Info needed on Ok-Mo Auction

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Ha ha Mike she was no pet if her sons throw buttons like the ones that you have and I paid 8k for her momma! Believe it or not I sold one of my does for ALOT less then you paid for her! Yes I do understand that my post was similar to what you were talking about but it looks at the discussion in a whole new light. Maybe you missed the point I was trying to make so I'll try again...

Deer breed at very high rates. In a matter of three years an open doe and a single buck can turn into 10 animals very quickly, so by that calculation the shooter market has to grow by 5x every 3 breeding seasons just to keep up with the growing deer population even if we were to disallow new farmers. Personally I think that would be the worst thing for all of us if we weren't allowed to get new farmers started because your end market just got cut in half! The point I'm trying to make is that there needs to be two classifications in our business... Breeders and Hobbyist. The breeder is someone who spends good money on their animals and dedicates their time to advertising, meeting farmers, ect. The hobbyist is someone who puts whitetail deer in their back yard and lets the males and females interact during the fall season and then calls people like me up in the spring to sell their animals because they don't know what to do with them. I guess the best way to make this understandable is compare deer to say dogs. There is a very high end market for dog breeding and just like the deer certain people make a lot of money from it. But unlike the deer there are in a lot of cases these “hobbyist� that get their females pregnant and give away all of the offspring because they don’t know what to do with them. At last check our house pets feed bills are higher than the ones outside and remember that little number I threw up before on how much money you would save per year on each animal that you aren’t trying to make a living off of. I don’t know how to make it any simpler than not every deer is a breeder and for lack of a better term a lot of them are “mutts� that shouldn’t be bred or their offspring should be given away.

As far as the shooter market goes if we continue to produce these bigger and better animals of course the pricing will come down because it’s a matter of availability. Who wouldn’t take a little less money for their animals each year just to know that you will be able to sell them for many years to come. At this point we can all agree that growing a 200� buck is fairly easy and cheap. The 200� are selling for around a $5000 average and it takes no more than $2000 to get them to that point. You tell me in what other farming related business can you more than double your money on every crop that passes through your hands. If you ask me, we are very lucky that prices have been as high as they are for so long. We have to take a reality check sometimes to see where we actually are.

The thing that drives me absolutely insane are the people that come to my farm and tell me they want to become a whitetail breeder, but they say that my animals are too expensive for them and they go somewhere else and buy say 10 does from someone else for say $2000-$3000. They said my deer were to expensive and that his were cheaper but what they don’t realize is that for the same amount of money they could have gotten 1 decent animal that would cost them 90% less to take care of and your salability and profit skyrockets. You don’t need a lot of animals to be considered a breeder, just quality ones. Then a year or two later these guys come back and expect me to help them start selling stuff because I was the only one willing to help them! They don't go to functions, they don't participate in the breeding world, but they expect to sell their animals just like everyone else does. It comes off as a lack of effort and this is the main reason that we have so many auctions. People aren't trying to sell their own animals and people are trying to sell animals that should not be bred with. They think they can just throw them in an auction and they will sell themselves. It would be interesting to take a poll on here to see the number of animals that A) you sell yourself B) have another farmer sell for you C) put in auction or D) give away. People are breeding beyond their means, get these huge herds and start liquidating. Well what’s the best way to sell something quickly? Put it up for auction or put it on!

If we don't know what to do with these animals in the first place then why are we breeding so many!? I stand by my words because if you've noticed I have not put animals in auction going on two years now and I've sold out every season! Excuse me for a second as I “HYPEâ€� up my deer herd. I’ve sold 19 does so far this year and probably another ½ dozen for other local farmers and it was all done by word of mouth; going to visit other farmers and pushing my product. Currently I only have 4 girls left to be sold until next season so even if I put them all in auction I’ll still have under 15% of my total doe sales being auctioned off. So if anyone wants some genetics from Amos Kauffman’s Holly, TM’s mother from Harry or Birchwood’s grandma give me a call LOL ï�Š.

It’s the whole factor of quality over quantity at work here. The better your genetics are and the less you have to sell, the quicker it goes. I admit the last 2 years since my dad has been gone I haven’t gone to as many sales as I used to but I still try and participate as much as I can as I am an active member of NADEFA and PADEFA and visit a lot of farms each year. In retrospect the only point I’m trying to make here is that not every deer is a breeder and these auction companies along with these smaller farmers should not continue to promote this type of animal, either be extremely selective or don’t sell at all. We can’t flood the breeding market with deer hamburger and expect to survive. Do your part, buy up these cheap animals for diner, I mean heck it is a lot cheaper than beef and even better for you. We have to support the people who support us and if you’re not a member in any of the state or national organizations then you shouldn’t be trying to sell animals at such events. If you think deer breeding is to expensive for you, then don’t put the bucks and does together or get them some birth control! But if you are raising quality animals, keep it fresh and bring something new on to your farm each year and send those old girls somewhere that they wont continue to produce subpar offspring. Maybe we can get together with some of these preserves and help them promote doe hunts to locals to keep everyone happy and the line moving. I think next years PA Deer Farmer picnic should include a contest to see who can make the best venison based product! If I offended anyone or their herds I do apologize, but sheesh, for something to have value someone has to want it. Think of deer like you would an antique… the more rare it is and the better quality the more money you will get for it. So I think my final words shall be that maybe we all need to start focusing on smaller, more productive herds and put those girls out to pasture that are past their prime.
This issue has been eating at me all day and I have a lot more I want to say about it. I've still got a bunch of work to do however and as you've seen my excerpts take more then a few minutes to write. I have come up with the perfect solution to our industry's problem, however I know that it will take a lot of political efforts to even attempt such a fix. All I'm going to say is that if any of you know me personally you know what my regular job is and our services come as a major bonus to the sportsmen of Pennsylvania. It would take a lot of cooperation but man would it turn our state around and blow up deer prices!
If your thinking what I'm thinking this would be great. There have been several sportsman that have approached me to see if I would stock some of my deer into their woods. I had to turn them down do to all the rules and regulations but to my understanding this is aloud in Texas and they claim that is one reason for shutting down the borders. They didn't want people flooding their state with deer. Man this sure would be a great thing specialy with the decline in the deer population here in PA. Dustin, Maybe I jumped the gun but I figured since you were a fish stocker you wanted to become a deer stocker as well.

Harry, maybe you could ad this to your project list. Lets get er dun boys!!!Just think how many people would start hunting here in PA again and this would definatly be a nother big big outlet for our industries deer population. A lot of people quit hunting here in PA do to the decline in the deer populations.
Sounds great Virgil but it's never going to happen as long as CWD is around......hate to sound negative....but it is reality.........unless someone has some pretty good pull here in our state with the PA Game Com.........I could never see this ever happening. Dustin I did see the point you were making and I think we are all saying the same thing here just in our own ways..........I like when someone says they have a good idea and that it could help our please dustin don't hold back on us now........
Dustin dropped his post pounder off at my farm today we talked and yes virgil that is exactly what he meant!! And it sure makes sense! Here in carbon county a 140 inch buck is considered a trophy! I think hunters would even pay more for a license knowing 200 inch bucks were being stocked!! Why not? pheasants, trout, **** !! even coyotes are being stocked here ,why not monster bucks!! And no one would argue raised deer are not safe, with all the inspections and testing etc! What a great idea coming from a dum koff like you!! LoL !! This is the best idea so far but will the Pa game commission play god and come up with some BS reason not to allow it ? probabley!! This is what they do!! I mean look how great the deer hunting is nowadays since there new rules and bag limits have been used, Hell !!! I can sit in the woods all day and maybe see one doe, no wonder young people arnt hunting as much anymore, there bored!!! Let um see a 200 inch buck on the first morning of deer season and I assure you things would change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for the delay, I'm finally done with my work and can sit down to deer stuff! Virgil you have the right idea, but it's a lot more complicated then local property owners stocking their backyards. The trout industry is also controlled by the Dep of Ag and if whitetail breeding was around as long trout breeding in our state we would not even be having this conversation! Every so many years the state puts out a bid to all licensed trout farmers to make bids on certain lakes and streams throughout the state that we would be willing to stock. The lowest bidder gets to supply that area with the states quota. It would have to be 100% under state control we couldn’t free lance deer in the same way we do with fish. Heck we don’t even need disease free certification of any kind unless we are crossing state borders! So how isn’t the department being hypocritical here?

It’s an idea that needs to be pursued whole heartedly, because it would make a big difference in the whitetail market as it would probably more than double our end market. There would have to be extreme requirements and special programs to be entered before you can join in the stocking program. It’s happened in the past in many different states and I do believe I read recent post about elk stockings in other states. Our whitetail herd in Pennsylvania has been decimated in the wake of our “antler restriction” program and we need to start bringing hunters back into the woods. The more we can get to do this the more will come to our high fence establishments as well.

Pennsylvania is one of the few states I believe that will be able to pull this off with no records of CWD, TB or Burc. With such a clean bill of health from our farmers it should be easy to organize specific rules and regulations for entering the stocking program. An accompanied idea should be the perusal of blood TB testing to get more farms certified in our state so they can be a part of a release program. I already have a list of realistic ideas to get this thing moving forward, but I will not waste my time to list everything on here until I see that there are enough people supporting my idea. If we push hard enough this can be a realistic thing… I mean if it’s alright to stock both native and non-native trout in our streams then why is it not alright to stock a native species back into our woods? We do have refuge programs so how can those be considered legal? Oh don’t get me started on this subject… have at it boys!
This may be just what we need. I know I was willing to back our other idea of promoting hunting preserves but not enough were willing to do anythng with it. This idea sounds even better so if you have a list of ideas to get this ball rolling lets hear it. The only way to get people interested in a idea is to lay you cards on the table and let us see what you got. This would be a good project for the PDFA this is something that could help all PA farmers and also any other states that would follow. Besides I do believe that alot of PA deer were brought in years back after the deppression from other states. So why not restock them now with better genetics and from deer right here in our own state.

This would bring lots of new hunters for both free range and high fence. By rekindling the love of hunting more people would start to hunt again and more youths would find it more interesting if they were seeing deer again. I now in my area it used to sound like a war zone couldn't even count all the shots but in the last few years it has gotten really quiet with a few shots here and there.

Might be a tuff battle with the insurance companies but anything is worth a try.

Dustin, you might want to start a new thread when posting the rest of your idea. A few of us seemed to have highjacked this one sorry.
Sounds like a great idea but i bet would be hard to get through the depts higher ups.It also could be a double edge sword.If you start gettin 200 inch deer out in the wild it very well could end up hurting the preserve hunts.Either way it would be a great thing for the state of pa or any state for that matter!!!To see a couple 200in bucks walk out into a cornfield at dusk! OH BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Cant get much better than that!!
You boys are thinking to big... tone it down a little bit, we don't want to start pissing off the preserve owners so they think we're trying to steal their business... more tonight after work!
Any more info on this matter. when do we start stalking the wild with better genetics.

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