We had a great turn out for the Natural Resource Committee Tuesday. There was over 100 in support and only 5 in opposition. The Bill will now go to Second and third reading this coming week in the House. After passage in the House it will go through the same process in the Senate.
I have personally fought this since 1999 in Indiana. In 1999 I obtained a letter from the DNR granting me permission to build and operate a hunting preserve for deer. Since then our industry has spent millions relying on the permission given by the State. In 2005 a new Director for the DNR who personally opposed high fenced hunting attempted to shut us down solely on his personal belief. Immediately following his attempt to shut us down I filed suit against the State and was granted a temporary injunction until it was resolved either in court or in legislation.
After years of fighting on many fronts we finally got Farm Bureau, NFIB, sportsmen, deer farmers and numerous legislators to join our cause and help get a legislative solution. I am representing the Preserves and Gary Jacobson (IDEFA) is representing the Deer Farmers, together with all the individual support of the preserves and deer farmers we are making great process.
Our opposition which consist of the Humane Society and a couple extremist hunting groups are joining together in attempts to scare the public and legislators into thinking the sky is falling over CWD. We had expert testimony disputing their accusations at the committee hearing. They offered nothing but unsubstantiated hype.
We would appreciate any assistance by emailing or calling the legislators to show support over HB1265. Feel free to email me with any questions or for legislators addresses. The Indiana General Assembly Homepage list all representatives and their email.
We have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in Indiana on this issue. Finally, I think everyone is ready to embrace it and allow the Industry to bring millions into the State economy and expand hunting opportunities in the State.
Thanks for your support.