Indiana 2014 preserve bill

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Feb 23, 2013
Markleville IN
The following is a synapsis of the 2014 preserve bill.  PLEASE READ THE FULL VERSION IN ITS ENTIRETY in the downloads section

this bill would put the existing 4 preserves out of business because there is no grandfather and they are all less than 200 acres

and the preserve is to be fenced with 10' fence



Hb1154 was introduced by Rep. Bill Friend today:

"Game preserves. Provides for the licensing and operation of game preserves in which privately owned cervidae and game birds may be hunted. Provides for the maximum sale of 10 licenses to operate game preserves. Requires game preserve owners: (1) to pay a yearly license renewal fee; and (2) to provide annually a free program at the game preserve's facilities that promotes hunter safety or develops new hunters who are either less than 18 years of age or disabled. Provides that the owner of a game preserve is not required to possess a game breeder's license or shooting preserve license. Restricts the sale and transfer of ownership of an ownership interest in a game preserve. Establishes requirements for the operation of game preserves. Provides for the inspection of game preserves by the department of natural resources and the state board of animal health. Establishes record keeping requirements. Requires game preserve license fees to be deposited into a hunter safety education fund. Establishes the hunter safety education fund."
Sorry to hear of your problems,
The ranches in Pa are under attack too. Now we have to sample 100% of all deer that die or are harvested for CWD. Ultimately the extra expense of testing will fall or come out of the pockets of the producers who grew the deer.
did it say something in that bill about the 200 acres and 10' tall and why would they only give out 10 permits ?  pretty bad when the state wont let you pass down a business to your family.
Yes H&M Whitetails you read the bill correctly.  It is very sad in our state that you cant get people to WORK TOGETHER (and to stop behind closed doors or only a select few no about it) which seems to take place quite often in our association & industry here in Indiana.  If people would come together as a team & quit acting like children & excluding people out of the decision making process to only benefit them we might get somewhere.  It always seems like there is a handful people that want to keep everybody else & try to propose something that will only benefit them.  Well sorry folks there are 300 of us deer farmers in Indiana beside you handful of people & we are not going anywhere.  
Oh it looks like more than 10, then you'll be drawn for a "chance" at a license, and STILL have to pay a $10,000 fee. 200 acres with 60% escape cover? All stands are to be 75 yards from any perimeter fence?


That would be over $100,000.00 of cost just in 10" fence.


No one can have "interest or ownership" in any more than 1 preserve?


What happened to being able to run my own small business??? I can own as many gas stations or fast food places, or beef farms that I want.
Desperation and greed, a bad combination for any industry. This will not encourage new preserve business in Indiana, nor will it keep those in business able to cash flow. A terrible business plan, no bank is going to invest in this risky proposition.

We know personally what it is like to have the investment backed expectation taken away and exactly what the banker thinks of it. Maybe you should all try to tell squirrel or raccoon hunts or nature hikes as offered to us by our state. See how far that gets you in making land payments, property tax, and maintenance on two lodges and two log cabins.

Wake up!
(0,0,0);background-color:transparent;15px;TimesNewRomanPSMTHighlights I see about your bill:
(0,0,0);background-color:transparent;15px;TimesNewRomanPSMTIf you don't own the preserve license, and it has to be renewed or drawn yearly, if you cannot sell the license, what value does it have?  Try to go to a bank and get a loan for this preserve !!!!  
(0,0,0);background-color:transparent;15px;TimesNewRomanPSMTCannot hunt for 10 days, any animal in preserve, after release.
(0,0,0);background-color:transparent;15px;TimesNewRomanPSMTCannot sell a specific animal, to a hunter.
(0,0,0);background-color:transparent;15px;TimesNewRomanPSMTHunt only during your statewide season ????
(0,0,0);background-color:transparent;15px;TimesNewRomanPSMT 11ptRestricts the sale and transfer of ownership of an ownership interest in a game preserve.
(0,0,0);background-color:transparent;15px;TimesNewRomanPSMT 11pt 11pt( B) Not more than ten (10) active game preserve licenses may be  11ptissued by the department at the same time.
(0,0,0);background-color:transparent;15px;TimesNewRomanPSMT 11pt 11pt(c) The owner of a game preserve licensed under this chapter may sell or transfer, including through inheritance, the owner's interest in the game preserve to the owner's spouse or child. 
(0,0,0);, ' ', 'Lucida Grande', ;

11pt(1) The game preserve must contain at least two hundred (200) contiguous acres.

(2) At least sixty percent (60%) of the area of the game preserve must consist of escape cover. 

11pt(3) The game preserve must be enclosed by a  (205,35,44)secure fence that  (205,35,44)is at least ten (10) feet in height.

11pt5) An animal belonging to the family cervidae  (205,35,44)may not be hunted in the game preserve  (205,35,44)until at least ten (10) days after the animal is released in the game preserve. The  (205,35,44)hunting of other animals belonging to the family cervidae may not be allowed on the game preserve during the ten (10) day period referred to in this subdivision.

11pt(9)  (205,35,44)The game preserve may not sell a specific cervidae to a hunter.

11pt(13)  (205,35,44)Cervidae may be hunted in the game preserve only:
11pt(A) (205,35,44) during the statewide deer hunting season; and

background-color:transparent 11pt( B) with weapons and ammunition that are allowed to be used to hunt deer during the statewide deer hunting  11ptseason.

11pt( B) To purchase a game preserve transportation tag, a hunter must pay a fee. The fee for a game preserve transportation tag is:
11pt(1) (205,35,44) fifty dollars ($50) for an Indiana resident; and

15px;background-color:transparent 11pt 11pt(2)  (205,35,44)one hundred dollars ($100) for an out-of-state resident.
background-color:transparent 11ptThe department  (205,35,44)shall deposit the fees in the fish and wildlife fund established by IC 14-22-3-2.
15px;background-color:transparent 11ptSec. 15. Beginning July 1, 2016, the owner of a game preserve licensed under this chapter must pay (205,35,44) a license renewal fee of one thousand dollars ($1,000) not later than June 30 of each year.

11ptSec. 16. (a) Beginning July 1, 2016, as a condition of the renewal of a license issued under this chapter, the owner of a game preserve must provide annually a free program at the game preserve's facilities that:
11pt(1) promotes hunter safety; or

15px;background-color:transparent 11pt(2) develops new hunters who are either less than eighteen (18) years of age or disabled.

11pt( B) The following programs meet the requirements in subsection (a):
11pt(1) Instruction for the hunter safety class under IC 14-22-35 that is available to the public and that is provided by the department or by an association or organization designated under IC 14-22-35-1( B).

15px;background-color:transparent 11pt(2) A (205,35,44) free hunting day for disabled veterans, if the facility has installed improvements that are necessary to accommodate the veterans' physical disabilities. A person who is eligible for a disabled Hoosier veteran license plate under IC 9-18-18-1 is considered a disabled veteran for purposes of this subdivision.

11ptSec. 18. (a) A license issued under this chapter for the operation
11ptof a game preserve:

15px;background-color:transparent 11pt 11pt(1) is  (205,35,44)a revocable privilege granted by the state; and (2) (205,35,44) is not a property right.
15px;background-color:transparent 11ptSec. 21. Any (205,35,44) fees for a game preserve license collected under this chapter  (205,35,44)shall be deposited by the department in the hunter safety education fund established by IC 14-22-35-5.

11pt(c)  (205,35,44)If more applications are received under subsection ( B) (205,35,44) than there are game preserve licenses available, the director  (205,35,44)shall conduct a random drawing before August 8 of that year to determine which applicants are eligible to be issued  (205,35,44)the available game preserve licenses.

15px;background-color:transparent 11pt 11pt(d) Each person who has been selected to receive an available game preserve license must submit to the department not later than thirty (30) days after being informed by the department that the person has been selected a fee of ten thousand dollars  (205,35,44)($10,000) for the game preserve license.  


Those are unenforceable rules! So who knows if you sold a specific animal???? It is a very poorly written bill and should be trashed and rewritten to make sense. How can you test 100% of animals that die in a preserve??? We test 50% of harvested deer. If they want to make a minimum acreage that is OK, but don't be ridiculous about it. It is 80 acres here in Wisconsin, which we personally feel is a little on the small side. Why don't they look at states that have successfully written reasonable hunting preserve rules????
How would you like to be in a lottery, and drawn in August, to see if you could have hunts that fall ???   How do you line up hunters, animals, etc.??
How do you put up fence?

Has this bill been written to not pass? or obstruct something else from going through?

We all know politics is a game. 

I called Bill Friends office and he answered the phone himself.  When I asked who from the deer industry asked for this bill he gave me ole run around with no answer.

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