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IndependenceRanch said:
Thank you to all of you for your input and for looking.
Crocket, you are right. Bout time he starts promoting DownDraft. Im just glad Downdraft will have a NEW HOME this fall in Oklahoma.... Can't wait
Michael, I guess we are just going to leak out small bits and pieces of info about this new partnership?

Yes, it is true Downdraft will be heading south in fall to his new home in OK.
crocket said:

Soon the signature will have to change again to read... Birthplace to both Updraft and Downdraft. Home to Updraft and former home to Downdraft

I hope he likes the heat down there. Good thing Michael is going to give him rub downs and iced tea everyday to keep him cool and comfortable:eek: That was in the contract right?:p
What ever Laurie orders me to do... You know the routine Rog.

It is true for all that have called. DOWNDRAFT will be moving to Oklahoma this fall. We have formed a new partnership with Independence Ranch. Many new and very exciting programs will be coming forward soon. Thanks to Roger and Laurie for giving us this great opportunity. We feel Downdrafts breeding will greatly enhance our program and the programs of many other farms across the country.
deerfarmer2011 said:
will the brother go as a stocker on a ranch?

Who are you talking about?

I would hope your not talking about either Updraft or Downdraft because I don't see either of them going for any stockers on any hunt ranches any time soon.
Since we are only 2 days away from the Buckeye sale taking place I want to bump this information out there one last time for anyone who might now have seen it yet.

Our lot for the coming Buckeye auction that I would like to just say a little about.

Lot #70 on page 48.

Apparently it will be the last lot sold on Friday the 28th.

Sierra is a bottle fed 2009 doe and is LIVE bred to Downdraft 225 7/8"@3 with a 25" inside spread.

Sierra is a Max Thrust 262"@3 daughter. Sierra's mother Kasey is a Ringer daughter. Ringer was a beautiful 6x6 scoring 166 6/8"@2 with a 21 2/8" inside spread. He unfortunately died so we have no other information about him. Ringer is a Bucky Jr. son out of F2/Y0048 making Sierra a double bred F2/Y0048 doe. F2 is the dam to Max Thrust 262"@3. Sierra carries a strong 6x6 mainframe in her genetics. The anchor doe is a WRW Jack The Ripper doe and I am sure we all have seen the big deer those Jack the Ripper deer have been producing for Gary and Jane.

The fawns will have an unbelievable amount of Pebbles and Poncho built into them.

Pebbles 7 times.

Poncho 6 times.

Bucky 3 times.

and Bucky Jr and F2/Y0048 each 2 times.

All this while using Maxbo as the outcross.

There is a very low reserve on this animal and I doubt it will even come into play during the sale so feel free to bid.

Laurie and I again, and as always, thank you ALL for looking:)
well for me and it looks like a few others that the smaller downdraft is the better looking of the two with more width but to each his own on that one.
Hey Michael, if it gets too hot for Downdraft down here in Oklahoma, you might consider hiring Barbara to stand outside his pen and shoot him that icy stare that she gives me when I forget to come home for a day or two. That oughta keep him in his winter coat plum through August. She so frigid, when she changes pants the furnace kicks on !
Man you are living on the edge. I hope for your sake she NEVER sees that post. As far as Downdraft, he will do just fine down here. We have brought many down from the North with no problems. Besides, I have a room already built for him with the AC cranked up.

Deerfarmer2011, It is funny how womb brothers can be so different. Updraft shows the Poncho side, Downdraft shows the Bucky. I loved them both. We have an Updraft son (Jetstream) that is very nice and soon to have many from Downdraft.
[quote name=' We have brought many down from the North with no problems. Besides, I have a room already built for him with the AC cranked up.[/QUOTE']

I would like to see a picture of that room and how long do they have to stay in there?:confused: We have a hard time geting northen(AI) genetics to live down in the south.:mad:


Arrowhead Whitetails said:
... It is funny how womb brothers can be so different. Updraft shows the Poncho side, Downdraft shows the Bucky. I loved them both. We have an Updraft son (Jetstream) that is very nice and soon to have many from Downdraft.

On another discussion thread I explained how each of the brothers took after one of the two assets of the line bred pedigree.

As Michael said Updraft took the Poncho side, and Downdraft took the Bucky side. It even goes a small touch further than that.

Updraft took the Poncho and Buster side, while Downdraft took the Little Boomer, Bucky and Bucky Jr side.

Deerfarmer 2011 I will take your post as a compliment to how Downdraft looks. I will say however that I can honestly say the jury seems very split between Downdraft and Updraft.

From emails, calls, and from talking with folks at the booth and having them ask to take pictures of the mounts, it would seem that the jury might be split about in half on which brother they like most.

Personally I like them both;)
updraft has more bone but is to narrow i believe and downdraft has a much better look as far as as a normal rack.with a narrow rack and those flyers sticking out kinda takes away from him.Downdraft has a frame on points coming off that frame as they should.

that is just my thinking anyway.
Updraft, Downdraft What's the next franchise deer going to be called? Friendly Skies???

Hey I just think I coined a new phrase " franchise deer"
Curtis I would have thought Jarrod would have coined that phrase:)

As far as names go, yes we use some odd and different names that many others wouldn't want to maybe use. But at least you don't see too many duplicates then of our bucks and bucks from other farms. I hate when two bucks have the same name in the industry because sometimes pedigrees get all jacked up and people never know which buck a person is referring to.

I have a hard time coming up with new names though. Good thing we don't raise very many deer here. This fall we only have 2 buck fawns on the ground and I haven't put any thought into what to name them yet.
I would like to thank all the bidders for my 2 lots that sold recently at the Midwest Select show, and I would like to thank Eric and Jerry for having us in the show as well.

I also want to say I had a really good time visiting and hanging out with my friends at the show. I thank all of you for your words of encouragement and your good humored fun.

I was lucky enough to purchase a really nice bred doe from Levi Weaver who is live bred to Maxbo Ranger. Thank you to Levi.

I want to thank the Cherek's for their investment in our genetics. They purchased both of our lots during the show. They are now a brand new deer farm in the industry with those 2 purchases. We couldn't be happier for them and we will assist them in any way we can to help them strive in this industry. Congrats and welcome to the industry Logan's Legacy Ranch!
Thank you for looking.


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