I really don't see where the deer industry is any different than any other industry. If you have a product, you not only need to sell it, you need to sell yourself. Emails and phone calls are great, but not as good as getting in the truck and going to visit the preserves you are trying to sell to. When a person can put a face with the name and start to form a relationship, you are way better off. Shooter Buck auctions are a great idea but rarely work out. I completely understand the preserve owner wanting to deal directly with the producers on their "list". Those are the producers that have treated them well over the years, why wouldn't they deal with them first?
Since I got into the deer industry just 4-5 years ago, I have followed Sam's advice about concentrating on relationships as much as my deer. I have helped preserves with guiding, building fence, selling hunts etc. Some need a deal once in awhile or need to "pay you later". When you deal with someone and understand that the preserve owners aren't a bottomless pit of money then you get somewhere.
My best advice from a somewheat "new guy" is to get in the truck, meet people face to face, be REASONABLE on your prices, give them a few free inches once in awhile and this is a great start to a business relationship. The first time you sell you want to get paid for every last inch and get as much money as you can. Sometimes giving a good deal the first time puts more money in your pocket in the long run.
No, I do not own a preserve.