Raising a two week old fawn

Deer Farmer Forum

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Jun 27, 2020
We have a fawn saved from a dog, never could find his mother and couldn't put him back due to the dogs. We've had him almost 2 weeks now and figure he was 1 or 2 days old when he was rescued. He's been eating good, won't take the bottle until I force it into his mouth but once it's in he goes to town on the milk replacer I'm feeding him.

My question is when should he start wanting things like apples and grass and when can I stop stimulating him to poop? When I take him outside to romp and play he will stop and pee for about 5 minutes! But I have never seen him poop on his own.

He's in our house right now but we just finished building a pen for him and plan on releasing him when he outgrows the pen. I just want him to be healthy and am hoping he will be able to join with other deer in the area sometime in Oct. or Nov.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
i would take him to a HIGH FENCE DEER RANCH. he will not survive in the wild because he will not be scared of humans most likely. or make a pen in the back yard and give him or her a happy life.

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