Fallow deer?

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Apr 13, 2009
cental Pennsylvania
Well there is 8" of snow, and it's snowing again now, not to mention it is forecasted to be well below zero before long with the windchill. So it kind of forced me to sit inside and giving me too much time to think to myself, lol, which is kind of nice, cause I often don't have time to do so. Anyway, I hear fallow deer taste pretty good, and I certainly enjoy venison.... Well with my deer numbers way down, and I having a small pen out behind my house that's empty, It got me thinking that I could possibly put a fallow back there. I enjoy deer so much, it makes me get the impression fallows would be neat to learn more about them. I can change my mind from day to day on somethings, so maybe tomorrow I'll wake up and talk myself out of this, lol. But today I was thinking, and If I would get a fallow I would want to raise it a year or so, then butcher it for the venison, or if I really enjoyed having it around I may want to keep it and breed it. I don't know how serious I am about getting one, but it's given me something to ponder for the future. It seems with fallows, that there are not many around in PA, in fact I know of no one that has them. I never see for sale ads for them either. I do however see them on some preserves hunt list, so someone is breeding them. So I had some questions for those of you who raised them before, or know something's about them. How much do they usually sell for ( not hunt price, I am talking between breeder farms) and has anyone on here raised or still raise them? Are they calmer temperment than whitetails? If nothing else, hopefully this thread will strike up some good conversation, on a cold snowy winter day, lol.

Well there is 8" of snow, and it's snowing again now, not to mention it is forecasted to be well below zero before long with the windchill. So it kind of forced me to sit inside and giving me too much time to think to myself, lol, which is kind of nice, cause I often don't have time to do so. Anyway, I hear fallow deer taste pretty good, and I certainly enjoy venison.... Well with my deer numbers way down, and I having a small pen out behind my house that's empty, It got me thinking that I could possibly put a fallow back there. I enjoy deer so much, it makes me get the impression fallows would be neat to learn more about them. I can change my mind from day to day on somethings, so maybe tomorrow I'll wake up and talk myself out of this, lol. But today I was thinking, and If I would get a fallow I would want to raise it a year or so, then butcher it for the venison, or if I really enjoyed having it around I may want to keep it and breed it. I don't know how serious I am about getting one, but it's given me something to ponder for the future. It seems with fallows, that there are not many around in PA, in fact I know of no one that has them. I never see for sale ads for them either. I do however see them on some preserves hunt list, so someone is breeding them. So I had some questions for those of you who raised them before, or know something's about them. How much do they usually sell for ( not hunt price, I am talking between breeder farms) and has anyone on here raised or still raise them? Are they calmer temperment than whitetails? If nothing else, hopefully this thread will strike up some good conversation, on a cold snowy winter day, lol.

I had a guy call me last week up here that wants to sell 12 animals 150 each for bred does and 300  for a 1 and 3 year old bucks together. So they go pretty cheap from the sounds of it, I also had a ranch owner tell me they pay like a grand for a trophy ranch buck. If it takes 3-4 years to get one to trophy status then it sounds like a dud as far as raising for resale. To have some, I may put some on just because i will have over 100 head of whitetails and i still have a few acres of running room to graze them. I was told they were kinda like sheep and graze poorer land and brush  A guy could sell all the trophy animals for sure and maybe able to sell some meat does as long as state rules allow whole animal sales without USDA involved.


If you can get them for what i can, i say..Get yourself some!
Exotics have ran their course and now are back on the upswing.  A few years ago a big fallow buck would cost me $300-$500.  Now that buck is $900 to $1,200.  Same with Elk.  Right now Fallow deer and Elk are bringing more money than what my hunt prices have been for years.  Wish I had several of each.
I have been selling fallow does for 1000.00 each and I am out to next year.
I thought I was the only one that thought up crazy ideas from one day to the next. Pastured pigs, pasture poultry, beef cattle, bison, etc.

I have been selling fallow does for 1000.00 each and I am out to next year.

Man are we ever missing the boat in the north. How can life be so good for Texas and Alabama when it comes to the high fence industry when it come to cervids. I mean Fallow does a grand there and 100 bucks here. Whitetails 200in bucks double the money with a great market.  Just strange how that can work that way. Every year it sounds like a move south is in order. My deer would be worth more and i would not have to deal with this 4-5 foot snow pac and 19 below weather.


Wish i could help ya out. You could make yourself a quick cool 10 grand. Who cant use that at this time of year. lol
Matt, we started raising mouflon rams. I have tried the fallow and didnt care much for them. These mouflon eat mostly all hay and are very pretty. Very easy to raise. Run up and see them

Mike, looks like theres another big storm coming. Be safe!
I have nine species of deer & antelope. I have both subspecies of fallow, pure Persian  (domestic pure, 5th cross) & Anatolian (a line of trophy Hungarian). Fallow are by far the easiest deer to raise. They are a bit mad in the yards, but It doesn't seem they are any worse than whitetail. They won't be effected by EHD , MCF or CWD.





Now I won't be in a position to sell you folks any, so this should be considered an unbiased appraisal. Also after reds & elk they are about my least favourite species of deer, but honestly they are easy. Forget trophies at three or four YO though, they need at least five years & seven is better.
I have raised them for 11 years now they are some of the best tasting animals I raise there fat is different than whitetail I love eating fallow T&S very disease resistance

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