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Mystery Disease

Fusobacterium infections can destroy the liver and would also show the symptoms you have described including an enlarged, abscessed and inflamed liver. The purina feed isn't going to give you a mineral poisoning or toxicity issue w/o mixing in an additional mineral fortified supplement. Check for fusobacterium. It is very odd they would get so puny without having diarrhea??? Do you know if the aborted fawn appeared normal other than dead? Was it hardened or in the normal birth sack?
He said that it looked normal other than internal organs not being fully developed. Fusobacterium did cross my mind. The more that I think about this, the more I believe that they are unrelated and just a series of unfortunate events. Speaking of the liver, He bought the deer bred from someone and they may have already sustained damage for whatever reason. The abortion and yearlings losing weight are related, I believe.

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