Info needed on Ok-Mo Auction

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Come on Rog let that urge out! Debates are good as long as every one can keep a cool head and open mind.

I guess I should ask.........

Are you What the....? what I wrote or something else?
Here are the prices for the Great Lakes Classic, can anyone give the prices for the OK sale?

1 - 1500

2 - 1200

3 - 2750

4 - 2500

5 - 1400

6 - n/s

7 - 1500

8 - 500

9 - 2250

10 - n/s

11 - 2250

12 - 2500

13 - n/s

14 - 1750

15 - 500

16 - n/s

17 - 900

18 - n/s

19 - 1500

20 - 2100

21 - 500

22 - 1750

23 - 1500

24 - 1500

25 - 1700

26 - 1100

27 - 1000

28 - 1400

29 - 500

30 - 1200

31 - 500

32 - 1200

33 - 1100

34 - 500

35 - 1100

36 - 600

37 - 1600

38 - 600

39 - 500

40 - 500

41 - 2750

42 - 1600

43 - 2750

44 - 750

45 - 900

46 - 500

47 - 2750

48 - 600

49 - 1100

50 - 500

51 - 900

52 - 750

53 - 1600

54 - 2250

55 - 500

56 - 3200

57 - 600

58 - n/s

59 - 2000

60 - 8250

61 - n/s

62 - n/s

63 - n/s

64 - 1000

65 - 1300

66 - 3000

67 - 3900

68 - n/s

69 - 1500

70 - 3400

71 - 1000

72 - 5000

73 - 13000

74 - n/s

75 - 2250

1 - 2250

2 - 2000

3 - 3500

4 - 3500

5 - 1000

6 - 2750

7 - 1750

8 - 1250

9 - 1500

10 - 1500

11 - 1250

12 - 1400

13 - 1250

14 - 1300

15 - 2500

16 - 2400

17 - 2500

18 - 1100

19 - 1400

20 - 4500

21 - 3900

22 - 900

76 - 3000

77 - n/s

78 - n/s

79 - 1400

80 - 1000

81 - 1750

82 - 1250

83 - 3500

84 - 1600

85 - 3200

86 - 2000

87 - 500

88 - n/s

89 - n/s

90 - 7500

91 - 1250

92 - 500

93 - 5250

94 - 1400

95 - n/s

96 - 1000

97 - n/s

98 - 1000

99 - 1200

100 - 1500

101 - 2000

102 - 600

103 - n/s

104 - 2750

105 - n/s

106 - 500

107 - n/s

108 - 2200

109 - n/s

110 - n/s

111 - 1000

112 - n/s

113 - n/s

114 - n/s

115 - n/s

116 - 900

117 - 2250

118 - 1200

119 - 2500

120 - n/s

121 - n/s

122 - 2750

123 - n/s

124 - n/s

125 - 1250

126 - n/s

127 - 3500

128 - n/s

129 - n/s

130 - n/s

131 - 1250

132 - n/s

133 - n/s

134 - n/s

135 - 500

136 - n/s

137 - 900

138 - n/s

139 - n/s

140 - n/s

141 - n/s

142 - n/s

143 - 500

144 - 4000

145 - 1000

146 - 1750

147 - n/s

148 - 500

149 - n/s

150 - 500
Let it out boys lets here it. I have been wondering but chose to keep quiet didn't want anyone to think I was trying to start something.
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't trying to start anything, just making a simple observation. If I thought it was such a bad thing I wouldn't have consigned lots in the Missouri Oklahoma sale.
Enough already......I bought one at the ok sale and then it was turned around and put down as a no sale....I bought one at great lakes and have not heard anything about it since...Mabey that one went no sale also.It was kinda strange jumpin back and forth...

Ok now lets hear from some others...It should be interesting!!!!! Wayne i'm scratchin!!
Mike, I guess my thought would be maybe we shouldn't have any auctions till most have thier shooters sold! Seems alot of people had that comment. I don't like to no sale......but with an ad,booth,travel expences,LOW attendence! Guess I'd rather not sink the added expense of A/I ,Offering to keep for a year and bottle feed, DNA, FREE delivery and GAURENTEED A/I fawns............Well my wife says I give the farm away when I sell but I like to offer what I would want as a buyer! It has ALWAYS worked in the past but not at this sale........Oh almost forgot offering all this and then NO PAY when it's time to pay! Ya .............. Guys , I guess I shouldn't have no saled then my BANKER AND MY WIFE COULD AGREE!!!!!!!!:D
I was sent this email this evening and I must proclaim I found it quite disturbing. It seems to imply that maybe Mid West was changing the sale dates to overlap with other sales. I have questioned and shared concerns with any of the sale companies who have scheduled a sale without putting a least 2 weeks in between sales. I had this same conversation with Kevin G. when I heard the Oh. sale date. I know in Pa we have changes our date 3 times to keep 2 weeks in between the Oh and Pa sale because that was best for the industry as a whole. I have to say that many of the new sale company have not scheduled accordingly. I have to applaud the Chupps for putting there sale in Dec not conflicting with any other sales but the same cannot be said of the Supreme Cervidae, Buckeye or Yoder sale. Supreme and Buckeye scheduled sales weekend before or after existing sales John simply put the Michigan sale the same weekend as TDA. So many attend the TDA that will always take away from that sale. Which I know I expressed that concern with John. We all need to do what is best for the industry and by overlapping sale or running back to back sales does nobody any good! The fall use to be wide open now its so freaking packed nobody can possibly attend everything. Let's see the month of Aug we had Cervid Congress 1st week, Ainsworth sale 2nd week, Pa summer picnic 3rd (unfortunately my vacation week), Ok-missouri sale/yoder sale,4thweek and the TDA this week. Sept has the Ohio sale then Pa sale 2 weeks later All-American sale....that 1 weekend open Aug Thur sept!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't even know what else was scheduled in individual states that may have been going on also!!!!

The Oklahoma sale was established by the Oklahoma committee, Midwest had no say in the date selected as is the Pa sale date selected each year, the Indy sale in 09 was not changed to conflict with Supreme sale it was changed to put 2 weeks in between it and the Pa sale, the All American sale in 09 was established by Damon Thorpe in Texas. I know Damon is the one set the date this year as well because they had a tentative date of 3rd week od Oct. but many participants said they could not participate if it was that date because it conflicted with AI and hunting as Myself was one of those apposed. I called Eric Pinkston about the Midwest select being moved up a week because SCI moved that show a week. Buckeye put that sale the week before the Midwest Select regular date and unfortunately now causing an overlap. I know when I saw last year the date of the Buckeye being the week before Select I just shook my head for not putting 2 weeks in between.

I find it unfair of those that are proclaiming conspiracy of others to be purposely trying to hurt other sales... What good does that do for anyone in this industry? Some sales have been established and others have tried to squeeze in other sales in an already overloaded schedule. Maybe we should eliminate the Pa sale!!!!!!!! A sale that the association make money on to better the industry...........not putting monies in our pocket but monies in our coffers to give to states, research, lobbyists, sponsorships etc...........ALL THE MONIES ARE BEING USED FOR THE RIGHT THINGS and not lining pockets. I believe Okl. and Missouri are trying to accomplish the same thing. We are fortunate enough to have Midwest do this for us! Some may disagree but I am proud of what we have accomplished in PA.

I'm not here to piss anyone off but to clarify some of the miss directed views some have proposed. These are trying time and we do not need to bickering among st ourselves.

If some want to hash out ideas to make this thing better lets do just that not flinging mud. I believe that is the true purpose of this forum! Something needs to be done to get the ship a sailing!


Harry Strawser

PS. I know my grammar and my spelling suck so don't read this and call me a dumb*@^! I was not a English teaching.
Well said harry and i think all will get yur drift,no matter of spelling or the way you come across.I just said to angie last night about the numbers of deer for sale.I recieved both the ohio and pa catalogs last night and there is like 300 deer alone in those sales.I just hope we dont drowned ourselves with so many deer that the prices head the same way the shooters are going.
I deleted my earlier post saying I was "fighting the urge" because apparently no one understood what was really bothering me in an earlier post.

That earlier post had zero, nothing, na da to do with sales or sale dates.

Personally I don't buy into the idea anyone is trying to have their sale on the same date as someone elses sale. It would be STUPID to do so. Anyone running an auction KNOWS they need all the possible bidders they can get in attendance. So they wouldn't want to have overlapping dates on purpose.

Everyone has trouble finding dates that don't conflict with other events. Have any of you ever tried planning a family Christmas party? Everyone lives busy lives and the deer industry in fall and winter is no different.

Have any of you ever thought that just maybe there are just TOO MANY AUCTIONS going on?
Just a few words on auction dates. We always check the nadefa schedule before setting any dates and also try to post any updates asap. I think if we all check the nadefa site before setting dates we may be able to avoid this problem.
More farms,more deer,hence more auctions!!!Just what i meant about us takin ourselves down the tubes.I agree to many auctions and if there were less it would force more on the farm sales.That would be a good thing!!!
I do not normally read or post on these forums other than to inform you when there are updates to my web site.

But this time I will make an exception.

John Yoder has no Michigan sale!

Only the Mid America Classic Auction and the Great Lakes Classic Auction.

I question why Harry Strawser said what he did about these sales overlapping as he was personally in attendance and dictated about 50% of the contract made between John Yoder, Jerry Campbell and Eric Pinkston.

When John sold his share of the Auctions to Jerry Campbell and Eric Pinkston there was a clause stating that he could not change his other Auction’s dates for 5 years to conflict with theirs.

On the contract it is very plainly written that all fall sales will be done in the later part of august for the first 5 years.

And they all have been for the last 3 years.

The NO COMPETE clause was written that both must comply with.

The Contract states that they may not interfere with John Yoder sales.

The Oklahoma Missouri sale has never been on this weekend before this time.

If Harry has lost his copy or forgot what it says then maybe it could be posted on line.

Deer Farmers are not stupid as most will see what’s going on.

And as Mark Mast posted check the site for auction dates.

Dale Chupp (Chupp Auctions), Mark Mast (Buckeye Auctions), John Yoder (American Classic Auctions), Kevin Grace (Whitetail Sales) and more all use this service to schedule their Auctions.

I am also posting now that the next

Chupp’s Premier Whitetail Auction will be held December 16 & 17 - 2010

Buckeye Fall Trophy & Breeder Auction will be held October 28 & 29 - 2010

Buckeye Spring Trophy & Breeder Auction will be held February 3 & 4 - 2011

Mid America Classic Auction Will be held February 18 & 19 - 2011

The Fourth Annual Great Lakes Classic Auction will be held August 19 & 20 - 2011

Wayne Pederson
I sure hope the terms of the contracts I have made with people in the deer industry are kept more confidential than what is being talked about on this thread.
Well Wayne if you would like to hash out on here let's have at it! First off my post was to disarm any plots that some are trying to unravel throughout. My intentions was to get folks to get along and make everyone happy but if you would like bare all lets do so!

I have no copies of the contract and haven't seen it since the day they signed it.

Yes I was present in the contract signing and yes I am aware of the terms which were between John and Eric not Jerry Campbell. If you like to know it was at the Top 30 that year. I was asked by both side to intervene because John and Eric could not get along. Every time John and Eric had problems which was no secret to most, John would call me to help iron out. If John denies that then I am deeply disappointed in him which I will gladly speak to him about to refresh his memory if need be!

Whatever you like to call the sale but it started out as the Michigan sale now The Great Lakes Classic. I know of the discrepancy there because John called me over there dispute. The dispute seemed to be the sale moving from Michigan to Shipshy and going from 1day sale to 3 day sale. Both side seemed to differ in opinion of how the sale changed hence John called me to help him resolve. I was hesitant and tired of having to deal with it but I did my best and I believe helped them resolve there differences. Everything seemed to going smoothly until this horse **** starts again!

Ever since I got into raising deer I have dedicated myself to make this thing better any way I could. I have set aside self interests and sacrificed plenty for others yet getting criticized along the way. At some point I may just say screw it, just simply worry about myself tell all to kiss my backside when problems or issues arise.

Wayne if your so dedicated to the industry why do you not list all the events such as NaDEFA, Kevin Grace sales or Midwest events on your website.

Maybe once we all tear one another apart and really destroy this Industry maybe then some will wake up and realize no good is coming out of this blame game. If we all choose sides and there are 6 sides..............GOOD LUCK with that!


I don't care WHO it is if I see something wrong that is being done I speak up directly not back dooring or conspiring. I have questioned all sale companies of there timing and/or managing directly..... not on here bashing anyone which really solves nothing.

Wayne the point of my original post was everyone to try and plan so no events coincide with one another. Allow 2 weeks between any event so to allow more people to participate...............Does anyone AGREE that would be beneficial?????

Wayne the Okla sale was planned by the Okla/Mo guys as I stated earlier...last year they had it in conjunction with Cervid Congress the first week of Aug. Maaaaaaybeeeeeeeee they were conspiring against and planned it that way.

I don't know what else to say other than I am getting more and more disgusted with so many. I feel some true intentions are not for the betterment (don't even know if that is a word) of all but the destruction of all! I'm not just talking about this issue but of so many others.

I feel a little like Jerry McGuire here!

I would like to here others opinions, I dont like being out on this island by myself.
mrwhiteails said:
Allow 2 weeks between any event so to allow more people to participate...............Does anyone AGREE that would be beneficial?????

Mrwhitetails, I agree one hundred percent with you.

Your not on an island by yourself. I don't even know all the stuff about sales and who owns what and what dates it all takes place on. And frankly don't care either. I am sick of some saying they are being screwed in some way by someone else. You want to have a sale. Set a date and have a sale. The end.

I do think there should be at least 2 weeks between sale events. Even at that it is crazy to think the most people will be able to attend all these events. I was lucky enough to be out of a job last year (what did i just say???) and while being out of work I was able to attend more sales than any year previously. I LOVE WHITETAILS but by the end of the season I was whitetailed out! Too many sales events!

As long as we are speaking out how about one I am sick to death of hearing about.

Hype. Some folks can only complain about hype this and hype that. Can someone explain to me the difference between marketing and hype!?!?!

A farm runs ads to market their animals and then others want to say it is hype.

A farm is fortunate enough to raise a big buck and then some want to condemn them saying all they do is brag or hype their animal. Heck I always thought promoting your stuff was called marketing!

A co-worker of mine (yes i am back to work) stopped in while driving through the state the other day. Him and his wife to be stopped in to see the deer and while here I looked at their car ( a BMW ) and Laurie's Saturn sitting side by side in the driveway.

Both cars would get a person from point a to point b. In fact the Saturn may do it with better fuel mileage even. But the fact is the BMW cost more when new, and would cost more than the Saturn when they are both 5 years old. And there is a reason for this. The damn BMW is a better car! The damn BMW is more desirable than a piece of crap Saturn! I don't give two ***** if it "hype" or whatever anyone wants to call it.

A meal at McDonalds is a quick and cheap meal.

A meal at TX Roadhouse is better and costs more.

A local guy does taxidermy in his garage on weekends and he doesn't charge much but his work sucks to be frank. I prefer to have someone who does quality work do the job and pay a little more.

Each year there are guys who are big and fast that could play football really well for an NFL team and they would do it for much less than most any of the guys with a contract on a team now. But do you want Dick Jones playing on your team or do you want a probowl caliber player on your team?

I can't understand why some are so hung up on the fact that some bloodlines bring better money at the sales than other bloodlines.

A few weeks back I had the guy who purchased Max Thrust tell me that he is pleased with how well people know of the buck. He feels that I had marketed him pretty well while I had him and for that reason he is having an easier time making sales now that he owns him.

What is my point?

Well that should be obvious but apparently to some it isn't so I will tell you what my point is. When the guys who market their farms and their stock do so, they are not only marketing for themselves, but also for their investors. What the jealous people call hype, others call marketing.

I for one am sick of the petty crap and wish some people would get over it.
IndependenceRanch said:
Have any of you ever thought that just maybe there are just TOO MANY AUCTIONS going on?

Roger, I have thought of that a lot. Maybe instead of having so many sales,maybe have more lots per sale. Just a thought.

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