CWD found in Virginia where there's no deer farms!

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Aug 24, 2012
Waynesville, Ohio
Tried sending you a PM Ezra.  Not trying to burst your bubble by any means here, but the counties with CWD in WV are literally connected to where they found it in VA. So, not the best news for anyone.  Sorry bud.  
Well I can't help that Mike lol either way no deer farms in that state and DNR isn't concerned with their borders.... If a Farmer can be arrested for breaking a quarantine can DNR officials be arrested for blatantly allowing cwd to enter a state without a deer farm! Not the farmers fault period we ain't there and we don't move deer to that state so.... ugh okay lol I'm just saying I don't care how close it is a state line changes everything right! Cause I can't come to your farm this morning and pick up a couple dream does bred to Texas Tea cause of that mythical state line!
Memory Lane Farms1013151425195325

Who they gonna blame now! CWD is confirmed in the wild herds of Virginia! I guess this may bring some light to transportation of wild carcasses across state lines from known cwd areas! I wonder how bad it is with as little as The DNR actually test this could be huge!

3 New Cases of Chronic Wasting Disease Detected In Virginia Deer | WRIC

I for one cant wait till its in every state so it continues to prove itself not to be the big deer killer that those with agendas want everyone to believe.  With CWD showing up in more states, with states bringing in untested animals, with states backing off on some of the testing for farms in some states i believe they are starting to lose their fight using CWD as an excuse, The win in Iowa, The win in West Virginia The coming win in Missouri and the table will continue to turn., in our favor!
Four Seasons Whitetails1013231425242011

I for one cant wait till its in every state so it continues to prove itself not to be the big deer killer that those with agendas want everyone to believe.

I feel the same exact way. Here in WI we are now 14 years post "discovery" of cwd in WI. The DNR stood at numerous town hall meetings telling everyone that unless they stopped cwd the ENTIRE whitetail population in the state would be GONE in 20 years. They have not stopped it, AND population numbers are HIGHER in the cwd zones than before discovery.
Well I believe it's in Maryland too its only a matter of time before it's found in every state and a live test will squander the opposition Once and for all on the CWD Horse hockey!

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