Radical Extreme Approach

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Jul 13, 2009
After the release of this recent "investigate" reporting done in the Indy Star and papers across the US I had a very interesting conversation with a guy who lets just say has influential and outreaching powers in this industry.  I am warning you right now his following view is EXTREME and may be too much for some to digest.  


We all know the DNR and Anti's have used this CWD scare to cripple our industry beyond repair. They don't really have to spend any money to defeat us they just show and print a couple sick deer and print disease disease and "cost tax payers millions" and they have accomplished their goal.


Here is the radical part.  And as he told me, DO NOT react without giving consideration to these points. (By the way I am still giving consideration so have not formed an opinion).  He used Indiana as an example.


Its no secret Indiana has been hit hardest from the DNR and Anti's.  The DNR's scare tactics have allowed them to suppress without justification the hunting industry to the point it will be over soon.  A lawsuit was filed and won but dirty politics and lack of support or interest by national deer organizations will allow it to fall ultimately.


WHAT IF- The DNR was met straight on the only place that matters to them ?.  What if the DNR's bluff was called ? 


WHAT IF- (Here specifically is his radical view)- What if CWD was allowed to be or was found present in multiple locations across Indiana ?  What would the fall out be ?   FACTS ONLY


1) There would be no ill effect on animal health and deer numbers in the state.

2) there would be no ill effect on other livestock industries, cattle, hogs, chicken or sheep.

3) There would be no ill effect towards humans.


Here is where it gets interesting


1) The DNR would initially start bankrupting itself in ignorance and over reaction.  They would scream see what we said would happen !  The world is ending !.  


So now the DNR is really truly involved in this fight "WITH" the deer industry.  They are spending and losing money just as they have caused us for years.  So what are they going to do.  They have a choice.  They can totally bankrupt their division or they can come clean about the truth of CWD and start acknowledging it for what it is.  They will eventually have to explain to the public why they have not been testing over the years because they really knew CWD was not a threat and it really is no big deal.  Obviously they will have to be politically correct and show all the current studies how this disease has been proven to not be as bad as they thought.


Now the cat is out of the bag and idle threat of doomsday by the DNR is no longer effective.  The DNR and the Industry are sitting in the same boat, Do they help keep the boat afloat or allow both to sink. If they continue to spread the false scare tactics the hunters will quit buying licenses and the DNR will simply go broke.   Everyone Knows CWD is in the wild in every state as we speak, but if you don't test you cant find it.  We are allowing them to use us as Ginnie pigs at our own expense. 


I am curious how this sounds to other farmers.  You know every battle plan has contingencies to fall back on.  The plan for the past ten years obviously is a failure, what plans are left before closing up shop and calling it done.


My advice comes from something handed down.  You may be dragged into a fight by a bully where you cant win, but it is very important to make sure that at least the Bully knew he was in a fight when its over.  Thats the only way to change his thought process over time is knowing hes gonna get scarred himself and make him at least wonder in future fights if its worth it or not..




I think that Indiana DNR is cutting the wild deer population down so low that it will be even less likely to find a positive in the wild first. When there is a positive found on a deer farm they can blame the farms for the low number of wild deer. They may be hit hard financialy at first but it would be worth it to them to eliminate the deer industry. Once that is done then they would prove to the public that CWD isnt a threat and be back on top.


 We are so close to being shut down that I think  this guys theory would just be the final nail in the coffin for the Indiana farms and preserves.



Only 4 or 5 preserves in the state

Cwd Will Be found sooner or later

Not enough preserves to buy all the shooters

Many farmers will quit

Not enough farmers to support the fight

As of right now IDNR is winning and it dont look good for the future for the farmers. Biggest problem in Indiana is the association is way to passive. You have to get people on the board that are hungry and that are not willing to back down from a fight and that has been lost. This should be changing in the very near future maybe.  Indiana deer population sucks period, we were down an average of 8% overall and some counties over 20% on 2013 harvest, and over 6000 less bucks harvested since 2010. Bottom line is money, thats why they did away with lifetime licenses and raised the prices on tags. 


I talked to a wildlife officer in Ohio last Fri that use to be with IDNR in posey county, and he transfered a couple years ago.  And he told me that he seen the writing on the wall for Indiana wildlife. His exact words were there is not a deer population problem, there his a people problem with our state.


And as for closing the borders it has been talked about, and might happen who knows.  But why in the hell when the state vet is asking for opinions about closing the borders there are 3 IDEFA board members trying to convince him to let us bring deer from CWD states.  REALLY!!!  After we get those animals here then close the borders!!!  Sound like another state uh Florida.  Only problem with Indiana is there are no hunting ranches and there will probably never will, so the few that are here will be the ones smiling.    


Bottom line for Indiana is.....Until IDEFA is for all farmers instead of there little click, then IDEFA will just be another get together and talk about pedigrees once a month club.....
People dont realize Indiana is already over, just a few formalities left. We could have salvaged a very sustainable industry this year with plenty of new preserves but again some very poor judgment derailed everything.  Another $150,000 on the inside of some pockets for a couple weeks worth of failed efforts.  Simply amazes me.  Would have gotten further if not one dime of that was spent.  
everybody can think what they want but

in my opinion the indy star article is all propaganda and calculated because of the program standards and rodneys lawsiut against the state

why else would have been time like it was? and about a reporter that is trying to further his career and win an award.


I specifically asked Shelley one day what if we got cwd in Indiana? I said we may as well get it over with. She said that won't change anything, we still won't be able to bring anything in from a cwd state. It would have to get changed in the legislature and that likely won't happen.

We need people in Indiana that will fight!

How much longer does the state have on their appeal?

People dont realize Indiana is already over, just a few formalities left. We could have salvaged a very sustainable industry this year with plenty of new preserves but again some very poor judgment derailed everything.  Another $150,000 on the inside of some pockets for a couple weeks worth of failed efforts.  Simply amazes me.  Would have gotten further if not one dime of that was spent.  

what is this 150K you speak of? I am not from IN and do not know the issues...
"If" we finish out the appeal it will most likely resolve around September.  Right when everything is purchased and booked and scheduled.  We have had to operate like this for years and years never being able to operate knowing what the next season would bring. I think every state better prepare to be self sufficient, borders are not going to be open much longer.  (Josh, lobbyist)
Closing borders is so ridiculous, like wild deer know where there is a border! It is highly likely that CWD is everywhere in the wild population, maybe at higher rates some places than others. Wildlife people cannot do anything about it. It is impossible to manage a disease in the wild, only we can do it on farmed animals. If they haven't found it in a particular state they haven't looked real hard. Remember too, they just starting looking for it about 12 years ago, so if you look you will find it.

Can never understand why people oppose hunting preserves. It is private land, privately owned animals, and it has zero affect on the public hunt. If you don't like it don't do it! What a person does on their property with their animals, as long as it is humane, should be perfectly fine. They can set acreage sizes if they want to eliminate the "pen" aspect. In the end the deer is dead, the same as if it was shot in the wild or on a fenced preserve. I don't think the deer knows the difference!

"If" we finish out the appeal it will most likely resolve around September.  Right when everything is purchased and booked and scheduled.  We have had to operate like this for years and years never being able to operate knowing what the next season would bring. I think every state better prepare to be self sufficient, borders are not going to be open much longer.  (Josh, lobbyist)

What  is your agenda with "if".  I have never seen such a screwed up mess as with this state.  We are SUPPOSED to be one and there were 2 different bills from different guys introduced this year that support only preserves operating now. 

The little that I have heard was....The governor was ready to sign the dotted line without legislature...Then all of a sudden there is another bill that the public got a hold of and all hell broke loose.  I have a VERY hard time with all the lying and backstabbing that goes on in this state.  There is only a few people in this state that would benefit with closed borders and I believe its the ones that introduced those STUPID bills this year.

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