Osama Bin Laden Killed!!

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darren said:
The director of the CIA said in an interview last night that Bin Laden was shot twice in the chest and once in the forehead--I guarantee you the kill shot was from about 6" away while Bin Laden was lying on the floor looking our soldier in the eyes. I bet the Navy Seal had a few choice words for him right before he pulled the trigger. Congrats to that soldier. And as for the people who are complaining because he was killed while he was unarmed--none of the 5000 Americans that died in the world trade center were armed when they were killed either. This is the greatest country on earth and the person who takes Bin Ladens place will surely meet the same fate. God bless America!

Maybe thats why they arent releasing the pics, because you can see powder burns on his face?
I didnt mean to sound like a radical, but the Navy Seals are proffesionals and are trained to aim for body mass--thus the two shots to the chest. The CIA director said in his interview that they didn't go in to negotiate. He also said that the photos showed alot of blood and "brain matter" --if someone is shot in the head , why shoot them in the chest? The mission was to take him out and our soldiers did thier job well. Bin Laden was obviosly an intelligent man with alot of money. He could have done a lot of good in the world, too bad he used his resouces for evil deeds. He got what he deserved. This is just more proof to the world that no matter what, you dont screw with the U.S. Darren
I just wish they (the white house) could have gotten one version of the story straight before they started talking in public. It would be nice if they had just put out a clean and consistent account of events scrubbed to omit sensitive information. So as to avoid back tracking later on their earlier story trying to explain what they didn't mean to say.

Or better yet don't say anything other than something like this... "A raid was performed on a suspected hideout that resulted in the killing of Osama Bin Laden. We hope this latest event will give closure to many Americans affected by the terrorist activities of this criminal. Sorry but no further comment will be made on this latest event."

I mean geez guys, ya had 4 days after it happened to get the story straight before the world knew about it.;)

And we are to believe you can run health care any better than a simple news conference!:(
" shot twice in the chest and once in the forehead"

The ar 15's they use have a three round burst or single shot modes. I think osama made a move and a seal let go with a burst while his rifle was set on 3 round burst mode.

And we all know that was a Comanchie helicopter.
Been doverdunn Laden was shot twice in the chest because it was a good target while the coward held his hands in the air. The head shot was the better safe than sorry shot. I am sure this part made Obama sick but the seal's weren't bringing him out. Why would we allow this coward to waste one more breath of good, clean oxygen. I believe he is dead. I believe the U.S military ranks right above mother nature, in the don't mess with category, and they are my hero's. I believe the U.S. Government is more worried about tracking deer farmers than terrorists. I believe every state should allow deer farming. I believe we should be able to sell to every other state. I believe the CWD scare (terrorists) will eventually have to backtrack. If you think the Government moves slow, wait until you see them in reverse. Okay, I will quit now. ---Roger---They may be calling you for advice on future press releases. What a bunch of morons!! The military made them look as good as possible, but they pretty much screwed up everything since.
I am not a democrat by any means and I did not vote for Obama...I think he is a Moron.....BUT I will give credit where credit is due....He made the right call by letting the seals go in and do their thing........we cold have easily dropped a bomb on the compound and been done with it...but that wold have only killed Osama and we wold have lost all of the valuable info they got regarding ther future attacks on the US.....so I must say it was a good call and we shold be proud of our armed forces and their abilities!!! I Am PROUD to be an American for a change!!!! Hopefully this will help to reunite this country and get it on the right track to solve all the current issues we face!!!!
The Royal Canadian Legion (veterans club) here in town has a new drink at the bar ,it's called "The Osama" you can have it from any bottle but you have to take three shots and a splash of water.
The TRUTH about Bin Laden's burial at sea

Bin Laden Given Religious Funeral Prior to Sea Burial

Published May 02, 2011

Osama bin Laden was given a religious funeral prior to his burial at sea, senior

military officials told Fox News.

Religious rites were conducted on the deck of the USS Carl Vinson aircraft

carrier at about 1:10 a.m. Monday in the Persian Gulf.

In accordance with Islamic practice, bin Laden was washed and wrapped in a

white sheet before buried at sea at 2 a.m. local time, senior U.S. military

and intelligence officials said.

Then, "In accordance with common US Navy SEAL practice, the Team urinated on him, stuck a pulled pork sandwich in his mouth and a kosher hot dog up his rear, and pushed the SOB overboard with the other garbage," a senior SEAL officer said.

(Oorah!! - Job well done!)

You have made my day. I laughed so hard tears came to my eyes. My wife ran into my computer room as she thought something was wrong with me. I don't care how political incorrect this was it was funny. Thanks for the good day.
OOOOOH MY......That was awesomely funny....I don't care who you are if you don.t think that is funny you are not American!!!! oh and if that is the case....GO BACK TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY!!! LOL!!
today they released the info that Osama had a large porn stash..... the best comment I heard was maybe he was using it as a disguise.

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