New sheep on the farm.

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Apr 4, 2009
Vaughn, MT 59487
My oldest son got stabbed in his leg by our six year old Rocky Mountain goat.  After that the billy has turned very dangerous.  My son Scott is fine but with all the grand children the goat had to go.  We traded the goat off for some Stone sheep and traded some mule deer for some Alaskan dalls.  I now have three of the north American wild sheep under high fence.

We raise rocky Mountain bighorns and hybrids from the same.  Sheep are easy to raise if set up right.  Quite frankly they make much more money than my whitetail ever have for me.

I have Stone semen for the stone sheep I have as we have 50 straws at this time.  I plan to LAP AI my hybrid rocky bighorns to this semen in hopes of making some wild looking sheep.  That will use up the Stone semen for this year.

I love new projects so this fits right in with my white mule deer project and I have wanted Stone sheep for awhile.  This industry has always been good to me.  It is not a job when you wake up thinking about breeding this to that and it still makes you happy even after 35 years in this business.
Best of luck to you Jack! Hopefully Scott fully recovers quickly, that doesn't sound an injury I would want to have!

That horn went is four inch's.  He has some nerve damage but is doing fine.  First animals that really hurt him.  Me on the other hand I took a full running head butt by a rocky bighorn which ended up I got a metal hip joint 30 years ago.  Just had that replaced last year as I wore that one out.
Hi John, That happened a year ago plus. Scott is fine. We did have to sell him as after that he turned very untrusty. Better safe than sorry.
Sounds pretty traumatic if you ask me. My little sister was bitten by a goat many years ago and never quite got over the fear. I've had my fair share of close scrapes with grumpy rams working on sheep farms in the outback but luckily never anything serious.

Just focusing on my home extension company nowadays.

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