How to stop diarrhea?

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Jun 28, 2010
Salisbury, NC
Our fawn's having diarrhea lately, and, we're not sure exactly what's causing it. He's bottle fed, on 4oz. 2oz concentrated goats milk, 2oz water for diluting it, which is SUPPOSED to help prevent Diarrhea.... What's up with this? And...In case anyone needs to know, color is ranging from light to dark brown, usually light.
Everyone is different but I use water in the milk to clean them out when they get runny. After one feeding I go back to all milk. I dont know if you use yogurt or rice at all but that will help
I feed pastuerized goats milk and the only time that I have had scours I gave the fawn a dose of Kaolin Pectin. 2cc for two days and she has been solid every since. Good luck
Arrowhead Whitetails said:
I feed pastuerized goats milk and the only time that I have had scours I gave the fawn a dose of Kaolin Pectin. 2cc for two days and she has been solid every since. Good luck


Where ar you getting "Kaolin Pectin" and do you give it orally? Thanks
We're using the Red cap milk with a 1/2 cup of Manna Pro kid milk replacer per gallon.

On fawns with diarrhea we're treating with 3cc of Pepto Bismol once maybe twice a day and 1/2 cc Nuflor daily for three days. (this is what has worked for us on the whole milk) Usually one treatment of Pepto has been working with us. If your fawns have severe diarrhea you'll need to consult your vet.

If nothing is found in the stool samples and they're still eatting well, try canned pumpkin in their bottle. It might help "tighten them up"

How has the red cap and replacer been working for you.....are you pleased??
Hey Rick, It's been working well... the fawns seem to like it and we're seeing a good weight gain on all but one fawn. Brett bought some Zoologic about a week ago but since we're having good luck with the red cap we decided not to change at this point.
I have had more than my share with the runs this year with 22 fawns on the bottle.

The items I will NOT be without and that has worked everytime for me this year is about a 1/2 of a 1/4 tsp of LS-50 (powder) in the bottle every 12 hours for 3-4 times. I also swear by All Natural Correction. This combination has totally worked for me this year. In about 2-3 days they are pelleted.

All Natural Correction is sold at It's a gelling powder that really works!! The LS-50 is sold on or I have gotten it at our local Animal Health Center.

BTW, my fawns are on ADM milk replacer just in case it's relevant.
Well, the diarrhea has stopped, I added a bit more water to the mixture, so. That seems to be working.
i have a fawn button buck with diarrhea,tail,hocks and back legs are covered in it. He is not on the bottle.He has protein and peanut hay and a steady water source. How can I treat it to stop diarrhea and and maybe save this fawn? Don't want to tranquilize it and put more stress on it.

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