Loose stool

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Jul 5, 2013
NE Florida
Hi guys, new to the forum and limited experience raising deer. My wife and I started fostering wildlife and have so far had four fawns in the last 2 years. According to my notes on the previous two about 4-5 weeks in when they started really nibbling they got soft stools for a week or so. We feed Fox Valley and Evaporated Goats milk 50/50 mix. Our first one appeared to be lactose intolerant, anything with milk products tore her up, this is why we changed from the redcap lots of people recommend to goats milk. When they started to loosin up we add pumpkin, yogurt, and gel if real bad. Tylan 200 and iodine because something seemed amiss on the second one. They have all had beautiful coats and appear extrememly healthy, up until one of our current twins this week.

Took in twin bucks about 2.5 weeks ago after the doe was hit. The babies were alone for about 50-52 hours best guess. Postman saw the fresh kill and then noticed babies and after two days picked them up. They were aprox 5-7 days old by the look of the cord stump and overall size. 7lb 1oz and 4lb 1oz. The four pounder was emaciated and in rough shape, malformed legs, umbilical abcess, etc, went into it expecting to lose him. Now after splints, meds, vitamins, wheat oil and a lot of attention he is almost 100% in shape and form and catching his big brother.

Here is our issue, the larger (Goliath) of the two started to loosin up about five days ago and now his stool is like water. Nothing is slowing it down, still nursing fine, lots of dirt, giving bread to nibble on, gel doesn't even phase it. Started scour meds yesterday and some kaolin today 5cc this mornin and 3 this eve. This little guy had a number of black deer ticks on him. No indication of any parasite showing in the fecal. No foul odor like he is sick and stool is normal baby formula brownish in color just liquid. Giving him probiotic paste, pumpkin in his bottle along with electrolyte gel and thinning up the mix about 3/1 instead of 2/1 on the formula/milk/water. I have spoken to several deer farmers and basically just give it a few days and see if it clears is the advice so far??? He is acting fine, runs and plays and eats but I can see he is starting to thin up. Urine output appears normal, they are confined to a playpen when not outside so we see exactly what goes in and out for the most part. Any advice would be wonderful. Thanks in advance!!!!
After reading for some time, I see this is a common thing of varying reasons, so... sorry if I bring up a dead horse to beat on some more!!!
Sampson said:
Hi guys, new to the forum and limited experience raising deer. My wife and I started fostering wildlife and have so far had four fawns in the last 2 years. According to my notes on the previous two about 4-5 weeks in when they started really nibbling they got soft stools for a week or so. We feed Fox Valley and Evaporated Goats milk 50/50 mix. Our first one appeared to be lactose intolerant, anything with milk products tore her up, this is why we changed from the redcap lots of people recommend to goats milk. When they started to loosin up we add pumpkin, yogurt, and gel if real bad. Tylan 200 and iodine because something seemed amiss on the second one. They have all had beautiful coats and appear extrememly healthy, up until one of our current twins this week.

Took in twin bucks about 2.5 weeks ago after the doe was hit. The babies were alone for about 50-52 hours best guess. Postman saw the fresh kill and then noticed babies and after two days picked them up. They were aprox 5-7 days old by the look of the cord stump and overall size. 7lb 1oz and 4lb 1oz. The four pounder was emaciated and in rough shape, malformed legs, umbilical abcess, etc, went into it expecting to lose him. Now after splints, meds, vitamins, wheat oil and a lot of attention he is almost 100% in shape and form and catching his big brother.

Here is our issue, the larger (Goliath) of the two started to loosin up about five days ago and now his stool is like water. Nothing is slowing it down, still nursing fine, lots of dirt, giving bread to nibble on, gel doesn't even phase it. Started scour meds yesterday and some kaolin today 5cc this mornin and 3 this eve. This little guy had a number of black deer ticks on him. No indication of any parasite showing in the fecal. No foul odor like he is sick and stool is normal baby formula brownish in color just liquid. Giving him probiotic paste, pumpkin in his bottle along with electrolyte gel and thinning up the mix about 3/1 instead of 2/1 on the formula/milk/water. I have spoken to several deer farmers and basically just give it a few days and see if it clears is the advice so far??? He is acting fine, runs and plays and eats but I can see he is starting to thin up. Urine output appears normal, they are confined to a playpen when not outside so we see exactly what goes in and out for the most part. Any advice would be wonderful. Thanks in advance!!!!

I would get it off any milk and any greens first of all. I would atleast give pedialyte(sp) 2 times a day and say 3 to 4 ozs of your milk with a gel say like Deliver, once a day! A 5 day treatment of Albon in the bottle would be in order if he was here!
give him 1/2 cc Baytril IM, repeat the next day. Give him probiotics also.

IF you are giving the canned goats milk straight it is too strong, dilute it with equal part tap water. Give it the goat milk diluted mix only for a while, ya might try diluting it even more for a few days.
Cutting the goats milk 2 to 1 normally but for him we are thinning it some more. Will give the baytril inj in the morning when I get home no Albon on hand will be Monday before I can secure some. Gave a dose of Corid this morning and probio paste this morning and tonight before leaving for work. Will let you know how he does, he is retaining his formula until time to go the bathroom, he does not have uncontrolled movements. He and his sibling and our third now get the same formula from the jug we mix it in just seperate bottles so I am pretty sure it's not the formula. Sibling and third have firm stools and doing good. Thanks for the responses.
3 days Corrid and 1cc Albon BID one day no change, three days Sulmet no change, three days Spectinomycin and a little improvement. Giving all items listed before and adding gellatin, now giving Endosorb (Toxi-Sorb) also, seems to be improving this morning. No coccidia or anything else showing up??? Any other suggestions? Fecal showed nothing, vet stumped. 1/4cc baytril twice in last two days. Hate loading this tiny guy up but concerned. He does not appear to be dehydrated and takes a bottle good, we're talking 9-12oz and he weighs right around 12 pounds
Sampson said:
3 days Corrid and 1cc Albon BID one day no change, three days Sulmet no change, three days Spectinomycin and a little improvement. Giving all items listed before and adding gellatin, now giving Endosorb (Toxi-Sorb) also, seems to be improving this morning. No coccidia or anything else showing up??? Any other suggestions? Fecal showed nothing, vet stumped. 1/4cc baytril twice in last two days. Hate loading this tiny guy up but concerned. He does not appear to be dehydrated and takes a bottle good, we're talking 9-12oz and he weighs right around 12 pounds

You may still want to try to ease him into Red cap or another replacer. I believe just like people cant deal with Dairy products, Deer could be the same!

I mean you have ruled out most causes..Ie Coccida,E-Coli,Worms..So its either something thats going into him thats upsetting his gut or its Bacterial Scours!
Thanks we actually started splitting the goats milk with redcap today to transition over the next day or two. We appreciate the help, will let you know what happens.

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