I did all my fence myself and it looks professional. I just took 2 8ft 2x6s and laid them on either side of the fence. Then I took about 5 or 6 bolts and drilled and bolted both boards together sandwiching the fence. If the fence slips it just goes as far as the bolt and then gets hung up. I then took two come alongs and put one on top and one on the bottom hooked them to a tree right past the corner I was tieing too or i went to my truck hitch if no tree was availible. Start cranking the come alongs and the fence gets tight and stands right up. Staple to the posts and then tie your end off while sill having tension on the fence and then once you have about 3/4 of the strands stapled tight and tied to the corner post let the tension off and finish tieing. Make sure you dont bottom up the staples on the line post, only the ends. Worked great for my and only cost my the bolts and boards already had the come alongs.