and they believed

in doing God's will.

Once Paul Ryan got his BA in Economics from Miami University of Ohio he was hired as a staff economist in Wisconsin Senator Kastin's office.* The job must have not paid well because young Ryan moonlighted as a waiter and fitness trainer.* No one offered him a "token honor" position at the University of Chicago and a $200,000 dollar a year salary.

When a still young Paul Ryan returned to Wisconsin to run for Congress he didn't demonize his opponent and dig up dirt to shovel against him.* He waited until the standing Congressman vacated the office before seeking the office.** In Janesville, Wisconsin they don't have a big political machine to promote you, to criminalize your opponent; instead Paul Ryan had to go door to door and sit at kitchen tables and listen to his future constituents.*

After getting elected to Congress Paul Ryan didn't triumphantly march into Washington, buy himself a Georgetown townhouse and proceed over to K Street to rub elbows with lobbyists.* He bunked in his Congressional office and used the house gym for showers and a fresh change of clothes.

Paul Ryan then married and took his bride back to Janesville.* He lives on the same street he lived on as a kid and shares the neighborhood with eight other members of the Ryan clan.* He hunts with the local Janesville hunt club and attends PTA meetings and other civic functions.

For those who can't make those public functions, Paul Ryan bought an old bread truck, converted it into a "mobile constituent office" and drives around to meet with those who need his help and attention.

No, I don't know if we can vote for a guy like this.* He doesn't have a regal pedigree; he's Irish for God's sake!* No one awarded him a Nobel Peace Prize two months after getting elected.* No one threw flowers or got "chills down their leg" as a he took his seat in Congress.

What is most despicable about Paul Ryan is that he has had the nerve to write the House Budget for three years in a row.* He's is brazen and heartless in advocating in that budget for a $5 trillion dollar reduction in federal spending over the next ten years!* The House passed his budget three years in a row and three years in a row the Democratically controlled Senate has let it die in the upper house, without ever proposing a budget of their own.** What is wrong with this guy?* If Congress were to cut $5 trillion dollars from the budget where would the President get the money to give $500 million dollars to a bankrupt Solyndra?* Or $200 million dollars for bankrupt Energy 1?* Or $11 billion dollars to illegal aliens filing INIT, non-resident tax returns to claim $11 billion big ones in child tax credits, even for their children living in Mexico?

I don't know.* Paul Ryan seems heartless to me.* He keeps wanting to cut government waste, he keeps wanting to put a halt to those big GSA conventions in Vegas and, worse, he keeps trying to make people look at that $16.7 trillion dollar deficit!* The guy's no fun at all!

Who wants a numbers cruncher?* Who wants someone spoiling the party by showing folks the bill?* Nothing will spoil a party quicker than sending the host the bill before the party's over.
Wild Rivers Whitetails said:
We watched Paul Ryan's speech last night at the Republican convention. How can anyone not like this guy?????

Im not trustin anyone, Not even this guy. He sounds good and all but he is a huge supporter of QDMA and you know where they stand against us. Their fourms are on fire over there sayin how good this guy supports all that QDMA stands for. It does not matter who is in there, They are still lookin out for number one. Just look at what politics are doing to some of your deer farming friends in other states.....
This guy was a perfect choice.....he is certainly better than the two jamokes in the Whitehouse now........if you listened to him speak last night it tells the whole story....He is exactly what our country needs!!
Ryan IS EXACTLY what this country needs. I have spoke with him and I don't feel threaten by his positions on deer growers. That said if this country goes broke and dies non of us have to worry about raising deer because we will all be in food lines. If you think I over exaggerate your sadly mistaken. Ryan knows how to fix this countries financial issues AND HE WANTS TO FIX THEM. I just hope he is allowed to!
This is why i don't care for Paul Ryan he may be all you say he is but where I come from when you take something that isn't yours your called a theif. On March 29, Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives, on a party line vote, adopted the so-called Ryan Budget over the unanimous opposition of House Democrats.

One of the Budget’s provisions states that railroad retirement benefits “are more generous than Social Security in many ways.”

While the language in the Ryan Budget is non-specific on exactly what changes would be in store for present and future recipients of Railroad Retirement benefits, there is no doubt that the goal is to reduce those benefits. This budget ignores the fact that railroads and railroad workers pay more into our retirement system than those who pay into Social Security. It also ignores that the Railroad Retirement System is completely solvent and has no realistic projections that would indicate that it would have problems meeting its future financial obligations.

Railroad workers don’t contribute into the Social Security system. Instead, railroads and railroad workers contribute into the Railroad Retirement System on a two-tier basis. Tier I taxes mirror Social Security taxes. Tier II taxes finance the retirement that railroad workers receive over and above Social Security benefits. It’s a rather simple concept; railroad workers receive more in benefits because we pay more into our system.

Under his budget plan he takes our retirement away and gives us social security. Rail road retirement is souly paid into by rail employees nothing ever comes from the goverment. I'm not the brightest bulb out there but wouldn't that be stealing from me.
I am not sure how the rail road retirement works and I would not comment on something I know nothing about......I certianly hope it works put for you....but what I can say is I assure you Ryan is not stealing your retirement.....I would bet everything I have not one penny of that retirement money will end up in his pocket....and that would be the only way you could call it stealing......Roger you an I agreed on something ....we are making some headway....LOL.....all kidding aside.....I Agree Roger I certianly hope he gets the chance to show what he is made of!
So Dennis is he a robin hood just cause it don't wind up in his pocket he's still taking something that isn't his or yours it belongs to me and others like me that have worked hard for years with the hope of retireing with a good retirement fund. I just hope you don't hold him on too high of a pedestal. I heard him talk he does seem very smart he's just left me with a deep cut.
I do not know all the ins and outs or even how he was involved as far as what you are insinuating about him so I can not argue that fact.....I was simply saying he was not stealing........I will have to research on what you are talking about ........I just think he has the right attitude and is the right person for the job at one is perfect and we will find faults with everyone as we are human.......just my opinion no more no less.....
I don't know the specifics of the RR retirement either, but I do know that he has proposed changes for SS that will not affect current retirees or anyone 55 or over. He is looking down th road to see what programs are sustainable and which aren't and trying to be sure there is something for the younger generation when they reach retirement. My guess is he would phase in something for new RR workers, letting existing workers keep the deal they have.

Also you have to look at the big picture--not just one program he is looking to change. What will he do for the country, not just RR workers. If he can get our country on a sound fiscal path that is huge!!!! Our Governor here in Wisconsin made some tough choices and yes, state workers had to cough up a little more towards insurance etc., but it was the right thing to do. There are choices in life, do the easy popular thing or the right thing. Right now we 've got a guy that is afraid to stand up and do the right things, the hard things. It is easier just to give freebies to people so they vote for you.
Bottom line he is still looking to fill a seat. They will say what ya want to hear untill the votes are in. Im not sayin he not the right guy for the job,Just someone different cant be a bad thing but to trust all any of them say would probably be a mistake!!
Don't get me wrong I don't feel obama is the way to go either. Lets just say I don't see a good choice.
All I know is the current government has done more to ruin my retirement than Paul Ryan could do in 20 years. PLUS I don't see Ryan apologizing to every Muslim country that exists on planet earth. Plus, I'll take all bets (handshakes only) that Paul Ryan will put his hand over his heart when the Pledge of Allegiance is said AND have an American flag proudly showing when he does. PLUS, I bet (same handshakes) he doesn't change his colors when he gets in office. "I have been sold out as an American. I am FURIOUS"
I meant what I said...BUT I think I need to apologize posting in anger. I don't like anyone's retirements to evaporate like mine (and know why). I crossed the line and I apologize to anyone whom I offended in any sense of sarcasm that "spun off of the spool".
Anyone who lets the VP choice keep them from voting against Obama is part of the problem. Romney was my very last choice amongst those running for the republican nomination and yet he is 1000X better than Obama. Once Romney had the nomination locked down, Ryan wasnt my first choice for VP either. All the other issues need to be cast aside until Obama is gone. Again, if you let any issue keep you from voting against Obama or even staying home and not voting at all ... YOU are part of the problem
I have meet with Paul Ryan numerous times in Washington D.C. and can tell you he is one of the best politicians we have in Washington. He is very down to earth, is an avid sportsman and is a supporter of our industry. We need to support those who support us...remember that when you go to the polls in the November.

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